Chapter Twenty

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Chris' POV
I fluttered open my eyes the next morning as my alarm clock went off at 5 a.m. Melanie shifted around before she finally popped open her eyes. I leaned down and plated a soft kiss on her forehead and said lowly,"G'morning beautiful."
She looked at me and smiled.
"You know, I wish you didn't have to leave today."
She sat up in bed with the sheets wrapped around her body and yawned, "Me too. Last night was....incredible. Thank you so much Chris. For everything."
"When do you think you might come out to Detroit again?", I questioned.
She shrugged, "I don't know. I have work."
"You don't get any off days or vacations?"
"Not that I know of. Dr.Neal was real lenient with me only because of the award I won. Speaking of which, how did your meeting with him go?"
I widened my eyes and scratched the bad of my neck and lied, "Oh yeah, it was cool."
"What'd he say?"
I thought about whether or not if now was a good time to tell her about Candace and the baby. I know I should be honest with her but I'm just not sure if now is the right time.
"Nothing special, we just discussed the auction.", I lied again.
"Oh. Well I'm gonna go shower. My flight is in an hour."she said walking towards the bathroom with sheets wrapped around her.
Sooner or later she's gonna find out, I just need to be upfront about everything with her. I climbed out of the bed and took a shower then got dressed. I drove Melanie over to the airport and watched as she boarded her plane before heading off to work straight from there.
I kept to myself in my office the whole day, well most of the day until Trey walked into my office unannounced. He walked up to my desk with his hands stuffed in his pockets and asked,"I ain't seen you all day, you aight?"
I nodded.
"You sure?"
I sighed and shook my head,"Man, I don't even know."
"Talk to me. What's up?"
"Melanie left this morning and.... I guess I kinda-"
"Miss her?" Trey guessed.
"Well, yeah. Everything between us changed last night."
"Whatchu mean? Did you get some?"
A smile crept upon my face and Trey and I started laughing.
"Damn! How was it?" he smiled.
"It was damn near the best pussy I ever tasted."I stated.
"Wait, you ate the pussy? Damn, you really like this girl if you ate it.".
"That's beside the point Trey. Last night was pretty crazy. One minute we're in the restaurant eatin dinner then the next minute we're at home and she tellin me some scary ass shit."
"Like what?",Trey crossed his arms and listened closely.
"Like she cuts herself and her dad was killed before she was born. Her mom is a crackhead. Oh and check this out, this is the thing that got to me the most, when she was thirteen her mom traded away her virginity for some more shit."
"You lyin Chris."Trey said in disbelief.
"I swear."
"She told you all of that then wanted to have sex with you afterwards?"
"Oh that's another thing, all of a sudden she was like 'take me'. I was like 'what'? And she was telling me she wanted to have sex and that she wanted me to make her feel like a virgin again so me being the good person that I am I happily accepted and tore that pussy to pieces.",We both laughed.
"So when do you see her again?",he asked me.
"Ion know man. I know I only known her for a week but it feels like a lifetime. I just wish we weren't so far away from each other.",I answered.
"You can plan a trip to go visit her."
"Aye that's a good idea. we'll probably go there for Christmas."
"We?",Trey questioned.
"You know we have never celebrated Christmas without each other and we ain't about to start now."
"But what about Imani?"
"What about her?"
"I can't just leave my girlfriend home alone on Christmas."
"Then we'll take her with us!",I snapped.
"Damn, you love her Chris. Snappin on me an shit...",Trey smirked.
"You're in love with Melanie."
"Shut up! I do not. I have strong feelings for her but I don't LOVE her. It's waaay to early for that Trey."
He shrugged and dapped me up,"Aight well, I think I'm gonna head home. I only came in here to check on you."
"Aight, check ya later Kid.",I nodded and watched as he left my office.

Melanie's POV
I waltzed my way to the hospital kitchen bright and early the morning after my flight. I wanted to jump right back to work since I've been in such a good mood lately. I opened up the large metal fridge and pulled out the small tray of fruits to deliver to my favorite patient Ms.Margret King.
I held a wide smile as I walked up to her room and knocked softly. I waited until I heard her say,"Come in."1
I opened up the door and walked in slowly and her face lit up when she saw me standing in the doorway. "Melanie baby! When did you get back?"
"Yesterday. How you been Margret?",I questioned after setting down her tray of fruit.
"I've been holdin up just fine. What about you huh?",she smirked.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Okay, what's his name?"
"Who? I don't know what you're talkin about?"
"Honey, I've been alive a LONG time and one thing I know for sure is that there is a certain look women get after they've been with someone special. Now go on, tell me about him."
I shook my head and smiled,"Alright you caught me. Well, his name is Chris a-"
"Oooh I bet he's incredibly sexy! Am I right?"
I giggled and nodded. We both squealed. "Continue!"
"And I met him at the auction a-"
"Describe him!"
"He's tall, light skin, LOTS of tattoos, beautiful eyes, and these incredibly soft pink lips-"
"Lips! Ooh child, you finna raise my blood pressure today!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll stop."
"Are you crazy? You were just getting to the good part. Continue!"
I nodded,"He's perfect Margret. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life before. He's the nicest man I've ever met and just the way he looks at me tells me he feels the same way too."
"How did you two start talking?"
"Oh! Well first during the auction when we both gave our speeches we kind of just made this weird eye contact with each other the entire time. Then afterwards I was outside by a water fountain and he came over and was just being friendly to me. He made me laugh and we held a real solid conversation. Then he said he wanted to take me out on a date but I told him I was supposed to leave the net day so then he offered to let me stay in his house for a little while longer."
"Just like that?"
"Melanie I've always known you to be so shy. I never expected you to do something so bold like that."
I shrugged,"I'm just as surprised as you are."
"So what does Chris do for a living?",she asked.
"He and his brother Trey own General Motors."
"You a damn lie!"
I shook my head,"Nope."
"I watched the auction here so if you and I are talkin about the same guy then all I have to say to you is WAY TO GO!"
I laughed,"You are too much. I missed you like crazy though."
"Baby, I'm fine. I'm a fighter alright?"
I nodded. It really makes me sad seeing her in this hospital bed. I just pray she really does fight this cancer away.
"So.... you really like Chris huh?"
"Yep. I uh, even let him-"
"Nope. Don't say it Melanie!",she put her hand up.
"You don't even know what I was gonna say."
"You let that boy have sex with you."
"How'd you know?"
"Honey I knew the second you walked in here. You was walkin with a limp so I figured you got that good dick.",she smiled.
She shrugged,"I know all about that kind of stuff. Back in my day, I used to be the neighborhood flip."
"I got AROUND. I even got around to a few Chris'. Those were the ones with the biggest packages if you know what I mean."
I covered my ears,"I'm not listening to this."
She smiled,"It's true."
I took my hands off from my ears an sighed,"I've only been gone a day and I already miss him like crazy."
"Aww, you really care for this boy."
I nodded,"We talked about everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING"
"I'd love to meet him."
"Of course Margret. Well, I'd REALLY love to stay and chat but I have to get to the other patients. I don't wanna be late."
"You won't be late since you have that Michael Kors watch on your wrist that I'm sure Chris bought for you.",she teased.
I rolled my eyes playfully and left the room.

Imani's POV
"I want meet my best friend Dev.",I said to Trey.
"Dev?",he asked.
I nodded.
"You mean the girl with the braids?"
I nodded.
"She works for me, I've already met her."
"No, I mean I want you to meet her as my friend not your employee."
"I met her that way too when she came to my office the other day."
"For what?"
"To clean." he shrugged his shoulders as he played NBA 2k14 on his PS4 "Ion know then she started talking to me."
"About what?"
"Well she was lookin for you too so she asked me and I told her I let you leave early to go out with Melanie that day. Then she was like 'well that's not fair to everyone else' and shit so I apologized then she told me to treat you right then she left."
"Nothing",I shook my head.
"Babe, why do you even still wanna work as a janitor? You're too pretty to be cleaning toilets."
I smiled,"I already told you. I wanna have something to do."
"So then do something else."
"Like what?"
"I don't know. You told me you went to college so what did you study?"
"Business Management."
Trey paused his video game and gave me a long hard stare. I stared back at him and shrugged,"What?"
"You went to college and studied business management yet somehow you wound up damn near dying of starvation because you're cleaning toilets? Damn that makes absolutely NO sense!"
"Trey shut up and listen before you start judging alright? No one wants to hire young adults fresh out of college. I have no experience at all and I cant tell you how many times I got shut down. You don't know how hard and how long I tried searching for a job. That shit is hard."
Trey's face soften and he said,"I'm sorry baby. I just don't want you scrubbing toilets all your life. What's your dream?"
I shook my head and shrugged,"Hm, I don't know."
"Everyone has a dream, what's yours?"
I looked up at him and sighed,"I just wanna own my own chain of businesses."
"What kind of businesses?"
I shrugged,"Me and Dev used to dream of one day her and I opening up a hair salon. She's really good with hair and I was fortunate enough to study business management so we thought about how fun it'd be if we worked together."
"Wow.",he stared.
"So until then, I'm scrubbing toilets. I guess."

A/N-Vote, comment, or even ask me or the characters questions

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