Chapter Twenty Nine

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Melanie's POV

"So this is your girl?",Candace asked Chris as she stared at me with disbelief.

"Yeah, have y'all met or something?",he asked.

I looked at him and nodded. Well this is awkward.. 

"Hmm,"Candace furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh before I forget,"Chris handed her a big gift bag that contained gifts for Candace and her parents.

She took the bag then set it on the living room table and said,"Melanie come chat with me over by the fireplace girl."

She started walking away and I looked over at Chris and he nodded at me as if to say 'It's okay, go ahead' so I followed behind her over to the fireplace and sat gestured for me to sit beside her on the couch.

"You want some hot coco?",she asked.

I shook my head,"No thanks."

"Oh come on girl relax, I didn't poison it or anything." she chuckled "At least try some of these cookies."

I grabbed a cookie and ate as she took a sip from her mug and she said,"Well, this awkward."

I nodded,"I know right."

"I just have to ask though, did you know Chris before I met you? I think that was at the auction right?"

"We met at the auction."

She nodded then shrugged,"Well I liked you then and I still like you now whether or not you're with Chris. You're classy and you have a lot going for yourself. I can't have my child around just ANY one."

I nodded,"So how are you doing? I hope the pregnancy is going smoothly."

"Everything is great now. Jordan and I are finally a couple now so-"

"I always knew you guys would be together! There's no way you two could keep away from each other for so long."

She laughed,"You know everybody kept saying that and I never understood why but I'm the happiest I've been in a LONG time."

"That's great. I'm happy for you Candace." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

We smiled at each other and Chris walked over to us and said,"I'm glad y'all getting along over here. I was afraid I was gonna have to start picking up some weave off the ground if shit went left."

We all laughed. Chris grabbed the full plate of cookies and started shoving them down his throat and even grabbed Candace's mug of coco and chugged that down.

"Fat ass,"Candace and I mumbled in unison then laughed together.

Chris frowned,"Y'all so damn rude, I was just minding my own business."

I looked down at my watch and saw it was getting late and I still wanted to stop at the hospital to see Margret and give her her gift. "Damn, we actually gotta head over to the hospital Candace, we should do this again sometime."

"Absolutely Melanie! Lemme get your number and we'll set something up.",we exchanged numbers then Chris and I headed over to the hospital. Today has been so good and I can't wait to see the look on Margret's face when she sees the necklace I bought her with a gold cross and her named engraved in the back and Chris bought her a dozen white roses and some sugar free chocolate since she's diabetic.

Chris and I walked hand in hand over into the elevator and he pecked my forehead then smiled.

"What was that for?",I smiled back.

"Just because."

"You're cute Chris.",I chuckled.

"I don't wanna be cute, I wanna be sexy."he said.

"Oh I haven't told you how sexy you are?",I purred. We were only able to say these things out loud because we were alone in the elevator.

"No, enlighten me. I wanna hear this."

"Chris baby, you are so DAMN sexy that every time I look at you.." I bit my lip "I get horny and I wanna just feel you inside me. I get all these naughty thoughts in my head and I get so fuckin wet-"

The elevator door opened and Chris stood there looking at me with an open mouth and lust in his eyes,"Ooh best believe when we get home I'm fuckin the shit outta you babe."

I laughed,"Come on!" I grabbed his hand and we headed over to Ms.King's room. There was a group of people outside of her door and they were blocking anyone from going inside.

"Excuse us. I need to see Margret.",I said so they could move out of the way.

Dr.Neal looked at me with an uncomfortable look,"Melanie."

"Yes Dr.Neal?"

He took off his glasses and wiped the sweat off his forehead,"Melanie, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"We tried to save her."

I furrowed my eyebrows,"Save who? Not Ms.King, now excuse me, she's expecting me." I said in disbelief. What is he even trying to say?

"Melanie, Ms.King passed away about an hour ago. She's gone."

"No, she's not. Margret is a fighter and she's expecting me right now. Excuse me Dr.Neal!", I tried to fight my way through as my eyes stung but no one was letting me through and Chris held onto me.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I cried.

"Mel,"Chris said softly.

"Why won't they let me see her!",I said pounding my fist onto Chris' chest as I bawled my eyes out. 

"She's gone Mel.",Chris whispered. "But it's gon alright."

"She can't be gone! She was just fine this morning. I called her and she said she was feeling just fine.",I sobbed.

I looked up from Chris' chest and asked Dr.Neal,"Can I see her please?"

He gave me a sorry look and nodded. He knows how close I got to Margret since she first checked into the hospital so I think he only let me in because of that. Chris' arms were wrapped around me as we slowly walked into Margret's room and saw her laying there in her bed with her eyes shut. I went over to her bedside and knelt down beside her.Chris placed his hands on my shoulders and I silently cried beside her.

I sniffed,"You were never supposed to stay this long because you were always making progress. I've only known you for seven months but I feel more connected to you than I ever did with my own mother. Once you got out I was gonna surprise you with a house, a car, and anything you ever could've needed." I weeped.

"You were there when no one else was" I sniffed "I got you this gift that you'll never get to open because you're...gone!"

"Mel, I'm so sorry for your loss. I really am babe. C'mon, stand up.",he tugged on my arm.

I slowly stood up and he embraced me in a tight hug as I cried in his chest. "You wanna go home?",Chris asked.

I nodded and Chris led me out of the room and out of the hospital. I was silent for the entire ride to my house and it was almost like my legs stopped working so Chris carried me out of the car and up to my room. He stripped me out of my clothes and slipped me into a giant tshirt then he stripped out of his clothes and joined me in bed. He pulled me closer to him and I let out a sigh,"I can't believe she's actually gone."

"I know baby, I know.",he said holding onto me tightly which is just what I need.

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