Chapter Twenty Five

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Chris' POV

After the incident last night between me and Melanie, I haven't spoken to her. I know she's mad at me and even though she has a right to be, I don't want her to stop talking to me especially since I haven't even told her about anything. I gotta tell her before she finds out from somewhere else and that would be so much more worse.

Trey and I sat in the living room watching the Spurs game together and once it was halftime thats when he decided he was gon try and lecture me.

"You good Chris?",he asked me.

"Yeah.", I nodded.

"No you not."

"Then why'd you ask me Kid?"

"I just wanted to see if you would tell me the truth."

"Yeah, well.. you know I'm no good at that.",I muttered.

"You gotta be real with her. Just be upfront about it."

"Yeah but she's never gonna wanna talk to me again if she finds out the type of person I really am and I don't wanna lose her. I care about her a lot."

"Bro, you're wasting time. Everything you're telling me is what you should say to her."

"I know but-"

"Not buts Chris. You know what you need to do, so go do it."

I nodded,"You're right."

"Yeah. Now go!",he tossed me my car keys and I grabbed my phone and left.

I headed over to Mel's house and parked in front of it. I saw her car in the driveway but I thought back to last night and how she might not wanna open the door up for me. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"What?",she asked.

"Open the door.",I said.


"You heard what I said. Open up the door, I'm in front of your house right now."

"Why should I do that?"

"Because, me and you need to talk."

"Well that's gonna have to be on MY time. I can't right now, I have company over."

"You can't tell em to leave? It's important."

"No, as a matter of fact I can't. Goodbye Chris",she said.

"Wait! Don't hang up Mel."


"Mel Im sorry but we really have to t-"

"Bye Chris!",she hung up.

I stared down at my phone screen Call Ended .I growled in frustration. Why is she being so difficult? I turned my car back on just as my phone rang and I hoped it was Melanie coming to her senses but my shoulders dropped when I saw it was the BM calling. I sighed and answered,"What's up Candace?"

"Chris can you come over? We kinda need to talk.",she said.


Damn, I really dodged a bullet there. imagine if Mel had let me into the house to talk and then Candace would call. Shit would be worse than last night. I drove over to Candace's spot and rang the doorbell. This time she answered the door herself.

I smirked,"Where's your mama at?"

"Her book club meeting.",Candace answered.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked over to the living room,"So how're you feeling? You aight? You need some money or something?"

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