Chapter 3

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Courtney's pov;
I walked into the cafeteria and looked around for Ellie. I couldn't seem to find her. "COURTNEY OVER HERE!" I heard someone that sounded like Ellie shout, I turned around and I was right. It was Ellie. Gosh that girl had a set of lungs on her. She must have seen people staring at her because she turned to them and shouted "WHAT YOU NEVER SEEN A GIRL SHOUT BEFORE?!" She was definitely the more confident type. I liked her because she spoke her mind, and didn't seem to care what people thought of her. She wasn't the type of girl I would usually hang around with. She had a lip ring on the right side of her lip, and it wouldn't surprise me if she had a few tattoos under her clothes.

I walked over to where she was sitting and joined her and her friends. She was sitting with boys. "This is Alex." Ellie motioned to where her friend was sitting. He had brown swept over hair, and chocolate brown eyes, and a tattoo of a rose on his hand. "Hi Alex." I smiled at him. "Hey Courtney. Cute accent." He winked at me. I blushed. "Oh stop it Alex. As you can tell already he's a bit of a flirt." Ellie told me. "I only flirt with cute British girls." He winked at me again. "This is Josh." Ellie pointed to her other friend who had spiked up brown hair and pretty blue eyes. He didn't have any tattoos from what I could see. He did have a tongue piercing though. I've always quite liked tattoos and piercings, although I never told my friends back in England that because the group of girls I used to hang with didn't like them at all. "Hey England." Josh said to me. "Hey love." I replied. "Ah you call everyone 'love.' That's so British of you." Josh said in a fake British accent. I laughed and said "yeh oops sorry."
"Don't apologise love." Josh mimicked me. "And this." Ellie started saying, "is my boyfriend Oli." Ellie turned and smiled at him. Oli had very dark brown swept over hair, and and gorgeous brown eyes. He also had a lot of tattoos. He had sleeves on both his arms, tattoos on his hands, but the one which stuck out the most, was the huge rose on his neck. It was quite beautiful actually. I didn't realise I was staring at it until Oli said to me "I got it ages ago." He pointed at his tattoo. "Oh sorry. I didn't realise I was staring, it's just a really cool tattoo." I smiled at him. "Thanks." He smiled back."

Just before lunch finished, I exchanged phone numbers with everyone. I was really happy I had found genuinely nice friends. They were so much nicer than my old friends. I felt like I could be myself around them. I learnt that they were into heavy music, which was really good because I liked some of the bands they liked. They also liked The 1975 which made me happy.

The last class I had was English. I walked in to see my teacher sitting at his desk. I was one of the first to arrive. I liked getting to class early because that meant I had more variety of where to sit. I chose to sit near the back as none of my new friends were in the same class as me, so I wanted to keep out the way of everyone.

Just then a familiar face walked in. Dylan.

He came and sat right next to me.

"Fancy seeing you here Williams." He smirked. "Hello." I simply said. "You're quite quiet aren't you?" He questioned me. I just nodded and smiled. "You seem like the cute innocent type of girl who works hard to get good grades." He smirked at me again. "Well I do want to get somewhere in life." I said, then realised it sounded quite rude. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out so rude!" I quickly apologised. He laughed. Why was he laughing at me? "Don't worry about it sweetheart." He said. Sweetheart. He called me sweetheart. Just then the rest of the class walked in, stopping my train of thoughts.

The rest of the class went quite quickly, as I just concentrated and did all my work. A few times during that class I could see Dylan staring at me. He didn't talk to me much, he just asked what a few things meant here and there. But I didn't see him write anything down. I guess he doesn't care about school too much.

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