Chapter Twelve

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Imani's POV
I was sitting at home by myself watching this ACS auction and it is extremely interesting. I'm kind of disappointed Trey didn't say anything though. He's been gone almost a full day now and I miss having him around.
Yeah I said. I miss having him around. That's all I've been thinking about. He makes me smile and laugh and then after the kisses we shared, my mind has only been on him today. I'm just happy he'll be back tomorrow morning.
The front door rattled a bit before Megan stumbled her way inside. This girl has been out all day and now she walks into the house and is obviously intoxicated.
She sat down beside me on the couch and sighed loudly,"Armani, go get me a glass of water."
I mushed my eyebrows together and looked around to who she must have been talking to because it sure as hell was not me.
"Ugh, I'm talking to you, go get me some water."
"Look,"I said trying hard to contain my anger "first off, my name is Imani not Armani. And second, I'm not your maid, so if you would like me to do something for you, you need to ask politely and use the word 'please'."
She groaned,"Fine. Armani, can you please get me some water?"
I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen and filled her up a glass of water. On my way back, she mumbled,"Trey brings in the help from his office and the second he leaves, she thinks she runs shit. Ha!"
I rolled my eyes,"I'm sorry, did you wanna repeat that?"
"I'm just saying that must have forgotten something very important, this is my house. Don't think that just because Trey likes to help out the poor that this is a permanent thing."
I giggled to myself and shook my head. This girl is so naive. I could just snap my fingers and she would be gone from this house in an instant. Trey is just looking for me to give him the signal. He told me last night that he would get rid of her just for me and here she is talking like a prized possession.
"Why are you laughing? Oh, don't tell me you grew a little crush on Trey did you?" she chuckled "Trey is an incredibly rich and sexy man and men like him only want women like me."
"That's not what he told me.",I mumbled under my breath but she must have heard because she gave me a cold stare.
"What the FUCK did you just say?",she asked.
I looked away with a smirk on my face and she stormed up to my face and said,"I asked you what the fuck you just said."
"Oh, you don't wanna do that. Megan, I've put up with your rotten attitude for far too long but DON'T disrespect me like that. I'm warning you, back up. You ain't about it."
She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair in my face and it literally took everything in me not to rip her to shreds. I hate disrespectful people. Period.
Then she walked back to her seat on the couch and muttered,"Little bitch."
I flung the cup of cold water onto her and turned around and walked upstairs to my room. I'm done here. The only thing I could hear her saying was,"Ugh! My hair! You little ghetto hood rat! You messed up my hair!"
I should have beat that ass for that little hood rat comment that slipped from her mouth but because I feared that Trey might take back what he said about wanting me and kick me out of his house for fighting his girlfriend.
I decided to just go to sleep but it wasn't that easy. Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was me and Trey kissing and him repeatedly telling me he wants us to be together. This whole thing is a mess and I don't know where to go from here so I'm just gonna give it some serious thought.

Chris' POV
After all the bidding and shit, I decided now was a good time to find that girl Melanie. I remember her name since she won a nurses award. I can tell she was feelin ya boy too since we made that eye contact during both of our speeches.
I searched around for awhile until I saw curly gold locks of hair rounding the corner leading to the hotel gardens. She walked up close to a fountain and just watched the water pouring out from it. It was only us two outside so I made my approach and came up fro behind and when she sensed my presence she turned around with a frightened look then sighed in relief when she saw it was me.
"Were you expecting someone else?"I asked.
"No, I got scared because I didn't know who it was at first.",she replied staring at the water.
"Well you never have to be afraid with me around."
She giggled,"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
"You like the water or something. You seem so intrigued in it."
She shrugged,"When I was younger, I used to believe that if you turned around and threw a coin in the fountain with your eyes closed and you make a wish, that your wish would come true. Funny thing is, even though my wishes hardly ever came true, I still believe in it."
"So make a wish."
"I didn't bring my purse out here."
"Hold up" I dug into my pocket and pulled out two quarters and handed one to her. "One for you and one for me."
She looked at me and smiled then took the quarter and we both turned our backs to the fountain and closed our eyes and tossed our coins into the water.
"What did you wish for?",I asked.
"I'm not telling you! It might not come true.",she responded.
"Oh come on now, I'll tell you mine."
She thought about it for a second then said,"Alright. I wished for me to be happy."
"That's it?"
She nodded.
"Well that's deep. I like it."
"What's you wish for?"
I smirked and looked down in her eyes and stuffed my hands in my pockets,"I wished for a date with you. So what do you say?"
"You are so sly Chris.",she smiled.
"You know my name?"
She blushed,"I was listening when you gave your speech. I'm sorry about what happened to your parents."
"Thanks, I appreciate that a lot. So about the date?"
"Here's the thing, I'm supposed to fly back to L.A first thing tomorrow morning."
"What if I convince you stay for a few more days? A week maybe. What can I do to make you stay?"
"For starters you can gimme your number."
"Aight Mel." we exchanged phones.
"Wait you know my name?", she questioned.
"I listened to your speech too. It made me wanna get to know you better." I watched her cross her arms and shiver. "You cold?"
"Here, take this", I handed her my jacket.
"Thanks,"she put on my jacket "and trust me, I'm nothing special."
"So far, I think you're pretty damn special. Anyways, if you wake up tomorrow and realize you feel like staying a few days longer, make sure yo gimme a call aight?"
She nodded.
"Well, I gotta go find my little brother, he's probably looking for me.", I said walking away.
"Wait! What about your jacket?", she yelled out to me.
"Just give it to me tomorrow!",I yelled back. Home girl know she staying in the D-town for ya boy. I chuckled to myself and headed inside the building.
Trey walked over to me and asked,"Aye you ready to go?"
"Yep."I responded.
"Good. Aye who was that blonde chick I seen you talkin with?"
"She fine right?",I smirked.
"Hell yeah, but she ain't my type of girl."
"Man,what ever. Well you just better get used to her because she gon be staying with me for a couple days or about a week."
Trey gave me a strange look,"Aye c'mon man, not this shit again."
"Nah, man. I ain't goin out like that no more. This girl is different."
"Aight, I hear you bro."
On our way towards the exit, I could have sworn I saw some very familiar curly black hair belonging to a woman I saw from behind. The only difference between this woman and the girl I thought reminded me of her, was that this one was pregnant and I know for a fact Candace ain't pregnant. I shrugged it off and headed into the elevator to the floor of my suite.

I hope you guys are all enjoying this story so let me know what you think. Comment, Vote, and all that good stuff for me thanks for the love!

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