Chapter Twenty Eight

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Melanie's POV

"Rise and shine baby girl", Chris planted a soft kiss on my forehead "It's Christmas!"

I groaned as I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but my legs were so sore. I forced a smile and moved my hair out of my face,"Merry Christmas."

He chuckled,"You too sore to move?"

"No, I'm fine.",I lied and struggled to stand up but when I finally did I nearly fell over but Chris caught me.

"Woah, careful now Mel."

"I got it Chris.",I said as I limped over to the bathroom.

"I left out a toothbrush and some toiletries over by the sink Mel and Imani brought out some of her clothes for you to wear today! I'm going downstairs for breakfast.",Chris called out to me before he left his bedroom.

I took a long hot shower which thankfully loosened my sore muscles so I can now proceed with the rest of my day without being in so much pain. Then I dressed up in the black leggings and vanilla sweater Imani had picked out for me. After getting ready, I headed downstairs and saw the entire living room covered in unopened gifts, looked almost like how Chris' house looked on my birthday when he bought me all those gifts. I shouldn't have expected anything short from these Brown boys.

"Merry Christmas!",Trey came over and gave me a hug followed by Imani.

"Merry Christmas girl.",she hugged me tightly 

"Merry Christmas guys."I said to them.

"Come eat Mel",Chris said stuffing his mouth with a hot cinnamon roll.

I went over to the kitchen and grabbed myself a cinnamon roll too along with a cup of coffee. I smiled as looked at around at all of us this fine Christmas morning. "Melanie hurry up and finish eating so we can open up these damn gifts.",Trey urged.

I laughed and shoved down the last bite of my cinnamon roll,"I'm done! But damn, I feel bad because since I didnt know you guys were coming to Cali for Christmas, so I shipped all your gifts to Detroit."

"It's all good baby",Chris came up from behind me and kissed my cheek then slapped my ass,"Now go open your gifts from Santa."

I giggled and eyed him with suspicion and asked,"What tricks do you have up your sleeve Chris?"

He shrugged,"Why don't you just shut up and go see for yourself."

Imani and I looked at each then went over to the gifts as Chris and Trey stood together just watching us. We mainly got some real expensive clothes and shoes. Imani got an Iphone 6 which is a MAJOR upgrade from her ugly little flip phone. I came across a little box with a bow on it and my name on the tag. I looked at Chris and he nodded for my to open it. I lifted the lid off the box and gasped when I saw what was inside.

It was a little diamond encrusted ring with a silver chain around it. Is is a ring or a necklace? Chris came over to me and lifted it out the box and began to put it around my neck. I guess its both. "Mel I know your slow ass is confused about what this is."

I nervously chuckled and nodded.

"Well", he said "This is my promise to you. It's a promise ring. I promise to always be faithful and keep it completely one hundred with you, no matter how hard it hurts. And I hope you always have this on so that I know you feel the same way. I love you Mel."

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and he held me tight just as well. "I love you too Chris!" I grabbed his face and pecked his lips three times then hugged him again.

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