Chapter 17

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Dylan's pov;

It's been a week since I took Courtney out on our first date.

We've spent the past week just hanging out with each other, and to be honest, this was the best spring break I've ever had.

We've gotten to know each other so well now.

I'm falling more and more for Courtney.

That scares me.

I'm scared to commit to anyone, in case they leave me.

But what makes me feel better, is that fact that she's scared too.

She's scared of commitment, so we can be scared together.

I want to take her on another date today, because I want to ask her a very important question.

I want to ask her to be my girlfriend.

I haven't dated anyone in years.

About 3 years to be precise.

I just really want to spend every second of every day with her, because she makes me so happy.

I decide to pull out my phone and text her.

To: Courtney;

Come to mine at half 1. Got something planned;)

I click send, and put my phone back in my pocket.

I go upstairs to put on some clothes, as I was still in my sweat pants, until my phone vibrated.

From: Courtney;

Ooh okay;) see you at 1:)

I smile and chuck my phone onto my bed, before getting into the shower.

Courtney's pov;

I pulled up outside Dylan's house, and hopped out my car.

I wonder where he's taking me!

I knock at the door and stand there waiting for him to open it.

Seconds later, the door opens and Dylan's standing there.

He's wearing his signature black skinny jeans, a black vans t-shirt, and some black trainers.

He was dressed in black from head to toe.

But, he looked perfect as always.

"You ready?" I ask him, and he nods.

"Let's go then." I say and walk towards my car.

"You can drive my car, because it doesn't make sense to leave mine here and take yours." I toss him the keys, and he agrees.

We get into the car and fasten our seatbelts.

"Where are we going then?" I ask him and he grins.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." He said, with a smirk on his face.


When we got there, we were surrounded by fields.

"You're taking me to a field?" I ask him confused.

"Just wait, you'll see when we get there." He says and I nod.

We walk down a path, and end up in the most beautiful place I have ever seen.

It was like a fairytale wonderland.

It had lots of huge willow trees, and it was right next to a lake.

It was truly beautiful.

"Dylan, this is so beautiful!" I beam at him.

"It's my favourite place, because it's just so peaceful and pretty. I come here when I need to calm down, or I need to think. It's quite hidden, so not many people know about it." He says and I grin.

"Have you ever taken anyone down here before?" I ask him.

"No. You're the first person I've ever shown this to." He says honestly and I grin.

He puts down a blanket, and a picnic basket, and looks at me.

"Now, I know this is quite similar to what Shawn did for you, and if you don't want to do this as our second date, we can go somewhere else because I don't want you feeling uncomfortable." He says and I smile at the fact that he's being so considering.

"Dylan, this is perfect. It's good because I can replace the bad memories with the good ones. If anyone talks to me about fairytale wonderlands, I'll immediately think of this." I say honestly.

"Okay babe, if you're sure." He says and sits down.

I sit next to him and admire the view.

"I brought loads of good food." He smirks at me.

"What kind of good food?" I smirk back.

He opens the hamper and pulls out loads of things from McDonald's.

I want to marry this boy.

He handed me a Big Mac and a coke.

"Gosh you know me so well." I say and we both laugh.


After we've talked loads, laughed loads, and eaten all our food, Dylan lays down, and just stares into the sky.

"What you thinking about?" I ask, laying down next to him.

"You." He answers honestly.

"What you thinking about me for?" I ask again.

He sits up, which causes me to sit up.

"I want to ask you something Courtney." His brown eyes, stare into my blue ones.

"Go on then." I say smirking.

I wonder what he's going to ask me!

"Ever since I met you, you're all I think about. At first I tried so hard not to fall for you, because of 2 things. 1, I was scared of rejection, and 2, I didn't want to hurt you. Then I thought, fuck it I'm gonna fall for her even if I try not to, and I did. I have fallen for you. You're the only one who can keep me happy on a daily basis. Even when I'm having a shit day, you make me smile. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and the most thoughtful and kind. I knew you were different from the day I met you. I'm not very good at all this cute lovey dovey stuff, so what I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" He finished.

Oh my god.

Dylan O Brien just asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Of course I will." I smile and press my lips against his.

He passionately kissed me back, sliding his tongue against my lips asking for entrance, which I gladly gave to him.

The kiss lasted long enough, until we both broke away.

"I'm so glad you said yes." Dylan says laying back down.

"I'm so glad you asked me." I replied, laying down next to him, and cuddling into his arms.

"You're mine." He says to me and I smile.

"I'm yours." I reply.

A/N; sorry this chapters short and shit, I know I probably said that last chapter, but I swear it will get better, I've just gone back to school so I'll try to update whenever I can.

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