Chapter Sixteen

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Trey's POV
"Trey turn on the damn heater. I'm so cold!",Imani called from kitchen.
This December weather in Detroit is killing me. It's been snowing all day now so Chris and I canceled work today and let everyone stay home. I'm certainly not used to this weather. I'm from California, where the sun is all shining and the air usually warm.
"Aight.",I got up from the couch and turned the heater then walked over to the kitchen where Imani was washing dishes.
"Need help?",I asked.
"No, thank you baby."
I nodded,"I wanted to take you out, but it's snowing like crazy out there."
"To be honest I didn't wanna go anywhere special today anyways. We can hang out here."
"And do what?"
"Watch a movie, play a board game, I don't know. Whose playing tonight?"
"Um, Spurs and Oklahoma."
"Mm! That's gonna be a good one.",she smiled.
I watched as she finished washing the dishes and dried her hands on a towel and she asked,"Did you want me to make you something to eat?"
"Nah. Well...nah never mind."
"What, no tell me."
"Do you know how to make brownies?"
"Psh. Do I know how to make brownies?",she chuckled. "
"Well then you gon have to teach me how to make them."
"Alright." she smiled and started brought out some ingredients from the fridge and the pantry then brought out a mixing bowl and a wooden spoon.
She instructed me in putting together the ingredients in the bowl. She laughed at me when I tried to crack open the eggs and the shells fell into the bowl. Not long after, I finally got the mix ready to be poured into the pan.
"Wow, you did a good job.",Imani smiled as she sat on the kitchen counter.
"Why do you sound so surprised? They don't call me Chef Homeboy for no reason.",I smirked as I walked in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her waist.
She giggled and dipped her finger into the brownie mix and stuck it into her mouth then smiled. Her ass knows she tryna tease. She dipped her finger back into the bowl but this time she held it out to me. I raised my eyebrows in shock then accepted her finger in my mouth and my tongue swirled around her finger.
She slowly took her finger out of my mouth and planted a soft kiss on my lips. Her arms wrapped around my neck as we deepened our kiss. I slowly moved my hands to the hem of her t shirt and slowly lifted it over her head revealing her purple bra. She lifted up my shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor somewhere.
I reached behind her back and unhooked her bra and tossed it somewhere. Her body is absolutely perfect. She got this natural beauty type thing going on and curves in just the right places. She pulled my basketball shorts down and they fell to my ankles and I stepped out of them.
I started kissing on her neck and pulled off her pajama shorts and we were both in only our underwear when I remember all my condoms are up in my room,"Shit!"
"What's wrong?",she drew back.
"Nothing, all my condoms are upstairs."
"Then let's go up there. I didn't really wanna do this here anyways."
She jumped down from the counter and jogging upstairs and I chased after her and we both laughed until we made it up to my room. I reached into my nightstand and pulled out a Magnum package and ripped open a wrapper and pulled out the condom. I looked up and saw Imani staring at me anxiously waiting to see my size and I smirked as I dropped my boxers down to my ankles and I heard her let out a gasp.
I slid the condom on my dick and walked over to Imani and pinned her against the wall and kissed on her neck. I pulled down her panties then lifted her up and slowly slid myself into her tight hole.
"Shiiiit!",she said stammered.
I gripped onto her waist tightly and bounced her up and down on my dick. The faces she was having were turning me on. She was so tight. She just felt good inside.
I rocked my hips back and forth pushing myself deeper inside her.
"Y-y-yesss!",she moaned out.
I continued fucking her as I walked over to the bed and and laid her down on it and fucked her harder. I grinded and rolled my hips as I pounded into her.
"Mmm! That's it! Right therrrrre."
I let out a few low grunts while Imani was hollering her ass off. "Ahhh Treeeeey. I'm, I'm Immm cumming!"
"You better not be.",I grunted. I lifted her leg up and she was surprisingly flexible so she gave me more access to the pussy.
"It's cumming!" It's cumming."
"Aight cum with me.",I said and increased my speed until we both climaxed.
My condom filled up with my semen and I walked over to the bathroom and flushed it down the toilet. I headed over to my closet and pulled out a pair of boxers and put them on.
"Mm, I'm gonna take a shower. You wanna join?",Imani grinned.
"Damn girl you a lowkey freak you know that?",I chuckled.
She shrugged,"Maybe I just need you to wash my back."
"Baby, I'll wash anything you want me to."
She walked over to the shower and turned it on then hopped inside. I chuckled and said to myself,"I got me a good one right here!"
"Baby, hurry up!",she yelled to me from the shower. I jogged over ready to beat the pussy up again.

Melanie's POV
Sometimes I wish I was dead. I hate most of what my life has to offer. I usually don't smile too often since there's never really much worth smiling for. Today in particular is one of those dreadful days, my 26th birthday.
I tried waking up with a smile, but it really wasn't happening. At least I won't have to sped another birthday alone. This time I have Chris. Oh who am I kidding? For all i know, he probably forgot today was my birthday. It's not like I ever expect him or anyone else to remember. I only have today and tomorrow left in this town then I'm back to the lonely city.
I fluttered open my eyes this morning and was surrounded by complete silence. I got up from my bed and over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash my face with water. After I dried off, I headed downstairs and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I reached the living room.
The entire living room, both floor and couches, were covered in gifts. Balloons, flowers, candy baskets, gifts bags and boxes. If it weren't for the 'Happy Birthday Melanie' sign hanging on the wall I wouldn't have known this was all for me.
My eyes watered and tears rolled down my cheeks. Chris popped out from the kitchen and his big smile soon faded and he asked,"Mel why you crying?"
He came over to me and gave me a big hug. I sniffed and tried to calm down my cries but I was crying heavily,"I-i-it's j-just no one's e-ever done s-something so nice before!"
"Aw this ain't noting. To be honest I wanted to take you out of of state someone where it's not snowing to take you to an amusement park since that's what you like but all the airports are closed until Sunday and that's when you leave.",he shrugged.
I tightened my grip around his neck and said,"You're amazing Chris. Thank you."
He pulled back from the hug and held my hands and nodded,"A great girl like you deserves to be given the world. Happy birthday Mel. Now come open up these gifts so you can eat this cake I made you."
"You did not make me a cake.",I smiled.
"Yeah I did! I'm good at baking cakes and shit."
"Lemme see it."
"Aight.",he grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen and I looked down at the cake and laughed.
"Looks good.", I lied.
He looked at me to see if I was telling the truth then said,"You a bad liar Mel you know that? I worked hard on this. This is beautiful!"

"I'm sorry it's beautiful.", I giggled. Then I turned to him and said,"Thank you, for everything."
"Don't mention it. Now lets go open these gifts."he led me back into the living room and sat me on the couch and handed me gift after gift.
He had gotten me clothes, perfumes, jewelry, an Ipad, an Iphone, the list goes on. While I was opening up my next present I stopped and just stared at him.
He smiled,"What?"
"All this stuff for me? Why?"
He shrugged,"You know how we said we wanted to get to know each other better?"
"Yeah I remember."
"Well,"I grabbed my right hand and said "I feel like I do. There's not enough questions in the world that I could ask you that would make me feel any closer to you than what I feel now. You're smart, funny, incredibly sexy-"
I giggled and looked down.
He pulled my chin up to face him and he said,"It feels like I've known you my whole life rather than just one week. I hope I'm not being too forward if I ask you something."
"Ask me what?"
He cleared his voice,"C-can I kiss you?"
"It's cool if you ain't want to. I'm sorry for asking."
"No it's fine. I want to.", I nodded.
"Alright, well here it goes.", he said tilting his head to the right and leaning forward towards me with his eyes closed.
Everything was moving in slow motion as I waited for his lips to meet mine and when they finally did it was like time stopped completely. His lips were soft as they were pressed against mine. If he opened his eyes he would have seen me kissing with my eyes open. This my first real kiss with someone I can honestly say I care about.
He pulled back and bit his lip then said,"You know, I've been wanting to do that for a while."
"Me too. Can we do it again?"
He chuckled,"It amazes me how shy you can be. If you wanna kiss me, feel free to just kiss me." he leaned backwards on the couch with his hands behind his head.
"I'm not as shy as you think.",I stated.
"You seem pretty shy to me."
I did the unthinkable and stood up from the couch then sat myself down on Chris's lap and wrap my arms around his neck and planted a sweet juicy kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and then after a while I pulled back and smiled,"See I'm not shy at all."ing

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