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A/N Hello my lovely little reylos. I am so sorry this chapter was so slow in coming out but I was busy writing a short story character piece for my creative writing class! If you want to read it I've published it on Wattpad! It's called Bleeding Gold. I've been told it reads with the undertones of a fanfic but also has tons of fun stuff and a crazy plot twist so... validate me. Anyways here's the chapter, let me know what you think, what you want to see and don't forget to vote and share! 

xoxo, Abigail 


"Keep it, it looks good on you." The silence that follows Rose, and Chewbaccas return to the resistance base is deafening. I sneak a glance over to my silent companion, who is of course, in my old beat up leather jacket. I consider asking for it back, along with what might be the last shreds of my dignity.

We're on route to Jakku, because of, and I really can't make this up; "A feeling."

"Tell me again why you think there will be force sensitives on Jakku? Isn't Rey kick ass enough for one planet?" I keep my eyes trained on the nav system. BB-8 chirps from his spot by my feet.

"Everything all started on Jakku didn't it? The map to Luke, BB-8 meeting Rey, when I thought you were dead, when I met Rey. The Falcon. It's a brutal planet, some people there must be using the force to survive they just don't know it." Finn picks at a loose thread on his- my- jacket.

"Would you be able to sense them even if they are force sensitive?" Finn looks over, annoyed.

"I don't know. I haven't had any force training. But Rey just has a very strong presence, her and Ren both."


"Right." Uncomfortable silence fills the cockpit. I hate this. The not talking, the divide.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Finn offers, really attacking the loose thread. I'm going to smack his hand.

"Talk about what."

"You know. Naboo. That girl..." BB-8 swivels his head curiously.

"I do not want to talk about it. Especially if you're just going to call her 'that girl'."

"What's that supposed to mean-" Finn's indignant reply is lost in the sound of the alarm system.

"What the hell? TIE fighters? Finn-"

"On it." He races to the gunning position, as the TIE's scream closer. BB-8 beeps out a stream of information.

"I know buddy, I know."

"Flyboy!" Finn shouts.

"I'm on it!" I maneuver the ship easily, giving Finn a clear shot at the two wayward TIE's. He takes aim and fires rapidly, the debris hurtling onto the sand planet below us.

We've arrived at Jakku.

Finn strolls back into the cockpit as if expecting some sort of praise. Well, I won't give him the pleasure.

"This is giving me some real memories, huh?" He teases.

"Let's hope we don't have another crash landing." I reply terseley. Finn has never called me flyboy.

"What's wrong with you? This is supposed to be fun. Exploring the galaxy without being afraid. Haven't you always wanted to see the galaxy?"

"Look, Finn, I haven't known anything but war. And neither have you, so I truly cannot seem to fathom how you're so pleased to be 'exploring the galaxy' when just a couple days ago you were pouting and having hate sex because Rey is finally happy, and in love with someone who isn't you." I bring the ship into descent, clenching the controls very tightly.

"I knew this was about that girl!"

"You're damn right it's about that girl. Do you even know her name?"

"I-" Finn splutters. I settle the ship in the burned over village where I got the map from Lor San Tekka not so long ago, and open the ship doors.

"That's what I thought. For someone who started out without a name of his own, I would think you would be a little more respectful." My heart is pounding the blood to my brain, it hurts to lash out at my best friend this way, but I just can't get over the image of him and that poor girl who he didn't even bother to ask the name of.

"Poe-" I hold up a finger, silencing the younger man.

"It's not any of my business. I know this war has always been about one person to you. But it's worth a little more to me. And I don't just want to be 'flyboy.' That makes me worth as much to you as 'that girl' Okay. Now get your force sensitive ass moving. We have trainees to find." I spit, simultaneously trying to hold back tears.


"And I want my flight jacket back."

When I settle the familiar leather onto my shoulders I can't stop myself from inhaling the cinnamon scent of Finn. I stalk haughtily out of the ship and into the blistering sun, BB-8 rolling behind me. Finn follows shortly after, already wearing a new standard issued jacket.

I try to cry, but the sun scorches all the moisture away. 

A/N I know you hate me for making you wait so long for an angsty chapter but... never fear I have a few tricks up my sleeves. 

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