Chapter 26

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Courtney's pov;


I refuse to believe my best mate has gone missing.

"Courtney baby." Dylan tries to calm me down.

"She's gone!" I scream, then carry on crying.

"She wouldn't have just run away!" Oli screams.

"So you think someone must have taken her?" Alex asks, panicking.

I suddenly stop crying.

Someone must have taken her.

And by someone I mean Zack.

I leap to my feet and run to Oli's car.

"Courtney! Wait up!" I hear the guys shout behind me, but I carry on running.

I jump into the drivers seat, and the guys jump in the car.

"I think I know where she is." I say and start the engine.

I drive like a maniac, whilst Dylan's sitting next to me with his hand on my thigh.

Usually this would calm me down, but in a situation like this, nothing will calm me down.

Ellie's pov;

"They're gonna know I'm missing you fuck face." I spit at him.

"Well, maybe if I kill you, that would teach Courtney a lesson." He growls.

Of all the people in the world, this twat has to kidnap me. Can't it be someone like Johnny Depp?

"You don't get it do you? You made her life a fucking misery, and now you want to 'teach her a lesson'? Dude that's really fucking weird." I say and he laughs.

"You're funny. I like you." He says and I spit at him.

"Bad move gorgeous." He says, and gets a knife.

He grabs my wrist and slits a perfectly neat vertical line on my wrist.

"I use bigger knives than that to slit my wrists anyway." I say and laughs.

"Oh dear. Little emo." He splits, and my fist clenches.

I hate it when people associate cutting with emo.

"Did that hit a nerve? You're like me you know." He chuckles.

"I'm nothing like you." I spit.

"Yes you are. You're just as twisted as I am." He says.

"Ugh why couldn't I get kidnapped by someone who's easy to talk to?" I sigh.

"You're such a weird person." He says to me and I scoff.

"Me? I'm the weird one?" I say.

"Yeah. You've been kidnapped and I could kill you at anytime, but you're not really phased." He says and I grin.

"It's because I'm not scared of you. If you wanted to kill me, you would have already done it." I say.

"If I wasn't trying to get Courtney back for what she did to me, I'd love to get to know you." He says and I burst out laughing.

"Here you go again with the weird chat up lines. That ones almost as stupid as 'your skins so soft', and you say I'm weird." I say.

My arm was pouring of blood, but I didn't really care.

I just wanted to get away from this creep and carry on with American Horror Story.

Just then, the door bursts open, and I see Oli, Courtney, Josh, Alex, and Dylan standing there.

"Told you they would notice I was missing." I say to Zack.

Courtney's pov;

I see Ellie strapped to a chair, blood pouring out of her arm.

"Ellie!" I scream.

"About time." She says sarcastically.

This girl never ceases to surprise me.

"Ah Courtney, I've been expecting you. I love how you remember the address to our old flat." Zack smirks at me.

"Your old flat." I reply.

"Let Ellie go." Oli growls.

"Aww, are you the boyfriend?" Zack smirks at Oli.

"Yes. And I'm going to kill you for hurting her." He grits his teeth and clenches his fists.

Zack grabs a gun and holds it to Ellie's head.

"Step any closer and I'll blow her pretty little brains out." A sick smirk forms on his face.

"You know, if you were any longer, I probably would have fucked her, then killed her." He says.

"Don't you fucking dare say that about her!" Oli screams.

"Courtney, I've always wanted to make you pay for sending me to jail, and now I have the perfect opportunity. I can kill Ellie, and all your friends, including your little boyfriend, then we can go away and start a life together because that way we'll be even, and we can start fresh." He smiles.

What a sick bastard.

Then I have an idea.

"Zack." I say, and step closer to him.

"Step back." He orders.

"No." I say. "I need to tell you something." I summon all my courage up and walk over to him, and grab his hand.

"I think that's a great idea. I have missed you so much, and all I wanted was for us to be together again. I'm so sorry for sending you away, I know that was a stupid thing to do, and I should pay for it. I'll tell you what, it will hurt if you kill all my friends, but it would hurt a lot more if I killed them myself." I say, smiling at him.

"That's a great idea." He smirks and hands me the gun.

My hands shake as I hold the gun to Ellie's head.

"Sorry Ellie." I say before jumping back and pointing the gun at Zack.

"Now!" I say to Alex, Dylan and Josh attack Zack.

"You call the police!" Oli says to me.

He rushes over to Ellie and unties her.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and dial 911.

A/N; sorry it's short! The next chapter will be longer I promise! Don't forget to vote and comment:) love you x

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