Chapter Thirty One

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Imani's POV
"I'm gonna miss you so much!", I squeezed Melanie goodbye.

"I know," She sniffed then wiped a tear away.

Trey hugged Melanie and said,"Take care of my bro out here."

"Will do.", she giggled.

We all finished saying our goodbyes and Trey and I hopped in the car and the driver drove us to the airport. The two of us walked into their private plane and when the pilot came on board we finally were on our way back home to Detroit.

About four hours later I woke up just as the plane landed and Trey helped me off the plane into his car that we had left here at the terminal. Once our bags were loaded into the car, Trey started the car and turned on the heater.

"What are you waiting for?", I mumbled tiredly.

"You still got the key I got you for Christmas?", he smiled.

"Yeah," I eyed him suspiciously.

"Lemme see it."

I pulled out the key from my purse and flashed it to him.

"Good. Now cover your eyes with this.", he handed me a bandanna.

"What are you hiding?", I giggled as I covered my eyes with it.

"Shh, just trust me."

He drove for about twenty minutes and my excitement was getting the best of me. I was moving around in my seat and silently guessed what the key was for. When the car finally came to a stop I tried to take my blindfold off but he stopped me,"Aye chill out. Not yet."

I sighed and sat still as he hopped out of the car and came over to my side and helped me out. "Watch you step babe."

He led me over then said,"Now hand me the key."

I handed it over and then he led me further inside somewhere. "Now take it off."

I ripped off the blindfold and my eyebrow raised in confusion as I looked around at the big space we were standing in. There was absolutely nothing inside except for the bare white walls and flooring. I turned back over to him and asked,"What is this place?"

"This," he spun around with his arms out wide, " is anything you want it to be."


"If you wanna run a restaurant, a clothing store, a strip club, whatever you want, but what I remember you telling me about your dream of owning your own salon with your friend Devonie and you can do that too! This is your canvas so paint it!"

"Stop lying.", my mouth hung open.

He walked up to me laughing ,"Baby I'm not lying. You like it?"

"Like it? Like doesn't even describe how I feel. I love it Trey and I love you." I kissed him "Thank you!"

"So now will you quit being a janitor?"

I laughed and nodded.

"Anything this place needs, to be he best on the block, it's yours. This is all under your name anyways so make it the best it can be."

I covered my eyes and started crying. "I don't know what to say Trey!"

He came up behind me and hugged me,"You did the hard part which was getting the degree, and since no one gave you a chance, I will. I know the kinda stuff you're capable of so just do it for yourself now."

I turned into him and kissed his lips again even as I cried. I held his face and he pressed his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and said,"You're such a good man. You always have been. I swear I love you so much."

Trey's POV
On the ride home Imani and I were cheesing like HELL. She was happy to be able to finally start her own business and I was happy because I finally found what I was looking for.

"So, how long have you and Megan been together?",Imani asked.

"About a year and a half.", I answered.

"Do you love her?"

I pondered the question a lot more deeply than I had expected then shrugged,"I don't know. I mean we've been together for a while and it almost seems natural to say 'I love you' to her but there seems to be something missing."

"What's missing?"

I shrugged,"I don't know, but I keep hoping that I'll find whatever is missing about her and then be able to say 'I love you' to her. You know what I mean?"

She nodded slowly,"I get what you're saying but what if you never find what you're looking for in her? I don't mean to sound intrusive but what if what is missing in her is what someone else just posses naturally?"

"Why all these questions? I don't know the answer to half of them, so what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Where's your man at?"

"I don't have one."

"Why not?"

"I just don't.",she shrugged and added,"A lot of guys just want the flashy types of girls. The ones in clubs, the ones with the big booties or boobs. It's hard finding someone who likes more than just the material things. I want somebody who I can have a real connection with."

I nodded. This girl is deep! She speaks the truth and says whatever is on her mind.
*flashback ends*

I kinda knew she was "the one" since that night. I felt it when we spoke and most definitely when we kissed and she had me feeling like I damn near got electrocuted.

How I know she likes me for me? She checks me when I'm tripping and she's humble. We been together for five months and the entire time I asked her to quit her job so I could take care of her but she ain't want that. She would rather scrub toilets than have everything handed to her. Most people I know would've quit without hesitation but her, she held her ground.

Does she love me like she say she do? She has that look my mama had in her eyes anytime she looked at my pops so I KNOW it's real. Everything about her is perfect, I wish my parents would've been able to meet her. They would've loved her.

"Whatcha thinking about?", she asked me.


"Oh yeah? About what?"

I shrugged, "I just my parents could've been able to meet you."

She slumped her shoulders,"Yeah. I do too."

"So what's your business gonna be?", I asked changing the subject.

"I'm gonna do the salon with Dev."

"Any idea on what you might call it?"

She shook her head,"Nah, I'm still in so much shock. Now I gotta create a whole business plan and think of the visual, and wow it's just... I can't believe this is really happening!"

"You deserve it.",I shrugged smiling.

"You know what you deserve?", she bit her lip.

I pulled up to the house and parked the car in the driveway," No, what?"

"Well come upstairs and find out daddy.", she winked and headed into the house.

I watched her walk in and I ran after her not even caring about our luggage still being in the car.

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