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A/N Hey darlings sorry it's another wacko hour and that it's been like 3 days I went on a road trip without my laptop and then I had a horrible dance comp so I was feeling down but look I'm back and maybe there will be a double update... maybe.... but as an extra treat look! poe! baby! (also i know this isn't exactly how the movie goes from here but ben isn't dead in this so it's my storyline now) 


"How exactly do you know all this?" I demand, pacing back and forth in front of Finn, who's sitting in the common area of the Millenium Falcon.

"I can feel it." Finn repeats again. (I've asked him four times already)

"Okay sure. You can feel it. Through the force. Or some freaky friendship bond you have with Rey. I don't know. And she's alive? Or she's dead? You're not giving me a straight answer here buddy." Finn sighs.

"I felt her die. She was dead. And then I felt her presence in the force again- and it is the force dimwit- like she'd been resurrected. Moments later it changed, the feeling wasn't quite her. I mean it's her but... plus something else."

"So... she was fine, then she was dead, then she's not dead, and now she's freaky hybrid Rey?"

"Basically." I roll my eyes. All this force business starts to get quite confusing, but as long as Rey is alive I suppose it doesn't matter.

"We-I- shouldn't have let her go off by herself. What if she had died, permanently I mean?" Finn is biting his lip anxiously. I move next to him on the small couch and throw and arm around his shoulders.

"Finn-buddy- we won. We won. And Rey didn't die. I'm still here, and Lando, and Chewie, and BB-8, and Threepio. And we won. There is goodness in the galaxy, and it's finally come through." Finn nods, but his eyes are still worried. Whatever bond he has with Rey, it's important. I love the girl, but if we're keeping records, It was actually me who met Finn first. Not that it's a competition.

"Hey kids, might wanna come in here, we're getting a signal from Luke's X-wing again." Lando calls from the cockpit of the Falcon. I pat Finn reassuringly on the back, and move to stand up.

"There she is now. Let's go get our girl." The two of us move to the cockpit, and Lando patches us through to the ancient X-wing. I'd kill to fly in the thing, it's as much a hero of war as old Skywalker himself.

"Rey?" Finn's voice is laced with concern.

"Finn! You're alright!" Finn visibly relaxes, and I almost feel a hint of jealousy. Almost.

"We're all alright Rey. We won. Help came. And we won. The sith fleet is destroyed." I cut in.

"Fly boy!" I smile.

"Ah the scavenger is happy I'm alive after all. Not too impossible for you?" Rey laughs. She sounds legitimately happy, teasing aside.

"Not too much. Could you fly the falcon down to the planet? Lukes X-Wing won't fit both of us."

"Both of us?" I ask confused as Finn echoes,


"Hi." A second voice patches through the connection, low and a bit sheepish. And also painfully familiar.

"Ren." Finn seethes. I am less calm.

"What the fu-"

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