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A/N Hi babies. Unfortunately, I am back in school, and in order to retain a small amount of sleep schedule, sanity, and quality in this fic, updates might become weekly. I apologize deeply but I don't want to just throw something out there that's weakly written just to write it. As always I thank you for the love and support. (also okay overwhelming votes for reylo babies so those might appear in a while...) There's a lot of dialouge in this and Rose!! Stormpilot angst! (cuz as much as possible i don't wanna hurt my Rey and Ben)

xoxo, Abigail


"I'm coming with you." Rose stalks into the Falcon, plopping a packed bag on the floor.

"Who the hell is going to lead the resistance then?" I retort, exasperated.


"Is traveling with Jannah to find her family I thought." Finn cuts in.

"-Has agreed to stay until I get back. I won't be with you for very long I promise. I want you to go back to Canto Byte. And I want to see Rey. See if she thinks the resistance base can be moved to wherever she's going to start training the new force users." Her gaze lands briefly on Finn, then flickers away, staring pointedly at me. It's very intimidating.

"I guess I made a good choice in acting general. You can come." I relent. Finn splutters in protest, and Rose squeals, instantly dropping the death glare and throwing herself at me for a hug. I smile at the tiny girl, and wink at Finn, still unable to spit out whatever's bothering him.

"Right, well, let's head for Canto Byte. Chewie?" I call out as I make my way over to the cockpit. The Wookie roars in affirmation. Before I duck into the pilots seat I yell over my shoulder. "No lovers quarrels, and someone make sure my droid is secure!" BB-8 beeps affirmatively as we take off, and I punch the hyperdrive.

When we're safely en route to Canto Byte, I leave Chewie in charge and drift over to the common area. Finn and Rose are talking in hushed tones, and despite myself I hang back around the corner to listen.

"You need to get over yourself Finn. You promised Rey your help in rebuilding a new generation of force users, and you promised Poe you would travel the galaxy with him to do it. Who cares if shes getting married to Ben. It's Ben. The son of Han and Leia remember. You need to trust Rey that she knows that he's no longer so hurt, that he's her force dyad or whatever! Stop making yourself miserable by trying to stay hung up on her. You aren't really."


"No buts. And this isn't about you getting with me either. It's about being your own person. You're so stuck in your own ways, in this relationship you have with Rey, and she's your best friend sure, but this fight has always been about her and Ben. We all knew that. You won't lose her. But you will lose the friends you've got left." Finn bows his head, and I can't help but feel the jealousy increase tenfold. When we found Rey holding Ben's hand so tightly, like she had finally found the final piece to her family, to her story, like she couldn't ever let him go, he belonged to her, he was part of her, I was thrilled. Though I met Finn first, I named him, I rescued him, (Or he rescued me but I did the flying so...) he always chooses Rey. I love the girl, but-

BB-8 rolls over and beeps, and Finn and Rose look up hurriedly. I swagger in casually like I haven't been eavesdropping.

"Lady and gentleman of the Resistance, we are well on course to Canto Byte." I mock bow.

"Rey and Ky-Ben are getting married." Finn huffs, stands up, and moves to a different part of the ship. Rose throws her hands up exasperated.

"You heard all of that?"

"You're a good wing-woman Rose." I sit down next to her and lean my head on her shoulder.

"He's going to be a real nerf-herder about this but I'm sure he'll come around after the wedding. Which we will be attending as soon as we're done on Canto Byte."

"What are you looking for in that trash heap anyways?"

"Not what. Who. There are children there. The resistance-I- promised to be back for them."

"Can we leave Finn on the ship. He's killing my vibe." I whine. Rose giggles.

"Have hope in him yet Poe. Those we love the most require the most effort" I tug on her pigtails.

"When did you get so wise Tico?"

"I've always been this wise Dameron. You just weren't looking behind pipes often enough."

"You know- I am into guys and gals, and you're much nicer than pouty over there..." Rose shoves me playfully.

"You're such a tease flyboy."

"You love me."


I head back to the cockpit, and with the familiarity of the thrill of maneuvering the old ship to the ground, I can ignore the bitter taste of always being second best. 

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