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A/N It's been a while. Sorry. So I was taking a break because school was kicking my butt, track was starting up and it needs my full attention, and I had a ton of creative writing class projects I'm working on. Mainly my novel, the first half of which is due at the end of the semester and I am dreadfully behind. I really wasn't in the right headspace to write this fic at all, and I apologize for being behind. Buuuuut Corona cancelled everything and now I have a lot of free time. So here I am. Trying to make satisfactory content for you all. 

Some memos:

1. Stay safe and healthy my loves! 

2. Please please please read some of the other stuff I have up, and am going to start putting up. I currently have a short story I wrote for creative writing class published and it's quite a fun time, and I'm going to make a collection of the things I've written so far in the class, including a sneak peek into my novel. I require validation and I need you to give it to me so please check out Bleeding Gold, and my narrative, and later my little compilation, when I get around to making it.


xoxo Abigail 


"Trouble in paradise?" Hux croons as Finn and Poe enter the sitting area looking very disgruntled. Finn keeps turning towards Poe and opening his mouth as if he's going to say something, and then closing it again and shaking his head.

Poe looks like he either wants to cry, or shove someone off of a cliff.

I elbow Hux in the gut.

"I told you it's complicated."
"They're having sad sad denial sex."

"I'm working on it! And Rey's helping."

"I adore Rey, but she married Ben who's the biggest twat I've ever met so forgive me if I'm skeptical of her relationship advice."

"Oh whatever. Just be nice to them." I stare down the redhead at my side. He sighs and nods in agreement.

"That little routine maintenance check took you a long time huh?" Hux grins. I put my head in my hands.

"Uh well there was a fuse. That um. Blew. Rosie where's Rey?" Poe is already heading back for the door.

"I think she's at the training center with Ben." Poe hightails it out of the room, and Hux trembles in laughter next to me.

Finn stares forlornly at the now empty doorway.

"He was looking at Poes' ass." Hux whispers in my ear. I smack him with my holo screen.

"Hi Rose. Hux." Finn slumps down in one of the plush chairs.

"Hey Finn. What's wrong?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. Just tired. How's it going back here? With the wedding planning and all?"

"Armie won't let me have a red dress because he thinks it will clash with his hair." I simper, earning a small smile from Finn. Hux gasps, betrayed.

"Darling, you look lovely in white. Maybe white with red accents? The aesthetic is very important you know."

"It's her wedding." Finn sighs, picking at the thread on his jacket. (Poe is still angrily withholding his own jacket.)

"Finn, really. What's wrong." Finn looks warily at Hux then back to his boots.

"Oh please. As if the whole city doesn't already know about you and Poe and your ignorance. Plus you kissed my fiance once and I don't appreciate that, so just tell Rose what's got you in a Kylo Ren-y mood." Hux protects his face with his hands as I launch a pillow at him.

"He said he loves me. And also you were literally evil when I kissed her so calm down ginger." I twine my fingers with Hux's to stop him from attacking Finn.

"Finn, honey. Why are you so sad about this. You've been practically dating for a year now, and to be honest I would almost even say 5, but you weren't kissing before that so..." I pat the empty space on the couch next to me but Finn stays where he is. Suddenly he starts to cry.

I get up to hug him.

"Maybe the sex is bad." Hux remarks from behind me. I let go of Finn to find another pillow to throw at my snarky fiance but he catches me in his arms and kisses me smugly. When he lets me go Finn has left the room.

I smack Hux again.


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