Chapter 37

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A/N; sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been so busy with school being as I have my GCSEs in a few months! And the guy in the photo I imagine Tyler to look like:)

Courtney's pov;

"Ooh so you ran into a handsome stranger who gave you advice on which mints to buy?" Ellie asks me.

"Exactly that." I confirm.

"And he told you he was starting here soon?" She asks me.

"He did indeed." I say.

"What was his name?" She asks me.

"Tyler." I reply.

"I like that name." She says.

"Of course you would." I smirk at her.

Ellie told me she used to have a 'thing' with a guy named Tyler before she met Oli, and apparently he was a manwhore and the things they did together were disgusting.

"Shut up." She swats my arm.

"Eyes to the front please." My Philosophy and Ethics teacher says.

"Today, we will be revising for-" He starts saying before he's interrupted.

"Sorry I'm late sir, I'm new here so I got lost." A voice says.

"And your name is?" Mr Wood asks him.

"Tyler." He replies.

"Take a seat Tyler, there's one next to Ellie at the back. Welcome to Greywood." He says politely.

"Thank you." Tyler mumbles and hurries to his assigned seat.

"Now class, get on with your revision." Mr Wood tells us.

"I'd like to revise with him alone." Ellie says a little too loud.

She's always fancied Mr Wood the moment she met him, and she always makes dirty comments about him.

"What was that Miss Fuller?" Mr Wood asks her.

"Oh uh I just said I love revising sir." She grins.

"That's what I thought." He smirks and walks off.

"Ellie, you have to be more quiet." I tell her and she giggles.

"Hey, I remember you." Tyler says to me.

"Yeh, you're the guy who told me spearmints were better than any other mints." I say.

"Yeah." He chuckles.

"Courtney right?" He asks.

"That's me." I smile.

"And who's your friend?" He asks.

"That's-" I say but Ellie interrupts me.

"I'm Ellie. The fab one." Ellie grins.

"I'll bare that in mind." Tyler smiles at her.

"So, I feel a little embarrassed asking you guys this, but may I sit with you at lunch? I don't really know anyone else." He asks us.

"Of course you can." Ellie says. "We can introduce you to the rest of our friends." She grins.

"I'd love that." He smiles.


"Oh by the way guys, there's a new guy who's sitting with us today. I met him in the shop the other day and he told me which mints to buy." I giggle at the memory.

"Is this the new guy Tyler?" Josh asks me.

"Yes, how do you know?" I ask him curiously.

"I heard some girls talking about how good looking he was." Josh says, and I see Dylan's facial expressions sadden.

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