Chapter 31

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Ellie's pov;

I wake up with a banging headache.

Did I get drunk last night?

I really can't remember.

"Where the fuck am I?" I groan.

"You're in hospital." A voice says. It sounds like Courtney.

"Hospital?" My eyes shoot open.

I fucking hate this place.

"You cut really deep last night, and you overdosed Ellie. Why?" Courtney cries.

Oh shit. It didn't work.

"I don't know." I lie.

"Ellie! Just tell me! I'm your best friend for fucks sake! I need to know why you tried to kill your self!" She raises her voice.

"Fine alright! Just calm down!" I say as loud as I can, which isn't very loud.

She sits down, and pays full attention to me.

"When I was 13, I was diagnosed with severe depression. My mum took me to the doctors every month to get me some anti-depressants, and I took them until I was about 16. At 16, I had more of a clue what depression actually was, and I didn't see the point in always drugging myself up on some shitty pills, so I pretended to take them. I met Oli when I was 16, and he honestly did make me a lot happier, but I was still depressed, so I started to cut. I tried my hardest to stop, but I was addicted, and I couldn't. I started smoking as well, and at 16, I was going out, getting drunk and getting high because I was sick of being depressed all the time. When I met you, I was happy because I'd never actually had a friend who's a girl before. They were all bitches and backstabbers, so I never used to hang with girls. I made friends with Josh and Alex, and I didn't need anyone else. But depression, it eats you alive. It's like you're drowning, except everyone can see you. That's why I did it. I'm bored of being depressed, and I just want to get better, without talking shitty pills all the time." I finish saying, and tears are running down both our faces.

"You fucking idiot." She cries. "You should have told me. I could have helped you. You mean everything to me Ellie! I don't wanna see you crash and burn! I wanna see you happy! If you'd have died, I don't know what I would have done, because you're the only one who properly understands me! Of course Dylan understands me, but you're my best friend! Without you, I'd be nothing!" She cries into me.

"That's why I didn't tell you! Because you mean everything to me as well! I didn't want you to worry about me every 5 minutes, worrying if someone's horrible to me if I'm gonna harm myself or not, it shouldn't have to be like that! I want you to live your life, not having to worry about me!" I cry.

"I'll always worry about you, even if you're completely fine. Because that's what friends do. They worry about each other all the time. You're so damn stubborn sometimes! Just let me be there for you! I wanna be there for you." She cries even more.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything." I cry and hug her.

"Don't be sorry, just let me be there for you. Okay?" She cries, not letting go of me.

"Okay." I sob.

Just then Oli walks in.

"I'm so sorry for worrying you baby." I cry again.

"You should have told me. Or at least told Courtney. We were all worried about you Ellie." He says.

"I know. I'm sorry." I sniffle.

"Come here." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Don't ever do that to me again. The thought of nearly losing you killed me. Seeing your body lying there, killed me. I didn't realise your depression was this bad. You stopped taking your pills didn't you?" He asks.

"I stopped taking them about a year and a half ago." I whispered.

"Ellie! We've been dating for a year and you didn't tell me?!" He raises his voice.

"I'm sorry!" I say.

"Look." He sighs. "You mean everything to me, and I understand why you did what you did, depression isn't great, I know that, but if I can overcome it, you can as well. We're all going to help you. Even Dylan will." He says.

"Dylan's not gonna help me, we hate each other." I smile at the thought of our weird friendship.

"I do hate you." Dylan walks in. "Doesn't mean I want you to die lil red. You're funny. I need you around for your sarcasm." He smirks.

"Thanks." I smirk back. "Guess what?"

"What?" He smirks. "I hate you too."

Just then, a nurse walks in.

"Ellie." She smiles at me.

Courtney's pov;

"Ellie." She smiles at her.

"Back so soon? Bet you missed your favourite nurse." She says.

I'm guessing Ellie's here a lot then.

I still can't believe she didn't tell me.

I'm not mad at her, and I know she is really sorry, but I just wish she would have told me.

"No. I'm just here because I failed at topping myself." She smiles.

That's the Ellie I know and love.

She has such a dark sense of humour, and nobody really understands it but me, and the guys.

"Oh dear. Here we go with the sarcasm again." Nurse says to her.

"I've come to give you some anti-depressants again." She hands them too her.

"I don't want that shit." She says and throws them, causing me to chuckle.

"I knew you were going to say that. So have this instead." She hands her a leaflet.

"Thanks for the piece of paper. Can I leave now?" She sighs.

"It's a leaflet, for different counsellors. Since toy won't take the pills, at least go talk to one of them, they might help you." She smiles.

"I'll consider it. Please just let me go now, I hate this place." She grumbles.

"Okay. Well be careful of your stitches, don't take them out, and please, just please try not to harm yourself again, it's not healthy." She says.

"I'll try. Thanks." Ellie half smiles at her.

We walk out to the carpark and we see Josh and Alex standing there.

"Oh my god Elz!" They scream and jump on her.

"Be-careful!" She says, in between breaths.

"Shit sorry!" They jump off her.

"We're just so fucking glad you're okay. Like seriously woman, don't ever fucking do that again, or I'll kill you myself." Alex says.

"Come here you guys." She says to us all, and we all hug her apart from Dylan.

"Dylan?" I question him.

"I don't wanna hug her, she's ew." He smirks.

Ellie whispers something to Alex, and Alex nods.

"Dylan man! Have I showed you my new leather seats in my car?" He says.

"No! Lemme see man!" He says.

Alex leads him over to his car and Ellie hugs him from behind.


"EWWWWW!" He screams like a girl.

Everyone starts laughing at him.

"You scream like a girl!" Oli shouts.

"Shut up guys. Courtneyyyyyy!" He whines.

"What girly pants?" I smirk and he juts his bottom lip out.

"Don't be mean to me." He pouts.

"Sorry baby." I say before kissing him.

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