Chapter 5

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Courtney's pov;

I knew we arrived at the party because all I could hear was music halfway down the street.

We got out of the car and Ellie immediately found Oli.

"Hey girls." Oli said to me and Ellie. He gave Ellie a kiss, and he hugged me.

"Hey Oli." I smiled and hugged him back.

"ALRIGHT GUYS!" I heard a very loud voice and turned around to see Josh and Alex standing there. They looked really good. Alex was wearing black skinny jeans, with a black t-shirt that had the words 'Drop Dead' written on them.

Josh was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, with a white t-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Hey dude." Oli said to both of them, and they did their weird fist bumping handshake thingy.

They hugged me and Ellie.

"So Courtney, we see you've been getting quite close to Mr O Brien." Alex winked and nudged me. "Yes we all see it." Ellie added whilst wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh ssh you guys. I hardly know the guy." I laughed with them. "But you'd like to know him, wouldn't you." Oli smirked at me. I punched his arm, and he pretended that it hurt, whilst the rest of the group laughed including me.

We decided to actually go inside Lukes house, because we looked stupid just standing outside.

As soon as I walked in the house, the smell of weed and alcohol hit me.

I saw a bunch of teenagers grinding on each other, and a few people making out.

Josh and Alex walked off to chat up some girls, leaving me, Ellie and Oli alone.

"Me and Oli are gonna go get a drink, you coming?" Ellie asked me.
"Um no I'm okay, thankyou." I replied. I don't really want to drink as I've seen the after effects on my older cousins before and it's not very nice. "Okay. Well if you need us, we'll most likely be over at the drinks." Ellie told me, and I nodded before they walked off leaving me alone with a bunch of strangers.

I thought I may as well see if there's any food to eat because I'm hungry and I like food. I started making my way through a bunch of grinding bodies, until I bumped into one, making them spill their drink everywhere.

For fucks sake. I thought to myself. I really need to actually look where I'm going.

"Shit I'm sorry." I said to the stranger. I looked up to see who it was and it was the boy that I leant a pen to in class earlier.

"Hey you're pen boy." I said to him. He looked at me weirdly. "Crap I mean you're the guy I leant a pen to in class earlier." I tried to hide my awkwardness. Pen boy. Smooth move Courtney.

"I am indeed the pen boy." He mocked me, and we both laughed.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you, I was just trying to find some food, and there's not much room." I blushed awkwardly.

"Hey don't worry about it. But now you're gonna have to come with me to get a new one. And when we've got a new drink, il find some food for you." He smiled warmly, his eyes lighting up. He's so damn cute.

"Okay." I smiled back at him.

He grabbed my wrist to make sure he didn't lose me, and we battled through the web of tangled bodies.

Mystery boy picked up a bottle of beer. "You want one?" He asked me. "Oh no I don't rea-" I stopped, then changed my answer. "Actually yeah go on then." I replied and took one. What harm can one beer do?

"I'm Courtney Williams." I smiled at the cute boy."

"I'm Shawn. Shawn Mendes." Shawn smiled back at me.

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