Thank you.

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Hello friends. 


Where did the plotline go? You ask, peering at your screen somewhere around chapter 10 and trying to figure it out. Who knows! I certainly don't. 

I started this fic in December of 2019 with the intent to fix the error that shall not be named. *cough* Rise of Skywalker *cough* bc wtf JJ. 

I was going strong! Encouraged by sheer force of will, my utter belief in Reylo, my love of star wars, my love of writing, and the validation that came from people reading this work. Actually reading it! Can you believe it? 

I still can't. 

Well it's February of 2021 now and lemme tell ya. It's been a TIME. Other than the obvious corona virus. (stay safe luvs!) 

I'm a Junior in high school and a gal has to get into college somehow so. studying. 

Also I wrote a novel! (the first draft of it. Don't ask me when i'll edit it idk either) 

I focused on living my life, than being in quarantine, then running, getting my license, got a journalism internship, writing my freakin heckin novel, blah blah, all my life issues. (And I became a kpop stan so we ALL know that takes up at least 25% of my brain at all times. Subtle self promo, go read my BTS AU it's so much more planned out than this i swear.) 

My writing has improved greatly (I think) but I never planned thisout well and idk what I was doing or how to finish it. 

So like a classic teenage girl I just. Ignored it! 

But I felt bad because I would get notifications of people still reading it and loving it and as a reader of fanfic myself it's so FRUSTRATING when fics are unfinished. SO I told myself I was gonna cough up an ending for this if it was the last thing I do!

So today. (February 2, 2021) I cried, worked out, chugged some water, ate a bannana, and just started typing away until I have something that could be considered an ending. 

So yeah. 

The end. 

I cannot thank you all enough for reading this. You have no idea how much 34.7K (and counting!) reads means to me. A girl who just wants to be a writer, and who really loves star wars. 

That is all I have to say because I have to do my physics homework. 

The grind never stops! 

Thank you for everything. 

May the force be with you! 



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