Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Imani's POV
That same night
Devonie and I finished bagging up all the garbage and disposed of it out in the back then we took off our gloves and started making our way out of the GM building. "Lord, I can't stand this fucking job Mani. What about you?", Devonie groaned as we headed towards the parking lot over to her car.
I shrugged and we entered her car,"It pays the bills you know."
"I hear you but them niggas owning GM could be paying us a little more every now and then. Speaking of which, did you pay your bills yet?"
I shook my head,"No, not yet. I have to wait until Friday when my check comes in."
"You wanna stay with me tonight? I don't mind."
"I can't keep relying on you to help me with everything Dev. I thank you so much for considering me but I just can't."
She sighed,"If you say so."
"So which Mr.Brown do you like better?"I asked changing the subject and clearing my throat.
"Umm, Trey is nicer but Chris sexier."Devonie answered.
I chuckled,"Well I just hate Chris with a burning passion. Last week he got pissed off at me because I forgot to restock his bathroom with a fresh box of Magnums."
"Nu-uh bitch, you lying!"
"No I'm not!"I laughed,"Like, I just wanted to slap the shit outta his face with my mop because he keeps acting like he's the King around here just because he and his brother moved here and own this big business."
"He kind of is."
"Says who? Last I checked, America is run by Obama, not some spoiled ass niggas named Chris and Trey Brown. What pisses me off,is that the women who work at GM have absolutely NO standards. They all dress likes tramps in the hopes of boning Chris."
"Psh, bitch you know you fuck Chris if you had the chance. I know I would."
"No, I wouldn't. If he even thought that was the case, I'd laugh at him directly in the face and pick up my mop and get back to cleaning. His lifestyle is a joke."
"Your really going in on this. Is something else bothering you?"
"No, I just don't have the time nor the patients to be around arrogant fools like him and his brother all day."
"Trey isn't that bad."
"Yeah I guess, but it doesn't matter about what I think of them. I just wanna have a purpose in life and cleaning toilets and restocking condom are not my purpose."I stated.
Devonie pulled up into my apartment complex and I stepped out and thanked her for driving me home. I looked down at my watch and it was about 10:45pm. I started walking up the stairs and gazed in horror at the huge lock placed on my door. "What the hell is this!"
I cursed under my breath and took a deep breath. The landlord must've have locked me out of my apartment while I was out of my apartment and now there is no way to get inside. I smacked the door as hard as I could before storming down to the first floor to my landlord's room.
I pounded on his door with my fist releasing all my anger on the door until he finally answered the door."Good Lord woman, what do you want!"
"Tommy, why the hell is there a big ass lock on my door?"I snapped.
"Your rent is two weeks overdue. I keep trying to give you breaks but I got bills to pay too so.....your not my problem anymore. Hopefully someone new who can actually pay their bills will move in so it's not my problem anymore."
"Tommy, it's almost eleven o'clock and I have nowhere to stay, what do you expect me to do?"
He shrugged,"It's not my problem Imani."
"The hell it is! You couldn't even wait to kick me out in the morning so I could find someplace to stay!"
"You keep yelling like that, and I'm gonna have to call the police. You're gonna have people calling to complain about your loud ass mouth."
"What about all my stuff?"I crossed my arms.
"I don't know what you mean by all your stuff cuz your ass barely got shit in that apartment but,"he pulled out my black suitcase from behind him and handed it over to me,"I packed it all up in the suitcase I saw on the floor."
"This has to be illegal for you to be all up in my place and kicking me out when I'm not even there. Who does that?"
He shrugged."Look, I honestly don't care. So bye."
I flipped him off and began rolling my suitcase away with a scowl on my face. I swear, today is just NOT my day. I don't even know where I'm headed but I was just walking away from the apartment complex. I should've accepted Devonie's offer to stay at her place but even at that it would only be for the night. I don't want her think I'm a moocher. I was walking up until I came across a Seven Eleven.
I rolled my suitcase up to the bench that was right by the door to the gas station and sat on it and cried. A heavy flow of tears escapes my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. It is freezing out here and my jacket was barely enough to keep me from freezing my ass off. On top of that, I'm starving and I have no one to call at a time like this. I cried as silently as I could because there are some crazy ass guys that hunt the streets at times like this. I'm broke, hungry, cold, and now homeless. Could this night get any worse?

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