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A/N I go back to school Monday so I'm tryna give you lovelies as much content as possible before I'm forced to slow it way down so here's a little fluff chapter, idk how good it is it just felt nice to write. Prolly gonna go to Poe/Finn perspective next chapter to see how their adventure is going, then after that it's wedding time!! And that's when Rose is gonna show up. So sadly we're almost done with Naboo but after the wedding, our two lovebirds will begin to rebuild the jedi-not-jedi on Coruscant I think. Sooooo yeah tell me if that sounds good, if it's too much fluff not enough, idkkk I love hearing from you guys.

xoxo Abigail


The current prime minister of Naboo leads me to an enormous closet full of Padme's clothes. Ben lounges amused on the floor as I toss outfit after outfit to the floor.

"No offense to your grandmother or anything but honestly, none of these are practical. A battle dress? A dress? Who gets dressed up to go into battle?"

"I seem to recall you doing your hair to go to battle with me." Ben muses, eyes glittering. I huff and throw a lace veil at him.

"And you have yet to return the favor. Put that on." He obliges and I laugh at the absurdity. I toss him more headdresses and he puts each one on, making faces as they become more and more elaborate.

"What a pretty bride you will be." I tease him.

"The prettiest. You have to try something on please." He begs, and I groan, grabbing a bundle of cream lavender and pink silk off the floor.

"One dress. And only because you're so cute." Ben gives me a toothy grin and I slip into the next room to change. The dress is completely impractical, and fancier than anything I've ever laid eyes on. It is soft though, it would've fetched a pretty penny back on Jakku.

"Can I see yet?" Ben calls, and I stomp back into the closet and give a little twirl.

"Happy now?"

Ben just stares, then steps forward encircling my waist and pulling me close. He kisses me gently and suddenly I feel like it wouldn't be so bad to try on all the poofy dresses, what with the pure longing and joy I can feel pulsing out of him.

"Well now we have to have a fancy wedding, now that I've seen you in a dress, I can never be the same again." I blush furiously.

"Don't push your luck Solo." He smiles again, that smile that covers his whole face and finally reaches his gorgeous eyes, then reaches up for my hair. Tugging the buns out one by one, my hair falls to frame my face.

"You aren't exactly resisting are you?" He drawls, ever so close to me with his lips and his exploring fingers. I lean into his touch.

"If this is going where I think it's going, Padme would be very displeased to have one of her favorite dresses ripped off of young Rey in a rather unfortunate way." A third voice juts in and Ben and I leap apart, I nearly trip over the folds of the dress.

"For once we agree Father, and besides it is not the Jedi way to be so full of... passion."

"Don't start that with him Luke, he will only bring up his argument of compassion, and unconditional love, and blah blah blah."

"All three of you are lucky Padme was not strong enough in the force to summon her own force ghost or you would receive a stern talking to."

The four force spirits continue to bicker for a while until Ben coughs politely.

"Um.. hello?"

"My naughty naughty nephew has seduced the girl with his pretty eyes. What a shame."

"Master Luke!" I exclaim, rather sheepishly at his comment.

"Oh it's just Luke, I was never very good at being a jedi master."

"What are you all doing here... together?" Ben asks, his eyes flitting around, as if waiting for a fifth ghost to appear.

"Well we're always with you, but we heard there was going to be a funeral- good call on no Tatooine, I hate sand- but you haven't really done much on that front, I guess it's a wedding now?" The ghost I assume is Anakin Skywalker has mischief in his eyes.

"You both have some explaining to do. Also don't bury the lightsabers, or hold a funeral, it's annoying. And a waste of good lightsabers." Luke grumbles.

"Don't chide them. Ben. My son. I am so happy for you and young Rey." Ben moves to his mother's ghost as if he forgot he cannot touch her.

"As am I. Finally a new generation of force users can begin. Not quite jedi, not quite sith, much less rules..." Anakin chimes in.

"Anakin a few rules could not have hurt you."

"Obi Wan I don't think you want to start this argument again. Let them be. Let them get married. The jedi and sith are both dead. This is something new. And besides," He looks at me. "Padme would have wanted Rey to have her things." I nod my head gratefully. Ben and Leia are still talking in hushed tones, but when Ben steps backwards to me he is dewy eyed.

"No lightsaber burial, and I have to wear a dress to the wedding." I joke. The fourth ghost, Obi Wan I assume, chuckles.

"I like her. We just wanted you both to know we are always with you through the force, and you may come to us for guidance if you need."

"Thank you." Ben says, and I echo. The ghosts begin to fade out, but not before Luke can make one more remark.

"You may be getting married but I do not want grand-nieces and nephews for quite a long time. Or ever." We both blush. (A/N srry to intterupt but leave a comment if u want reylo babies later)

When the ghosts are gone, Ben holds his arms out to me and I sink into them.

"You don't actually have to wear a dress." He whispers. I laugh.

"I'll wear the dress, but only this once so you better enjoy it." The corners of Ben's mouth quirk up.

"Oh I will." And he takes me by the mouth. 

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