Chapter Nine

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Trey's POV
"I'll be back pretty late babe.",Megan said as she planted a kiss on my cheek.
"You going out again? Ain't that like the third time this week?",I asked flipping through channels.
"I'm always so damn bored though, I'm always cooped up in here with nothing to do."
"But I'll be gone the whole weekend and this is the only night we have before I leave tomorrow."
"I'll be back in time to see you before you leave Trey. I gotta go, my girls are waiting for me."she said turning on her heels and walking out of the house without so much as saying 'bye'.
I shook my head and turned my attention back over to the tv. Shit, I am bored too. Ain't no games on tonight and I can't go out tonight because I might lose focus with all the important shit I'll be doing with Chris this weekend at the ACS auction. Actually, it's more like a convention but the auction is the main event.
I heard the faint sounds of footsteps coming downstairs and I turned my head and Imani walking towards me with a small smirk on her face. "What are you doing up Trey? You should be sleeping so you have enough rest for your big day."
"I ain't tired yet and I'm bored as fuck.",I answered.
She stretched out her hand towards me and said," Well I don't know about you, but I could really go for some ice cream right about now. You coming?"
"I guess,"I accepted her hand and sh pulled me up from the couch. She led the way to the kitchen and brought out a tub of Blue Bunny Vanilla Ice Cream along with two spoons. She handed a spoon over to me then sat on the counter top and took off the cap to the tub.
"You know, I really shouldn't be eating this. I wouldn't wanna ruin all of my hard work." I said slightly lifting up my shirt to reveal my abs.
She ate a scoop of her ice cream then laughed,"Wooow Trey."
"Aye whatchu laughin for? You probably ain't go abs."
She lifted up her tank top just enough for me to see the abs I never knew even existed.
I put my hands up in defense,"Aight then, my bad."
We both laughed. I dug my spoon into the ice cream and and brought out a small scoop and ate it.
"So, how long have you and Megan been together?",she asked.
"About a year and a half."
"Do you love her?"
I pondered the question a lot more deeply than I had expected then shrugged,"I don't know. I mean we've been together for a while and it almost seems natural to say 'I love you' to her but there seems to be something missing."
"What's missing?"
I shrugged,"I don't know, but I keep hoping that I'll find whatever is missing about her and then be able to say 'I love you' to her. You know what I mean?"
She nodded slowly,"I get what you're saying but what if you never find what you're looking for in her? I don't mean to sound intrusive but what if what is missing in her is what someone else just posses naturally?"
"Why all these questions? I don't know the answer to half of them, so what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Where's your man at?"
"I don't have one."
"Why not?"
"I just don't.",she shrugged and added,"A lot of guys just want the flashy types of girls. The ones in clubs, the ones with the big booties or boobs. It's hard finding someone who likes more than just the material things. I want somebody who I can have a real connection with."
I nodded. This girl is deep! She speaks the truth and says whatever is on her mind and I like it. It's different.
She jumped off the counter and covered up the ice cream and put it back into the freezer. "I'm about to head to bed, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow before you leave. And make sure you get some res-"
Before I knew what I was actually doing, I stepped in close to Imani and pulled her body close to me and met her lips with mine. She put her arms up to stop it but it was as if we both had wanted it to continue. My tongue slipped into her mouth and that's when she pulled away and wiped her mouth,"Um, I'm going to bed." and with that, she turned around and left me standing in the kitchen with my lips tingling from the intense kiss we just shared.
I placed my hand to my mouth to feel where her lips just were and all that I was able to say was,"Damn."

Imani's POV
Oh my gosh. What have I done? I just kissed my boss. He lets me live in his house and I kiss him while his girlfriend isn't in the house. I'm a home ruiner. I'm a whore. Trey's gonna kick me out and I'll be homeless again.
I walked upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed and held a pillow in my arms. Damn. As bad as it was, I can't stop thinking about that kiss. His lips just felt so......PERFECT! What am I doing? This isn't right. I shook my head at my thoughts and laid my back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
I should probably go back downstairs and apologize. I, I feel bad for doing that to him and putting him in this awkward situation. Yeah, I'll go apologize. I got up from my bed and straightened up my white tank top before heading back downstairs. He was still standing in the kitchen exactly where I'd left him.
I held onto my arm and cleared my voice as I slowly walked up to him. He looked at me and scratched the back of his neck. "Um, Trey? I just wanted to apologize for putting you in that situation. I didn't mean t-"
He stepped in closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek and whispered,"Imani, don't apologize for a damn thing aight?"
I tried to look him in the eyes but the strong look he was giving me was too much for me to handle so I just stared at his chest. His touch alone was giving off such a strong emotion that got my heart beating fast and my adrenaline pumping. My breathing picked up as I looked at his lips and was tempted into placing mine against his just one more time.
He backed me up onto the counter top and I looked up into his eyes. He leaned in and placed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our kiss deepened. His big strong hands were placed onto my hips and trailed to the hem of my tank top. I felt his hands go under my shirt and trail up my back. I broke this kiss and said, "This isn't right."
He pecked my lips then said,"Feels perfect to me." then he continued our kiss.
"But w-what about Megan?"
He pecked my lips and said,"Don't even worry about that right now."
I pecked his lips then pushed him off of me and jumped down from the counter and said,"No, we can't do this Trey. Not while you're with her."
"So if I break up with her then we can be together?",he asked.
"I don't know!"
"Well what do you want?"
"I don't know either. But what I do know is that if I were Megan, I would not be happy to know that my man is stepping out on our relationship with the woman he brought into this house to help."I started to walk away.
He pulled me back by my arm and said,"But you're not Megan."
"But I'm not tryna be the 'other woman'. You need to figure out what you want before you start getting involved with other people. I came down here to apologize for kissing you, not for all of this to happen. Have a good night."
I pushed myself away from him this time for real. Lord, what is this man doing to me? If I'm not mistaken, he said he'd break up with Megan for me. What's so special about me anyways? Compared to her, I'm nothing special. I'm Imani Evans.

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