Chapter Thirty Two

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Chris' POV
*Two weeks later*
I was sitting on the couch and Melanie had her head on my lap and we was just clowning around. She had no makeup on and her natural curly hair made her even more beautiful which I didn't think was remotely possible.

"You got hella freckles and I'm just now noticing them. Oh my gosh they're so cute!",she cooed at me.

"You got mad freckles too Mel. Witcho cute ass.", I said.

She giggled,"You know why I like you?"

"No, why?"

"Because", she played with my fingers "I feel like you bring out the best in me."

I stared back at her and smiled.

"Dr.Barnes said it's probably because you have that special something that I've been trying to find in myself. Almost like a puzzle piece. You know what I mean?"

I stared back at her intently and nodded,"I do."

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

I shrugged and rubbed her leg,"I'm just admiring your beauty."

She blushed and turned away,"Chris besides my appearance what do you like in me?"

"Oh where do I begin? You might need to grab a snack because we gon be here for awhile."

I laughed and slapped his chest,"Quit."

He smiled then said,"Okay, okay. I love your sense of humor, your energy, your personality, your huge heart, your imagination, your intelligence, the way you carry yourself, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you say my name, the way you hold onto me when you hug me, the way you-"

"You notice all of that stuff?", she cut me off.

"Of course I do!"


"It's just something about you Mel, I don't know. It's like any time I try putting it into words I just can't."


I sighed,"It's like, I used to not care about anyone, except Trey of course, after my parents died. I truly did not care about how my actions effected anyone. I just did whatever was beneficial to myself at the time but NOW, I'm a whole new person. And I swear its because of you Mel. You say I bring out the best in you, but you Mel, bring out the best in me."

She stared up at me as if she was searching for the truth but the truth was all out there for her to see. "Kiss me."

I leaned down and met my lips with hers. She grabbed hold of my neck and deepened the kiss. Then there was a knock at the door. We pulled apart and she groaned,"Can you get that?"

"Sure baby." I stood up from the couch and walked over to the door. I opened it and stared down at an older looking white woman.

"Oh shoot, you know I was looking for someone but I think I came to the wrong place.", she frowned.

"Who you looking for?", I asked.

"A girl by the name of Melanie Blake. She's got blue eyes, blonde hair-"

"Oh this the right house."

"Oh good!", she smiled.

"I'm her m-"

Melanie pushed her way to the door and once she saw the woman they both froze as they looked at each other.

"Melanie!", she smiled.

"How did you find me?", Melanie whispered. Then quickly slammed the door shut in the woman's face.

I watched as she locked the door and then closed the surrounding curtains then went into the kitchen and poured herself a tall glass of wine. She rarely drinks as it is so as I watched her chug the glass I knew something was wrong.

"If that woman ever comes back here, don't even answer the door.", she shook her head as she stared into space and took another sip.

"Who was that?"

"The woman who carried me in her womb for nine months."

"Wait, that was your m-"

"Don't say mom! Dr.Barnes says I can't call her the devil and since I refuse to call her my mom she will be known at the woman who birthed me."

I nodded. I should've known that was her mom at the door. She had the same blues eyes, blonde hair, and nose as Mel. As for the tan skin curly hair, I know she got those traits from her black father.

"Damn aight so what now?", I asked.

"We pretend she never came and I continue to act like she doesn't exist."

"What if she comes back?"

"I'll call the cops, simple."

"Cool with me.", I shrugged. Ain't nobody finna make my baby feel some type of way.

"Put the drink down Mel and come back over here.", I said.

She nodded and tried hard to get back to where we were but I could tell the thought of her mother showing up on her doorstep still lingered in her mind.

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