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I cannot tell how long I lie staring at the sky full of lightning and screams, until it clears, and the cavern is filled with silence. I felt Palpatine's death through the force, and whatever life force he consumed trickled back to me. I listen to the shallow rise and fall of my chest until I feel it.

The force heaves a great sigh as Rey slips away, it mourns the loss of a powerful jedi.

I do not just mourn.

I am in anguish.

I heave myself out of the pit, crawling and stumbling over to Rey's body. My other half lying devoid of the life, of the green that always tumbled out of her in waves. She was so full of life.

Life. Life. I must give her mine. It is all I can do to save the true hero, to try to make things right.

I gather her in my arms gently, she is the most precious thing I have ever held. I take only a moment to cry for in all my life I could vaguely feel her presence through the force. And now I am truly alone.

I would rather die than live a life without Rey. I place my hand on her stomach, close my eyes and breathe. I imagine pushing everything I have into Rey, My life is, and has always been, hers for the taking. The force seeps out of my fingers and I can only hope that what little I have left to give is enough to make up for the years of hurt and pain I have caused.

I can save the hero. I can save Rey's life, as she saved mine.

She is much more deserving of it anyways. 

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