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A/N I'm late again I'm so sorry. School is absolutely killing me and also I had to figure out where I wanted to take the story. But I figured it out. And we have... Rose! Yayyyyyyyy!!!! I saw a comic on twitter I can't remember from who that I really liked, so I got some of this idea from that. Huge shoutout to my new beta Lyra who is an absolute lifesaver who I adore.  Fun fact this fic has passed 15,000 words. Ahh! 

Also... happy valentines day!!! 

Self promo time 

Read my short story "Bleeding Gold" it's gay and fun and if you like reylo and SW I feel like you will like it.

Read my personal narrative "Ben" it's sad and reflective but a big part of me.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share because I crave attention and validation. 

(This is so random, but quick music rec, listen to this band Bears in Trees I love them) 

xoxo, Abigail 


"General, we're receiving a distress signal."

"From where?" I peer over Lieutenant Connix's shoulder.

"The far side of the planet."

"So close?"

"Want me to send out a search party?"

"No, I'll go. I'm going insane back here. Send another transmission to Poe and Finn though would you? Ask them where they are."

"Of course. Be safe." I nod at the blonde woman then race toward a speeder.

It's nothing like riding, but the exhilaration of moving at high speeds is the same. I was never fond of flying, preferring to stay close to the ground, to the trees and smells of earth.

I track the distress signal to the opposite side of Yavin 4, the humidity is stifling.This side of the planet is full of marshes, sticky enough to cause many a problem warranting a distress signal.

I ease the speeder to a stop on the last stretch of solid grass, and head out on foot. The uninhabited jungle is thick with chirps of various winged creatures.

Paige would have loved it here, she loved climbing trees. I think about her being here with me a lot, seeing the end of the war, the cause she fought for so hard. I miss her when I'm alone, looking at trees she would have wanted to climb.

"Help!" A very pissed off sounding voice calls from one of the bogs.

I pick gingerly through the mud in the direction of the voice.

When I see the man it belongs to, I very nearly fall into the goo.

"General Hux!?"

"I'm not the general of anything anymore, am I, considering I was the first order spy, there was a failed assasination attempt and, the first order and the final order are obviously destroyed because you aren't holding a blaster to my head yet."

I stare blankly at the angry red-head.

"Okay then Hux... why are you here?" Hux scoffs again.

"Oh please, just call me Armitage, I'm sure you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other."

"Excuse me?"

"I assume you'll want to take me as a war prisoner? And I can't exactly fight back can I?" He motions to the mud he's sunk waist deep into.

"I guess the resistance will have to decide your fate. For now let's get you out of the swamp." I tie my hair back a little tighter and get to work pulling the former First Order officer out of the mud.

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