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A/N What do you think of the new cover???? I made it for a wallpaper but then I figured it might be a nice cover. As of right now I'm gonna keep writing Poe Finn and Rose's little side story but if you aren't liking it let me know and it can be toned down, I just like writing Poe bc he's a sarcastic lil buddy and I love him. Also I want him to be friends with Ben.  Anyways heres a new chapter, I hope you enjoy. Also! pictured above is kind of my idea of Rey and Ben's outfits moving on kay. Love you guys. 


Xoxo, Abigail 


"Good morning Rose." I announce cheerfully as I enter some kind of dining hall. Rose waves a fork eagerly in response.

"Poe. You have got to try the food. Rey came by earlier and said the cream filled pastries were the best, but Temiri and I actually think these strawberry ones were sent from the heavens." Temiri waves from the cluster of the stable children we rescued from Canto-Byte, his mouth is surrounded by crumbs. I sit down next to Rose.

"Hand me one of those." I pop the pastry in my mouth, and I have to agree- it's maybe the best thing I've ever tasted.

"Where is the happy couple anyways?" I question with my mouth full.

"They went out for a run. They'll be back in a bit and then they're heading off to Coruscant with the children."

"Think they made any of their own children last night?" I wink. Rose rolls her eyes.

"Shut up. Can you go find Finn and wake him up? I need to get back to the resistance, and you two need a swashbuckling adventure across the galaxy."

"Yeah sure. Where's his room?"

"Down the hall, third room on the right. Be careful, when I dropped him off last night he was a bit tipsy." I snag a couple more pastries on my way out, walking jauntily down the hallway. The newlywed giddiness must be contagious, I'm in a wonderful mood.

I knock on the door once then bang it open without waiting for a response.

"Up and attem buddy! There are children to rescue, force skills you should practice, planets to explore... oh." Finn sits up hastily, pulling up the bedsheet to cover his bare chest. And the bare chest of the woman next to him.

"I'll just um. Yup. Leaving now." I back out of the room and shut the door, then slide down against it resting my head in my hands.


Dammit dammit dammit dammit.

How could I be such a fool. Of course I thought with the war over, and Rey marrying Ben, and this adventure across the galaxy to find force wielders would somehow be a wake up call for Finn, and he'd suddenly realize that all along he's been in love with me and we'd be hot space boyfriends leading the resistance, and we'd all be one big happy family.

Hope is a burning flame all right, and it burns you away from the inside with it's foolish notions of sunsets and weddings and-

"Poe?" My spiralling is interrupted by the very tall legs of Ben Solo.


"Are you... um... crying?"

"No. There's ah-dust. In my eye. Eyes." I wipe at my face aggressively. Because I'm not crying over that wampa in the room behind me. No way. I'm a sexy resistance general. And pilot. I have great hair. Ladies love me. Guys wanna be me. Guys wanna be in me-

"Do you want to... talk about it?" I look up shocked. Dark tall and handsome may be married to Rey, who's practically my sister, but I didn't think that meant we were going to... talk. Like ever. Like real, deep conversation or whatever. The guys been in my brain it's not like he doesn't know- Oh. He knows. About the whole being a raging bisexual thing. Although not the in love with Finn thing which is a considerable relief, because then Rey would know, and even though with her crazy force powers she probably knows anyways, that's kind of something I had wanted to bring up with her myself, you know, because I love her and all that.

"Poe?" Oh yeah. He's still here.

"That's Finn's room." I flop my hand behind me.

"Are you barricading him in for a reason?"

"Oh no, he can come out if he wants to-hah. That's funny." Ben nods a little bit, then sits down next to me, folding his legs criss cross rather awkwardly, considering he's absurdly tall.

"You are in love with him." He says it as a statement, not really a question. (Okay, I guess he does know about the in love with Finn thing) I consider bluffing, I'm not besties with the guy. But he is Leia's son, and when he's not all Kylo Ren-y he's got a very calming voice. And the hair. It rivals my own. He's very calm, a total 180, and I wouldn't mind having a guy friend I'm not hopelessly in love with, or is a droid or wookie.


"He's in that room."

"He is in that room."

"Not alone."

"Not alone." I laugh sourly.

"I do not think I have very good advice. For that I would ask Rey. But I will say this. You two have a very close bond, I can feel it. Besides, you're off to a better start then I was with Rey. You haven't tried to kill him multiple times."

"Oh my god you make jokes."

"I made a joke."

"You make jokes." Honestly, If he wasn't all connected to Rey through life and love and all that, I might find myself into dark and brooding. Just then Rey walks by, a pastry in each hand.

"Rey. Your husband. Makes. Jokes."

"It is shocking isn't it. Why are we sitting on the floor?" She joins my pity party on the ground, except not really the ground, she goes right for Ben's lap. He buries his nose in her hair contentedly. I lean my head back against the wall.

"Finn's in that room." I sigh.

"Are you trying not to wake him up or-"

"He's awake. He's definitely awake."

"He's also with a woman." Ben supplies helpfully. Rey's mouth falls open and some crumbs fall out. Ben chuckles lightly. My heart hurts.

"I'm sorry Poe." She reaches out to hold my hand.

"You knew?"

"The way you look at him..." I turn away so they won't see me cry.

"He will come around. The relationship you share... if he truly values it he'll come around. And if he doesn't, he isn't worth the best damn pilot in the resistance." Ben says in that low voice of his. I'm speechless for a moment.

"I thought you said you didn't have any advice."

"Oh I wouldn't say it's advice. Just making sure you know your worth."

"Rey. I love this guy. I love em."

"Yeah me too. Come on. Get up. The Poe Dameron I know does not need to mope. He is going to go back to breakfast with us, and when Finn walks in you are going to smile and wink, and not ever let him see that he's hurt you. Okay?"

"Rey can't say it because she's Finn's friend, but I don't know the guy that well, and I do have not one but two lightsabers in my posession. Just in case." Ben smirks. I laugh.

I heave myself off the floor and straighten my jacket. And when Finn enters the dining hall sheepish and embarrassed, I smile, and wink, and never let him know that he's hurt me.

Finn's gonna have to work for this pilot.

Poe Dameron is playing hard to get. 

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