Chapter 44

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Courtney's pov;

I wake up to see a small figure lying next to me.

Zoe must have fallen asleep in my bed last night.

Being careful not to disturb her, I grab my phone and check the time.


Well at least I got a lay in. I think to myself as I get up.

"Ughhhhhh." I hear Zoe moan which makes me giggle.

"What time is it?" She asks, her eyes still shut.

"Quarter to 1." I tell her.

"Ugh." She moans again.

"I'm going to make tea, do you want one?" I ask her.

"Yes please, I'll be down in a sec." She says and I nod before leaving her in my room.

I walk downstairs to see Dad reading the newspaper and mum typing on her laptop.

"You guys want tea?" I ask them.

"Yes please." They both say in unison.

I lay out 4 cups and start making tea.

"Ugh it's too early." I hear Zoe's voice say, causing me to chuckle.

"Zoe it's 5 to 1 in the afternoon." I tell her.

"Yeah exactly, way too early." She repeats.

"Oh, you got a text by the way." She tells me and I nod.

I'll answer it later.

I get some pop tarts out of the cupboard and put them in the toaster.

Our toaster can toast up to 4 slices of bread, so when I toast pop tarts, me and Zoe never have to argue who's getting theirs first.

Once they're done, I take them out and put 2 each on a plate, and hand one to Zoe.

"Thanks sis." Zoe says, still half asleep.

"No problem love." I say.


After a couple of hours of watching Jeremy Kyle and the music channels, I go upstairs to check if Dylan's called or texted me.

I see I have 2 messages from him, and open them immediately.

From: My Dylan<3;
Meet me at the old garage in 10 minutes. I want to show you something<3

I smile and open the other message.

From: My Dylan<3;

You coming babe?<3

I hit reply and start typing.

To: My Dylan<3;

Be there in 15<3

I hit send and rush to the shower.

I strip and feel the warm beads of water hit my body repeatedly.

I wonder what he wants to show me?

I've been to the old garage before, and it's nothing special, it's just a secluded place where no one really goes.

I cut my shower short yet again, which is something I keep doing when Dylan's involved, and wrap a towel around me.

I pick out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and a black top that read 'Normal people scare me.' Which is an American Horror Story reference.

I decide to tie my hair back into a messy pony tail, and add a small amount of makeup.

I grab my DM's my leather jacket and my phone and run downstairs.

"I'm going out guys see you later!" I shout.

"Wait, Courtney!" I hear my dad shout.

I walk back into the room and see my parents just sitting there staring at me.

"What would you like?" I ask them.

"I heard your conversation on the phone the other night. The one where you kept saying 'okay.' Was that with Dylan?" Mum asks me, and I'm too happy to be mad at her for listening in.

"Yes it was." I simply say.

"Is he giving you any trouble, because if he is I'll-" My dad starts to say but I cut in.

"No dad, he's not giving me any trouble. We just had a bit of an argument, but it's all sorted now so it's fine. I'm actually going to see him today." I smile at them.

"Hmm okay sweetie. Well we want you to know that you can talk to us about anything, and we mean anything okay?" My dad says and I nod.

"I know." I say before giving them both a hug.

"I love you guys." I tell them.

"We love you too." They reply.

"Right, enough of all the soppy stuff, I'll be back soon." I say and they chuckle.

"Okay sweetie, have fun." They both say.

"BYE ZOE LOVE YOU!" I scream up the stairs.

"BYE, LOVE YOU TOO!" She screams back before I exit my house.

I hop into my car and Take Me To Church plays and I instantly think of Ellie, because I know she loves this song.

Speaking of Ellie, I haven't spoken to her properly in a few days.

She told me she was going to be busy with Oli for the next week or 2 so I didn't want to disturb her, but I think I'll give her a ring later.

I pull up outside the garages and check the time.


I get out of my car and lock it.

"Dylan?" I shout. "You there?"

I look around the garages, but I can't see him anywhere.

Maybe he's inside them, hiding from me, because he's childish like that.

I giggle to myself at the fact that he's so childish, and enter the garages.

"Dylannnnn?" I sing.

It's really dark, so I can't see much.

Just then the lights come on and I look the left and to the right to see if I can see him.

I hear a cough behind me, and I turn around, and my smile immediately drops.

A/N; So I know I said this will be the last chapter, but I though I'd leave it on a cliffhanger because I'm mean like that;) the next chapter will be the last:(

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