Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Candace's POV
Just find out where he is and tell him! I've been going over this entire pregnancy situation in my head about a million times. How do you approach someone you were once going to marry and tell them that you're carrying their seed? I've finally reached the point in my life where I can hear Chris' name without breaking down in tears. He put me through hell and I just wish he would suffer just like I did.
My mom was shocked when she found out I was pregnant regardless of the fact that Chris didn't wanna marry me, she's happy that I'm carrying his child. The only reason my mom would be happy is because of Chris' wealth and she thinks this baby will benefit her in some type of way but little does she know that after I let Chris know about this baby, I don't want anything more to do with him. Not his money, his presence, or anything else. However, the only right thing to do in this case is give the baby his or her father's last name.
My phone buzzed on the table and I leaned forward and answered it. "Hello?"
"Candace, hey it's Jordan.",he said over the phone.
"Oh hey, what's going on?"
"I just wanted to check up on you. You know it's been awhile since we last spoke to each other. Is everything alright?"
"Mm, yeah I guess. I'm just bored out of my mind in the lonely ass house!"
"You want me to stop by and take you out somewhere? I don't mind."
"Don't you have work or something?"I wondered.
"I work long extra hours as it is, sometimes I wanna have fun too. Besides, it's Saturday and there are lots of fun things out there for us to do."
"Okay then, when are you gonna be here?"
"Gimme like thirty minutes."
"Alright. See ya soon Jordan."I hung up. At least someone cares about me enough to check up on me every once in awhile. I smiled to myself and stood up from the couch and made my way upstairs to my room to change into some nice clothes to wear.
A few minutes later Jordan knocked on the front door and led me out to his car and help me inside. He got in the driver's seat and started driving away from my house. He looked at me and smiled," So....what do you wanna do today?"
"Hmm, I could really go for some ice cream."I said.
"Make sure you put some fruit as some of your toppings. You eating for two now and you gotta make sure that baby comes out healthy."
"I eat healthy!"
"You do?"
I nodded,"All the time. I bought some Cheetos the other day, and I got the baked kind. That's how you know I'm eating healthy, the baked kind doesn't taste as good."
He chuckled,"At least just put more fresh fruits and vegetables in you diet and everything should be good."
I sighed,"Fine." i looked out the window then back over to Jordan, " Can I ask you something personal?"
"Uh, depends on what it is."
"I don't mean to sound nosy but, how come you don't at least have a girlfriend?"
He coughed,"What? What makes you think I'm single?"
I giggled,"You volunteered to just take me out today. Most doctors or people in general who are in a relationship, don't do that."
"Well consider me a different guy. I'm just a nice guy."
"So are you in a relationship?",I asked.
"Well that's okay! I can hook you up with someone. i know TONS of pretty single girls around town."
"Looks aren't everything Candace."
"What else do you like?"
"Good personality, independent, and just someone I can bring home to my mom."
"You better not be a mama's boy. That's a complete turn OFF!"
We laughed.
The car was silent for awhile until Jordan turned to me and asked,"What about you?"
"What about me?"I asked.
"When are you gonna put yourself out there again?"
I was silent for a minute pondering his question. To be honest I never really thought about it. Chris was literally the only guy I ever dated in my life so now that we're over......what next?
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't hav-"Jordan said.
"No, that's fine. I don't know when I'll ever get back to dating. I don't know too many guys these days wanting to date a pregnant woman."I chuckled.
"You'll find one."
"To be honest, I'm not so sure if that's something I wanna consider for AWHILE. Too much is going on right now."
"Well does he know yet? Have you told him about the baby?"
"No. He doesn't know, but I know where he's at. I saw something online about him and his brother being in Michigan. but it's whatever."I shrugged.
"You have to tell. That's his child. I mean....I would wanna know."
"I know, I'll tell him. Soon. I don't want him to think I'm lying when I'm obviously telling the truth."
We pulled up to the ice cream shop and he parked the car and looked at me,"It's gonna be alright."

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