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You guys are never gonna believe this. The next chapter is here and it is not 1 AM!! Anyways, happy New Years Eve, hopefully we can ring in 2020 with more denial about our baby boy Ben Solo who as far as I am concerned is not dead. Also okay its been kinda fluffy but i swear its gonna heat up a lil bit soon ;) (also pls say u like it please) 


When we arrive at the resistance base the fear from my arrival is soon replaced with joy and celebration. Everyone is hugging and cheering for the First Order has been destroyed and the lost Solo boy has returned. We don't stay long, however, just long enough to prepare for our next journey.

I have no belongings, only the things my mother left. I tuck it all neatly in a little satchel, leaving only her ring, which I think was my grandmothers, and slide it onto my pinky finger. The rebels gave me a clean set of clothes, so I wash my hair quickly and slide on the soft black tunic over my other pants and boots. There is a jacket in the Millenium Falcon that I know belonged to my father, but I can't bring myself to wear it. The way I betrayed him is not so easily forgiven.

Rey enters the small corner that was Leia's quarters, and sits next to me on the cot. Her skin is rubbed pink from the shower, her hair once again tied up into three buns on the back of her head, swathed in drapes of white, wrists wrapped with fresh bandages. She is lovely, the way she looks at me adoringly even lovelier.

Rey folds my hands in her tiny ones, and leans her head on my shoulder.

"I've never been to Naboo. Your grandmother was the queen wasn't she?"

"Yes. Padme was queen, and then senator. We visited often, when I was younger. My mother felt close to Padme there."

"You're true royalty then huh?"

"I have many powerful names in my lineage. I would not equate myself to a prince ever."

"I would." I turn to her in surprise.

"You would?" I don't need to ask really, I can already sense the answer in her throat before she replies.

"Yes." She presses a soft fleeting kiss to my lips and though it has not been that long since we were tangled on the floor of the throne room the electric shock of pleasure brings a smile to my face.

Rey and I take the Millenium Falcon to Naboo, (I win this argument, because technically the ship now belongs to me) and Poe and Finn took a smaller transport ship to search for force sensitive children in the galaxy and later meet us on Coruscant. C-3PO insisted we would need a droid on board and Poe said there was "no way in hell BB-8 was coming with us, and besides Threepio was probably the best sex deterrant ever." I choked on my own cough, and Rey smacked him. I can tell Finn still doesn't trust me, but Poe accepting me, and Chewie forgiving me gives me hope for this new future, this new life.

When we land on Naboo, and Rey spots the rushing waterfalls pounding down from the ancient castle she rushes into my arms and kisses my face all over.

"I love it. I love it. I love you." She gasps, crying and smiling and sniffling.

I hold her in my arms, and she is just so alive, and she loves things green, and waterfalls make her cry, and if anyone here is royalty, it is her.

I take Rey to a field of flowers, Threepio told me when I was a child it was where Padme and Anakin spent most of their time and I just lay there and gaze at my princess who braids flowers in her hair, let's me wrap my hands around the white silks she wears just so I can feel closer to her, having her here in my childhood, and kisses me with honeyed lips.


"Yes?" She curls up in my lap, peace and quiet at last, after all the fighting, all the war.

"Marry me?" We're already one, already connected, keeping each other alive, but I want to take the scavenger, the girl from nowhere who's only family name filled her with pain and dread, and give her the only thing I have left to give that's not already hers. The Solo name.

Rey just nods, and caresses my face, and she's so alive, and I asked her to marry me, and she says-


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