Chapter 33

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Courtney's pov;

I wake up to 11 text messages and 29 missed calls.

A couple of the texts were from Ellie, asking where I am and if I was okay, and the rest of them were from Dylan.

All the missed calls were from Dylan as well.

There's no way I'm going to text or call him back.

To: Ellie<3;

I went home last night because something happened. Come round soon and I'll explain everything to you?<3

I hit send, and wait for a reply.

Mum must have carried me to bed last night, because the last thing I remember doing is falling asleep in her arms.

I can't seem to shake the image of Dylan and that girl out of my head.

The way his arms were wrapped around her, and his lips on hers, how could he do that to me?

Just then my phone vibrated.

From: Ellie<3;

Sure, I just have to do a bit of clothes shopping with Oli, then I'll be round. So I'll see you about 2ish<3

The time was only 9:30. Mums probably at work and I had ages till Ellie comes round, so I think I'll just go back to sleep.

As soon as I put my phone back on my bedside cabinet, it vibrates.

It was a call from Dylan.

I didn't know whether to answer it or not.

Part of me wanted to see what he had to say for himself, but another part of me just wanted to ignore him.

After contemplating whether or not to pick up, I came to the conclusion that I would pick up to see what he has to say for himself.

"Hello?" I say sharply.

"Baby, where did you go last night? I missed you, and I was worried about you." He said.

Now I was pissed.

He missed me? Sure didn't seem like it.

"No. Don't you fucking baby me. How the fuck could you have missed me, when you were sucking other girls faces off?" I hissed.

"Shit, Courtney I'm really sorry, I don't even remember most of what happened last night, I was so pissed that most of it's a blur. I'm really sorry that I fucked up, I love you, I'm so sorry." He pleaded.

"You know what, go fuck yourself Dylan. You told me you'd protect me from all the monsters in the world, but you forget to protect me from yourself." I spat, then hung up.

Fuck him.

He's only fucking sorry he got caught.

I'm not dealing with this bullshit anymore, I thought as I tuned my phone off and fell back to sleep.


"He did what?! That little prick I'm gonna kill him!" Ellie screams.

"Yep. And he called me up this morning telling me he missed me last night and that he was worried." I scoffed.

"Really? Oh my god, what did you say?" She asks me.

"I told him to fuck himself and that he told me he'd protect me from all the monsters in the world, but he forgot to protect me from himself." I said.

"Oh gosh that was harsh! I love it!" She grins.

"So what are you gonna do now?" She asks me.

"I really don't know. I love him, but if he's going to do this every time we go out partying, I won't be able to deal with it." I say honestly.

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