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A/N I figured I would let you have this a little bit early, because I'll probably forget to update tomorrow which is technically five days between. (Although it is 11 PM so...) Also if anyone is willing to beta for me please leave a comment!! Anyways lil bit of angst lil bit of fluff it's goin guys. Love you

xoxo Abigail


"Do they really need to make out like every two minutes?" Finn whispers. Loudly. Unfortunately he and the rest of Rey's rebel friends- my friends now too, I suppose- have entered the cockpit of the Falcon at a rather inopportune time.

And by inopportune, I mean really the worst. Rey and I are sitting in the pilot seat. Or rather, I'm sitting in the pilot seat, and Rey's straddling my waist.

Also, she's cupping my face in her hands and kissing me very deeply. With tongue.

And my hands are up her shirt, palming her back.

Which was great, until there was an audience.

"They just got married. And they've been battling all that sexual tension for years with Ben following her like a heartsick puppy as they kept trying to stab each other to death. I'm sure they'll go back to arguing soon. Except now they can kiss and make up. So in short they do need to make out a lot, in order to get over every lovers quarrel. Dangerous lovers quarrels! With glow sticks! And then sex!" I crane my neck to see Poe leaning in the doorway, examining his cuticles very closely. When he catches my gaze he gives me a big thumbs up, and the corners of his mouth quirk. "Way to get some buddy." Rey stops kissing me to flip him off.

"You really are impossible Dameron."

"I think it's cute." Rose is blushing wildly. "I wish someone couldn't live without me. Or kissing me." Her gaze bores into Finn.

Finn looks away, properly embarrassed. Rey climbs off my lap and runs a couple fingers through her hair. Which is once again down, devoid of the three buns that had been her favorite, it rests lightly on her shoulders. I simply adore the way she tucks it behind her ears. The way it swishes softly when she walks drives me mad. Finn clears his throat, and I realize I've been staring doe eyed at Rey and her hair for longer than I thought.

"Well. We're off then." Finn attempts a smile.

"Rey! Do you and Ben mind taking Temiri with you to Coruscant ahead of time? Your first student!" Rose's tongue pokes through her teeth when she smiles.

Rey glances over at me, dropping her eyelashes once in search of confirmation, I nod gently. I already love the bold little boy. He will find greatness through the force.

"We don't mind at all. That was our goal after all. Rebuilding the galaxy little by little. The children of the force hold the most hope."

"If you and Ben had babies would they be super force children? With the dyad and all that. Can you have kids? Since your life force is one or whatever, can you even create new life?" Finn interrupts. (Rather rudely I would say.) However, his question does put a molten drop of fear in my heart, one that grows ten fold as Rey evaluates the question. She subconsciously raises a hand to her stomach. My heart races, as her breathing quickens and I feel her panic, it echoes my own. I reach for her hand just as Rose smacks Finn's hand. He yelps indignantly. I think of the run Rey and I went on this morning.

I awaken before her, and marvel in holding her lithe figure in my arms, how peaceful she is in sleep, free from the nightmares that wracked her body frequently in months past. The nightmares I wasn't supposed to know about, but even before we were tied together as one, when we were separate, I would jolt upright in a cold sweat listening to the screams of her parents, of my father, of Rey, and of me, as one of us drives a lightsaber into the chest of the other, over and over again. My thoughts stir Rey awake, she feels them. She feathers a kiss on my lips, then tells me we're going for a run. We run perfectly matched, although I am over a foot taller than her, until she halts to a stop by the lake again.

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