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A/N little bonus extra baby (figuratively and literally) chapter because I need baby name ideas so ur getting a fun little chapter until I return to the finnpoe angst because... well you know me gotta have that angst. Also I'm actively procrastinating chemistry homework so I whipped this out. I didn't run it by my beta bc its just random fluff so if there are mistakes... oops. Hope you enjoy, thank you for everything as always. Vote comment and share because I crave validation. See ya later sk8ters. 

xoxo, Abigail 

P.S. Caroline my home skillet biscuit (you know who you are) don't read this chapter please and thank you I want to be able to go to school without your judgement. 

-----Time skip of amount of time. Whatever floats your boat-----


"Ben!" Rey practically flys into my arms when she sees me.

She looks positively ethereal, chestnut hair fluttering wildly as she runs across the field, a vision in loose white silks. When she's closer to me I can see the gentle curve of her stomach, silhouetted behind her gown.

The first time she got pregnant, Rey was huge, surprisingly so for being such a tiny creature herself. Almost instantly her stomach swelled into a perfect round. She looked heavily pregnant when she was only 5 months in, and continued to grow, much to her chagrin. Somehow she got ten times more beautiful.

Rey didn't agree. One night, towards the end, she heaved herself up onto my lap. Cradling a belly protruding enormously over her hips she ran her lips close to my ear.

"If you get me pregnant again Ben Solo I will run you through with my saber. I'm stretched and swollen, all so I can bear not one, oh no not just one, but two of your kriffing children. Keep it in your pants or I swear..." She continued with the threats until our sons were born. She loved them so much as soon as she decided they were old enough, she let me take her apart with my teeth.

She curls herself into my arms with ease, nestling into the space between my ribs just as she has done so many times before.

"Hello sweetheart." I murmur, already slanting my mouth over hers in a kiss.


I sink onto my knees so I can press kisses onto her bump.

This second pregnancy has been much smaller. She's nearly full term, and perfectly round, but much more proportionally. Everything curves in just the right places, as opposed to what Rey described as ballooning.

"Shes so much gentler than the twins." Rey remarks, settling one hand under her breasts on top of her stomach, and using the other to support the bottom of her swollen abdomen.

"You are so beautiful." I gather her in my embrace. I never tire of holding my wife and unborn child.

"Shut up." Rey blushes.

"I'm serious. I'm half a mind to start on baby number four right now."

"No no my love, three is plenty."

Three children are a gift. For a while we weren't sure we could have any. We tried for so long, Rey began to look resentfully at the children we were training. Even the older ones, nearing adulthood would make her scowl.

When she was finally "knocked up" as Poe gleefully crowed, I finally understood when people said pregnant women glowed.

The twins scared me. Not because I didn't want them, not because I thought I would be a bad father, but because when I fell in love with Rey I thought it wasn't possible to have any more love. This was it. My heart had filled to capacity. And then I felt two tiny force signatures and I wept because it hurt loving them all so much.

"Is Numa okay with the training?" Rey peppers my jaw with kisses.

"She is a wonderful teacher as you know. I hope the boys won't give her too much trouble though." I laugh as I think of the Twi'lek woman, who was one of our first trainees. And who now has been charged with watching our sons while Rey and I stay on Naboo for a while.

She wanted our daughter to be born by the water.

"So she will be a good swimmer." Rey insisted on multiple occasions.

"Poor Numa." Rey muses.

"Our boys really are a handful aren't they. Wonder who they learned that from."

"Couldn't have been me." Rey smiles innocently, and I hold her just a little tighter. 

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