Chapter Thirty Three

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Candace's POV
The new year has been good to me. I got a new man, a new life is coming next month, a new car, and I JUST bought a new house. You could say things are finally looking up for me which they are and I can't complain. I'm the happiest woman alive.

Chris stayed in town longer than Trey and his girlfriend and I thought it was to get things ready for the baby but I guess not because the last time I saw him was Christmas. I'm not tripping though because Jordan has been here since day one and he's currently decorating the baby's room.

I can't imagine how things would have been if I had let him slip from my fingers he's the best thing that happened to me last year. Sometimes I wish the baby I was carrying was his...

"You think this was the right shade of blue?", Jordan asked with some paint smeared on his cheek.

"Yeah. Once we get the animals on there everything will be complete.", I nodded.

"I only know how to draw stick figures babe,"

I laughed. "They're like giant wall stickers. I know you can't draw."

"Hey my stick figures are pretty good. I was once in an art show."


"In first grade."

I laughed.

"You laugh now but you know where that drawing is now?"

I shook my head.

"My mama's refrigerator. Do you know how hard it is to get stuff on there? Hard!"

I sat on the chair in the room and died of laughter. "Awe, you're so silly."

He came over and kissed my cheek,"I know. I pretty much wiped out your energy from making you laugh so much."

"You and the baby. He stays kicking. My stretch marks about to look like waves on my stomach.", I whined.

"I think stretch marks are absolutely beautiful.", he responded.

"You do?"

He nodded," The entire pregnancy journey itself is beautiful. Women being able to bring a life into the world is incredible and the stretch marks is just a masterpiece on the body that reminds us of the journey."

"Well I never thought of it that way." I thought.

"Well it's true, but if it bothers you that much, cocoa butter does wonders."

I nodded,"That's good to know. You hungry? I'll go whip us up some lunch."

"No the hell you aren't. I'll go make us some lunch, you just go chill on the couch and kick your feet up."

"What? You been painting all morning at least let me make lunch."

"Nope, Candace you really can't be doing too much. The baby is coming soon. Really, it's not a problem."

I shrugged,"If you say so."

He nodded,"Now let's head downstairs." He held onto me and slowly yet carefully led me down the stairs.

Such a gentleman.

Chris' POV
"So how's the workload Kid?", I asked through the phone as Mel and I walked through the grocery store.

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