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And what is a soulmate? 

If one even believes in such a thing, one might say that a soulmate is your other half. That they are tied to you by a red string of fate, the force, or perhaps even another deity that you believe in.  A soulmate is someone to spend your moons with. 

Perhaps you believe that this is predestined. Two halves of a whole, two that are one, a light, a dark, a balanced equation, a balanced force. 

(The force is not yours or mine to have, it is us. The way we act, the way we live, the way we love. That creates the force.) 

A friend, a lover, or simply that person who for a short time feels like coming home. 

Do we choose our soulmates? Or are they drawn to us by some tug at their lungs, a knowledge that there is someone out there to call them sweetheart and pull them to their chest until it doesn't hurt as much? 

To say that soulmates are perfect would be as incorrect as saying that Ewoks are a helpless creature. 

For what if your soulmate is your deepest and most mortal enemy, for reasons you can't quite explain except that the sight of them standing even a ships length away makes your blood boil.  They could still be your soulmate then. By pure choice alone (not bloodlines, manipulation or even forged connections) you choose to save them and have them save you. 

We do choose our soulmates, and they choose us in return, and we love and we love and we love them until we die and then we keep on loving just a little more. 

Have you ever heard the tale of the scavenger girl and the wayward prince? 


Well my dear, you need only look up into the stars to know them. For there is where they spent most of their time. Searching for one another. 

Were they soulmates? 

Yes, dear. They were soulmates. And something a little bit more... raw. 

What more? 

Well child I'll have to tell you their story then. Sit down. Stay for a while. For it's a long story and we must start from the beginning. 

Light. Dark. 


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