Chapter Fourteen

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Imani's POV
"So, he's still keeping that hoe around while tryna get with you?"Devonie asked. "Girl, that boy is a dog!"
"Stop, no he isn't. He told me to give him a little time so he can get rid of her that's all.",I said.
She nodded,"And you and give him none right?"
"Of course not."
"Good, because if you do then that bitch ain't neva leaving."
"Dev, do you think it's possible he he even really likes me?"
"Of course, why wouldn't he?"
I shrugged. "It's just something Megan said to me and who knows what if she's right? What if this is really too good to be true?"
"Shut up Imani, got damn! This guy truly cares for you and you need to let him in. Not literally."
We both laughed.
"C'mon, we need to finish cleaning up these damn toilets.",I said pushing my cleaning cart into the top floor bathrooms.
"Ooh, when you gon come over to my place for me to touch up your hair. You got some new growth showing."
"Foreal? I'm coming there today."
Devonie and I began cleaning up all the bathroom stalls and when we finally finished we were able to go on our lunch break. I had just brought out my chicken salad that I had made this morning when the office secretary Ashley walked into the break room and said,"Imani, Mr.Brown wants to see you in his office."
"Which one?",I asked.
"Alright.", I said continuing my lunch. He can wait because my ass is on my lunch break.
"He said it's urgent."
"Alright, well I'll be there as soon as I'm done eating."I shrugged.
She gave me a look as if I was dumb but in all honesty I'm not. Trey knows damn well I'm on my lunch break so if he wants to talk to me he can either wait or come down to the break room.
Ashley walked out of the break room and Dev started laughing,"Damn, you think you bad now don't you?"
I smiled,"I'm not anything, just eating lunch."
"Well you better hurry before your boo gets mad."
"I don't care what he thinks."
"If it was the other Mr.Brown you know damn well you'd better running up to his office for fear of him firing you if you late."
"Well yeah, that one hates my guts for no reason."
I finished my salad and said to her,"Alright, well I'm gonna go see what he wants."
"Aight, don't come back pregnant."
I rolled my eyes and giggled as I headed towards the elevator. I pushed the button for the top floor and waited until it stopped on his office floor. I stepped out then the knocked on his office door.
"Come in.",he called out.
I twisted the door handle and walked inside the huge ass office and walked inside and sat on the chair opposite from his at his desk. He looked at me with slightly angered eyes. "What took you so long?"
"I was eating lunch."
"And you couldn't eat afterwards?"
"Nope, I was hungry as hell."
He sighed,"Anyways, I have some good news for you."
"Well what is it?",I smiled.
"I want us to go out to a nice restaurant tonight. Just me and you. Eight o'clock."
My face fell,"Trey, you know I'm against us moving forward with Megan in the w-"
"That's not a problem anymore. I broke up with her already. She's gone."
"What? When?"
"I went home like an hour ago because I'd forgotten some important papers and she had some nigga up in my house so I told her it was time to go."
I screamed in excitement and ran over to the other side of the desk and sat on is lap and planted a kiss on his lips. "Mm, I'm so happy!"
"Me too. Now, we're going to a really fancy restaurant so you can't be wearing this jumpsuit you wearing right now."
I slapped his chest and said,"But I don't have anything special to wear."
"Here" he handed me his black card "You can take the rest of the day off and go buy yourself some new clothes."
"Are you serious?"
He nodded,"Buy anything you want. Nothing is too good for you Imani."
I pecked his lips. This really is too good to be true."Okay, but I have to take my best friend Devonie with me."
"Fine with me. Y'all don't have to come back to work. Just be ready by eight."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in another kiss then all of a sudden the door to his office swung open and his older brother Chris walked in and cleared his throat.
I stood up and walked out of his office but nearly bumped into Chris. He gave me the death stare until I was out of the office completely. I don't even know what his problem is. It's not like I'm a hoe or anything.

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