Chapter Twenty Six

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Melanie's POV

"Melanie breathe.",Ms. King reassured. "Stop crying baby."

I shook my head,"I can't."

"Listen to me, you can't be over here crying over some man because he told you the truth. He loves you and so give him the credit for at least telling you. Wouldn't it be worse if you found out from that Candace chick?"

I nodded and wiped my tears,"I'm just so confused! First he tells me he loves me then drops this bomb on me like that? And this whole time Imani knew!"

"That girl probably wanted to tell you."

"Then why didn't she?"

"Because of him. She's dating his brother so maybe he asked her not to say anything until he was ready to tell you himself.",she sighed.

My phone rang for the thousandth time and I just knew it was Chris and Imani. Margret looked at me and said,"Answer that boy's call."

"I'm not ready to talk him yet.",I shook in terror.

"I'm only gonna tell you one more time Melanie, answer that phone and tell him where to meet you so you guys can talk."

I cursed in my head and answered Chris' call,"What do you want Chris?"

"Melanie, I'm so sorry about everything. Where are you? I have to see you. I need to know you're okay.",he said frantically.

"Why? Gimme one good reason Chris."

"Because I love you. Mel, I know you probably hate me right now but please just know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Tell me where you are."

"I'm at my job.", I said lowly.

"Aight, I'm on my way."

He hung up and I sighed," He's on his way over here."


"What do I do?"

"Thats up to you to decide Melanie.", Ms. King said

"How can you say that? He cheated on me."

"I thought you said you two arent official yet?"

"But that doesnt make it okay."

"I know, his ass is lucky im up in here or best believe i would beat that ass."

I smirked.

"Look Melanie, I've always said you were like the daughter I've always wanted so as my daughter im gonna tell you to follow your heart. Let him tell you everything he needs to say and then decide if youre willing to still be with him. He loves you and you love him and since you came back from Detroit you've become a completely different person and you have to give him credit for the happiness you've felt since you met him"

I nodded and my phone buzzed from a text from Chris saying he's waiting outside for me. "He's here." I said.

"Think about what I said Melanie."

"I will," I mumbled as I headed down the building in the elevator. I will do what Ms.King said and let him talk but I have a few questions to ask him myself.

I walked out of the hospital and saw Chris sitting on the the edge of the water fountain outside with his head hanging low and he fumbled with his hands.

I slowly approached him and he quickly looked up at me then stood up,"Melanie, I-"

"Chris, why are you doing all of this? I mean, did you ever care about me or was I just a quick fuck?",I asked.

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