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A/N Guess who's backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I'm so sorry to flake out on you guys but I really was not feelin it. All kinds of stuff went down. I'm trying to live my life as much as possible but like lmao global pandemic. Anyways. I think I'm back now and I'm gonna be wrapping up the story now. I know. I'm sorry but I don't wanna leave you hanging without an ending. Thank you for 30K reads by the way that's insane! Keep sharing if you wanna and check out the other stuff I have written you might like it? Anyways this is probably really bad but I just started writing and ran with it and I hope its a little good. It's got some reylo goodness AND stormpilot goodness. I think. LMK. And now without further ado. The next chapter. 

xoxo, Abigail 


Han is hurtling at Harper at full speed, brandishing a stick when Temiri pulls him back with the force. Temiri was talented with the force untrained, and now with a few years with Ben under his belt he's fantastic. It comes in handy when he needs to protect his best friend Harper. 

The twins are both highly gifted, but Harper much prefers sitting in his room drawing to practicing saber skills. Han and even little Nova are quite the opposite, often the culprits of a force food fight. 

"Han, please rejoin the class." Ben sighs. His hair is mussed after spending half and hour with our son and his peers. He looks at me with eyes pleading and I just grin, looking pointedly at Nova who's asleep in my arms. 

"Rey I need your help it's an emergency." Poe bursts into the training room, waking up Nova. I glare. 

Numa's been working with another older group of students on meditation, but when she spots Poe she silently moves to take Nova from me. 

"Thank you Numa. You're a good friend. Unlike SOME people." I kiss Ben on the cheek and then usher Poe out of the room. 

"Rey I'm so sorry. So good to see you by the way. Sorry. How are the kids? Anyways I sort of slipped up and told Finn I loved him and I don't think it went well."

I stop myself from cheering. I was hoping Poe would finally get around to spilling his feelings, and I'm positive he's exaggerating about how it went. 

"Poe. Please stop freaking out. I don't think you understand how much Finn loves you. I can quite literally sense it." 

Poe stops hyperventilating to look at me. 


"Yes really. Ben and I were just talking about it the other day. It's like this intense fear all the time when he's around you, and I really didn't understand it until Ben explained it's how he felt all the time after he killed Snoke." 

"I'm really not catching your drift." 

"He'd do a better job explaining but I'll dumb it down for you." 


"Finn is terrified of losing you but terrified of being with you because he thinks he's bad for you. Got it?" 

Poe is shell shocked and then something washes over his face. He hugs me. 

"Thank you Rey. You're the best as always. Send the kids my love, I have something I need to do." I shove him down the hallway, hoping he finds Finn quickly. 

When Ben told me about how he was every moment after I left the throne room, leaving him unconscious next to his dead mentor, I buried my face in the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms as far around him as possible. While at the time I had been feeling betrayed and sorrowful, like I had failed, Ben had felt it times 10 but with the full belief that I didn't and would never want him. 

"I only want you. Forever and always." I whispered. 

I hear Ben's voice through the force in my head. 

You better get back in this training room my dear, I can tell what you're thinking about and I want to kiss you. 

I practically run back inside the room. 

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