Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Chris' POV
All week the females in the office have been wearing short, tight ass skirts and dresses and wearing things to expose they titties. I knew Ashley's ass couldn't keep a secret but shit happens right? Just as long as it ain't fuckin with my money I'm GOOD.
The day was still young and I had finished all my paper work and there were no meetings today so I decided I was gonna stroll around the building and make sure everything is in proper order.
"Hello Mr.Brown."they continuously purred as I took my stroll. I responded with a slight smile and a nod.
Ashley approached me and said,"Good afternoon Mr.Brown, can I get you anything?"
I shook my head and started to walk away but she reached out and grabbed my arm and said,"Wait."
I looked down at her arm with daggers in my eyes and she slowly moved her hand. "I tell you to keep shit on the low and professional and you can't even do that. You keep fuckin up like that and you're GONE."I gritted through my teeth and continued walking around the building.
I swear this female is getting TOO attached to this dick. Nice job CJ I thought to myself and let out a low chuckle. My thoughts were interrupted when one of my Sales Associates Janet. She was wearing a dress that made her titties look like.........damn! The way she was smiling and biting her lip made my dick jump.
"Mr.Brown, um I need to talk to you about some.......previous sales."she said. I could just tell she made that shit up but I went along with it and followed her to her office.
"Some sales huh?"I asked with my hands in my pockets.
She welcomed me inside and closed the door behind her and nodded. I stood there in the middle of her office and she wasted no time in unbuckling my belt and pulling out my member from my boxers and sticking it inside her mouth.
"Fuck,"I grunted pushing her head down further on my dick.
She swirled her tongue on my tip then bobbed her back and forth. She took in ALL of me. She deserves a bonus on her next paycheck but I ain't paying a bitch for sucking my dick good. Her ass was moaning from just sucking, imagine how loud she gon be when I get to fucking......

Trey's POV
I walked down the hallway as I neared my office but I turned around when I heard someone getting off the elevator. It was Chris and he held a grin on his face and his tie was loosened and I could just smell the sex on him as he came over to me.
I shook my head,"You did it again didn't you?"
He chuckled,"Yeah, well these females just seem to flock when they see Breezy so.."he shrugged.
"Ashley is a hoe bruh."
"It wasn't Ashley, today it was Janet."
"Lemme guess and then tomorrow it'll be Denise then the day after it'll be Lauren?"
He clenched his jaw,"Woah, you ain't hatin on me right Trey?"
"You know I ain't got nothin but love for you Chris but don't you think you should be focused on the future."
"Yo, we got bread! The bank is full of OUR money."
"I'm not talking about money. You were ready to put a ring on a female a few months ago and now that it's over and done you ain't lookin for the right girl?"
"Since when are you an expert in women? Your fucking with a gold diggin, lyin ass bitch and you wanna talk about me? Man get the fuck outta here with that shit."
I shook my head and continued walking towards my office then I quietly said (mostly to myself),"Just be careful man." I opened up my door and walked inside leaving my angry brother in the hallway.
Chris is the older brother here not me. He is usually on top of everything and has his eyes on the prize at all times. I come to him for advice and he does the same. But sometimes he acts like.........a damn fool! He always wanted to be JUST like our pops and for the most part he's like a living replica of our father, but I on the other hand, was always closer to our mother. She was smart, beautiful, and independent. I made it my mission to do what ever it took to always make her happy. She taught me how to treat a woman right with love and respect and that's what I do but Chris doesn't seem to think that way AT ALL.
He thinks it's an honor for women to have sex with him. I'm surprised after six long years of dating Chris, that Candace never knew he cheated on her multiple times. If I had a woman like Candace, life would be complete. If I were Chris and I "wasn't ready to be married" like him claimed, I would've forced myself to be ready for her. She was just that special.
But I ain't checkin for her. I got a loyal girlfriend that I've been with four like two years now. She doesn't have a job but it ain't like her family is broke, I jut provide her with anything she wants really. As for lying, I don't know what Chris meant by that. He's always throwing around words like that whenever we talk about Megan. I shook my head and pulled out my phone and called her.
"Hey baby."she said as she answered on the first ring.
"Nothing, I was just gonna head out to the mall with the girls."
"Why don't you cancel on the girls and lemme take you out somewhere special."
"Um, can we reschedule to...........Sunday?"she asked.
"You'd rather hang out with your little girl friends than me?"
"No, it's not like that Trey bab-"
"Fine, it's cool. Go have fun with ya girls."
"Are you sure your okay with it?"
"Yeah, it's whatever. Bye."I hung up before she had the chance to say anything else.
I fumbled with my phone in my hands and my heart was beating fast. I hate when she does this type of shit. If her ass is hangin out with her friends, then damn it so am I. I reached into my desk and pulled out the keys to one of the cars we keep in the garage we have in the back in case ever wanna go somewhere without our drivers.
Today was a slow day anyways. It's Friday and tonight I plan of having fun. I grabbed my brief case and left the office. As I was heading towards the elevator I looked down at my phone to check the time and I accidentally bumped into one of the cleaning ladies.
"I'm so sorry Mr.Brown!"she panicked.
I looked up at her and smiled,"No, don't worry about it that was on me. You have a good now ya hear?"I said and stepped inside the elevator leaving the cleaning lady standing there in shock. I guess she's shocked that I'm a lot nicer than Chris. He will YELL at the top of his lungs and pulverize a person's self esteem if they even were to accidentally bump into him.
When the elevator stopped at the lobby I walked out and crinkled my nose at all the fast ass females practically begging for my brother's attention with their revealing clothing. I can never associate myself with a woman who doesn't respect themselves, period. That's just another lesson I learned from mom that Chris obviously skipped out on.
I walked out to the garage and unlocked the all black Camaro with blacked out windows and black leather seats. This is the perfect car for my mood. I'm blacking out all sorts of bullshit tonight and having fun with a few of the friends I made out here.
I drove home but only stopped to buy some McDonald's because I was hungry as fuck. I can't cook, Megan's spoiled ass don't know how to cook, and I ain't spending a dime on some stranger to cook me food in my own fucking house. I ate my food then called up my niggas to hit up the MGM Grand club tonight.
I raced upstairs and hopped in the shower to start getting ready. When I finished my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and my phone was being blown up with a whole bunch of texts. Word got out that I was hitting up the club with friends and some other people around here were texting to see if they could come sit in our V.I.P. Chris even texted me.
Chris:So you ain't gonna invite me to chill with you and yo friends tonight?
Me:Aye, your the one whose mad.
Chris:I ain't mad. I'm good nigga.
Me:So what's up then?"
Chris:I'm comin thru and I'm bringin some bitches with me so we can pop bottles and shit. Problem?
Me:Nah, I'm straight.
Chris:My nigga.
I sucked my teeth and curse under my breath. It's crazy how even when I plan to go out without my brother it never ends up like that. People just don't understand that I can't just tell my brother 'no' but sometimes I need a break away from everyone including him. I shook my head and and headed to my closet in search of what to wear.
Later that night
Everyone was having a good time except me as we all sat up in my V.I.P section. I like going out with Megan because she's the one who gets me up to my feet to start dancing with her. So because she wasn't here, I was sitting there by myself sippin on Greygoose. All my friends brought their females with them and Chris brought two girls who I recognized from the office. He was too busy pouring Ciroc down the girls throats to realize I wasn't having fun.
I shook my head and walked over to the railing to overlook the club from the top level we were at. My eyes widened when I saw Megan's ass dancing with some nigga I've never seen before. Shopping with the girls huh?
I tightly gripped the railing and when I got tired of mugging her and that nigga she was with, I turned around and stomped down to the first level and scanned through the crowd of people until I finally saw her. I forcefully grabbed her arm and she looked terrified.
"Megan, what the fuck are you doing here with this nigga?"I yelled.
She rolled her eyes and yanked her arm away,"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm dancing."
The guy she was dancing with approached me,"We gotta problem cuh?"
"Nigga ain't nobody here yo cuh aight?"I said getting up in his face.
Megan pushed me back by my chest,"Trey you need to chill. We're just friends."
"I don't give a fuck who he is Megan! Come on, we're going home."I said pulling her by her arm and walking towards the exit. I can't believe she lied to me and was up in this club twerkin her shit on the next nigga.
"Slow down, your gonna make me fall. I'm wearing Louboutins!"she said.
"I don't give a fuck Megan."I yelled and shoved her into the passenger seat then went over to the drivers side" You keep playing games with me. You told me you were out with the girls and if I hadn't gone to the club tonight you probably would've fucked the nigga."
"Oh quit being over dramatic. I didn't cheat on you."
"But you LIED to me. Are you even listening to me?"
She groaned,"Yes! I'm sorry. I went to the club instead of shopping but let's be honest it's not that big of a deal."
I nearly slapped this bitch for the pure BULLSHIT that just left her mouth instead I said blankly,"Get out."
She turned and asked me confusedly,"What?"
"You heard me. Get the fuck outta my car."
"Fine."she shrugged and stepped out of the car and slammed the door as hard as she could. I grabbed her purse that she left on the floor of the car and threw it out of the window and sped off.

Candace's POV
"You are indeed pregnant."Dr.Neal said to me as he returned with a file of papers.,"Six weeks to be exact."
"What?"I asked.
He wrote on a pad of paper and handed it over to me,"Here's a list of prenatal vitamins you need to take. Make sure you stay away from fish, alcohol, well you can drink a limited amount of red wine because that actually has some nutrients in it. Any questions?"
I was frozen in complete shock and disgust with myself. I couldn't even bring myself to answer my doctor. He placed a hand on my shoulder and said,"It's gonna be okay Candace. There are plenty of women who would love to be in your position and be able to conceive a child. Why are you so worried?"
I shook my head and tears rolled down my cheeks. If only he knew. If only he knew. The man who fathers my unborn child is probably traveling the world right now with the mistress I keep seeing in my nightmares.
"Oh come on now, now is the time to be celebrating not crying."Dr.Neal smiled trying to make me do the same.
"What are my options?",I asked.
"Options? Well, you can't abort the baby until you are at least twelve weeks and I wouldn't recommend it. Not one bit. The operation is too risky for a woman of your age and you might not be able to conceive again. However, you could place the baby up for adoption if you aren't ready to care for a child."
"So what would you recommend for a woman six weeks pregnant from a man she was supposed to marry but bitched out when it came time to walk down the aisle and not even bothering to tell me shit until I was embarrassed by our family and friends. Tell me Doctor, what would you recommend!"I broke down and placed my face in my hands and cried.
"I'm gonna tell you what your gonna do Candace, you're gonna have this baby and raise him or her to better than the man making you cry right now. You're a beautiful woman and can have anyone you want, hopefully someone that will make you laugh rather than cry."he said.
I sniffed and looked at him,"W-why would you say something so nice? I swear your the only man I know who has a heart. I don't know what you mean by having any guy I want but thank you."
"I meant what I said. Candace, would you do me the honor of having dinner with me? My treat."he held his hand out
I cracked a smile and wiped my tears away.
"There's that smile!'he smiled.
I let out a small giggle and I accepted his hand as he led me out of the room. This is the first time I was able to have a real smile on my first in about three weeks.

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