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A/N I know I said weekly updates but I'm having a light homework week and I'm in the mood to write, and I can't sleep so here's a little treat for you all. It's short but I hope you enjoy anyways. Please please please tell me what you think, how it's going, what you want to see... I need validation. Love you guys, now, back to our little force duo.

Xoxo, Abigail


I find Rey sitting on the edge of one of Naboo's glittering lakes, swirling her bare feet in the water. Her usual garb of carefully wrapped linens and silks are gone, she's wearing a tan tunic dress tied at the waist with a simple brown cord and white leggings. Her hair is still down, the brown locks tangled around the soft angles of her face. Luke and Leia's lightsabers sit in her lap, she fingers the hilts absentmindedly. I remove my boots and socks, and settle next to her in the lush grass, dipping my toes into the water. It has been a long time since I went swimming in these lakes. Rey's body automatically leans towards mine. I sense her confusion.

"What is troubling you my love?" I interlace our hands, Rey sends ripples through the water with her free hand.

"I do not feel worthy of either of these sabers. They are from an old lineage that goes beyond me. Beyond a descendent of evil." I look at her sharply.

"Rey. You are all that is good. All that lives and grows. Your family. Your past means nothing. You are free to create the life you wish. You are from nowhere. To be 'nobody' and yet possess so much love, so much power. It is a gift that comes only from you. From here." I press a hand over her heart. "If it troubles you so, we will make you a new lightsaber. But you are worthy. And you saved me."

"You saved yourself. You were manipulated to the dark. To the rage. It could have been me. I saw-"

"You saw us together on the throne of evil. I know. I saw it too. But I will tell you this only once more. You. Rey from nowhere, Rey from Jakku, Rey Solo, are exactly who you have created yourself to be. And that is someone who gives me hope." I remove the lightsabers from her lap. "You are in control of who you are. So make a new damn lightsaber. Whatever makes you happy. If you can forgive me, you must forgive yourself. We are one after all." Rey stares silently at our watery reflections for a few moments. I feel the shift in her resolve seconds before I see the shift in her eyes.

"Rey Solo huh?" Rey draws her feet out of the water, using our two twined hands to push me down into the grass. I find myself blushing.

"Well, I guess, you don't have to take that name, I just thought..." She grins wider. "I would like you to take the Solo name." I say firmly.

Rey bends her face so close to mine I could count the freckles dotted like constellations. I make a mental note to kiss every one of them later.

"I think I like it. But we should probably make sure before the wedding hmm? Say it again." She holds herself above me so I have to crane upwards a little to whisper against her neck.

"Rey Solo." I close my mouth over where I whispered the name, we both give a little shiver.

"Again." She tugs me into the water, wrapping her legs around my waist, her thin tunic slicking to her slim figure.

"Rey Solo." I breathe into her scalp, she smells like fresh linens and sun drenched flowers. Her delicate fingers move around my neck, her calves press into my thighs.

"One more time."

My breath is raspy as I connect our lips once again, taking pride in the way they're swollen when we pull apart.

"Rey Solo."

Rey pulls me under the water, folding me in her arms, kissing me again, her tongue begs for entrance, I let her have it, not fighting for dominance, not this time, she could take whatever she wanted, I've already given everything, there's no dominance needed, just balance.

We come up for air, her soaking wet body curved into mine.

"Rey Solo sounds pretty good to me, what do you think Ben Solo?"

"S-alright." I mumble, already leaning in for another kiss. 

A/N i think they have a thing for kissing while saying eachothers names huh? 

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