Chapter Six

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Trey's POV
I woke up the next morning only to find Megan sleeping right next to me. I nudged her in the side and she groaned then stirred around and mumbled,"What Trey?"
"Whatchu mean 'what', Megan? You better get your ass up from this got damn bed!",I growled.
"Why are you so pressed?"
"Because you lied to me last night then ran off to go fuck the nigga that was all over you at the club last night."
"I didn't fuck him."
"When the fuck did you get home last night?"
"Umm, I don't remember."
"Well you better start remembering, I swear you play too many games with me."
"I'm not playing any games Trey. I'm pretty sure I came home around three."
"What are you even doing inside my house?"
"I'm not welcome anymore?"
I didn't know how to answer that question so I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I then put a shirt over my head and slipped my feet into some slides.
"Where are you going?"Megan asked.
"With all those clothes on?"
"Yeah, if you came home last night on TIME, you'd know that we have company with us so don't be starting up some shit and make sure you-"
"Whose here?"
"An employee of mine. She got kicked out of her apartment and she'll be saying here until she gets back on her feet."
"She better not be a hoe or I'ma have to fuck that bitch up."
"Watch your mouth. I'm not playing you Megan, you can't be starting shit with her."I warned and left the room and headed downstairs.
Imani was at the stove cooking all sorts of shit. I saw pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, grits, and fruit. "Damn. You cookin again?"
"I like to cook but, this is my way of thanking you for welcoming me into your home."she said.
"You can stay as long as you want to if you gon be cookin like this!"I grabbed a piece of bacon from a plate. I'm going to be eating food from my house more often, now that Imani is here.
"So how come you can cook?"I asked.
She shrugged,"I just can. How come you can't?"
I shrugged,"No one ever taught me how."
"I'll teach you one."
I nodded and we piled our plates full of food then sat down at the kitchen table with glasses of orange juice in front of us. I stuffed my mouth full of pancakes and Imani politely cut up her food and ate with grace. Megan walked over to me in her robe and hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. I kinda shrugged her off of me because I knew why she was doing all that extra shit.
"Oh, Imani, this is my girlfriend Megan. Megan this is Imani."I said.
"Nice to meet you."Imani smiled.
"Damn, you cooked?"Megan ignored Imani's greeting and headed straight for the food.
I mouthed a 'Sorry' to Imani to make up for Megan's rudeness. Then she shrugged with a weak smile. Megan made herself a plate then sat down at the table with us and she seemed to eyeing Imani in a way I didn't like. Imani didn't seem to care about it though which just shows how petty Megan is.
I downed my orange juice and cleared my throat,"Thanks for the breakfast."
"No problem."
"Aye, y'all got any plans today?",I asked the girls.
"Yeah, I'm going to see my parents today."Megan said with a full mouth.
"What about you Imani?"
She shook her head,"No."
"Aight, I gotta head on over to my brother's house for a bit but I'll be back soon."
"Okay."she answered.
I headed upstairs to get ready for the day. When I finally finished getting dressed, I drove over to Chris' house and I rang the doorbell and waited until his housekeeper answered the door and welcomed me inside. I sat down in the living room and glanced at the ESPN channel showing highlights from last nights Heat game.
Chris walked into the room with a smile in his face and dapped me up and said,"Aye what's good Kid?"
"None man. What about you? And all them females you was with last night."I asked.
"Bruh, bomb ass threesome!"
I wanted to shake my head and tell him how wrong he is for all the shit he's doing but that always starts up a rather heated conversation so I bit my tongue and kept quiet."Yo foreal?"I pretended to be interested.
"I swear! I fucked em all real good then sent they asses home."
"Do you actually even have feelings for any of them?"
He shrugged,"Hell nah man. That shit is all just fun. You'll be the first to know when I find Mrs.Right aight nigga? Now quite trippin."
"Bet. Aight now Chris, did you pick out the cars we donating to the auction yet?"I asked on a serious note.
"What auction?"he asked dead ass serious.
I stared back at him in disbelief. I know he did NOT forget about this huge ACS auction I've been talking about for weeks now. It's too big of a deal to just brush aside until the last minute."Bruh are you serious?"
"I asked didn't I? Now what auction are you talking about?"
"The American Cancer Society auction! I been talking about this for about a month now."
"Oh, now I know what you're talking about. The one that we have to donate three cars to."
"Right. Now did you pick out the cars we're giving away?"
"Nah, but I'll get right on it."
I shook my head. See this is what the fuck I'm talking about. He is losing all his focus on the IMPORTANT things because he's busy fucking all these damn women. "Chris, I swear you better not fuck this u-"
"I got it.....damn! Now when is the auction?"
I rolled my eyes in frustration and sighed,"Three weeks. November 22nd. I'm serious fam, this is a big deal."
"I said I got this. Trey I think your forgetting that I'm that older brother and that I been lookin out for you and this business for as long as I can remember."Chris stated.
Then act like it. Chris USED to be on top of all this shit and had all his shit in order surprisingly when he still had Candace in his life. Now he is acting reckless and I'm worried it's gonna fuck with our money if he doesn't change his ways quickly.

Imani's POV
After Trey left the house, his girlfriend Megan had been mugging me out to the max. I could tell she was feeling some type of way towards me but I didn't dare let all that hate even phase me. I'm not here to start any problems or disrespect anybody. I just need someplace to live and I was very gracious that my boss is allowing me to stay in his huge mansion.
Megan left the house like she said earlier today and I felt the urge to explore this beautiful house. I slowly crept up the stairs and peered into the MANY rooms. There were like five actual bedrooms and one home theater type room, and one all white room filled with all white furniture, and four bathrooms. I was definitely amazed.
I made my way downstairs and saw that Megan had made a mess in the living room before she left so I decided to clean it up and when I finished I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels on the big flat screen.
I landed on ESPN and saw a rerun of a basketball game that was played yesterday. I kinda like sports. I never knew how to play them or ever considered myself as the athletic type but it always seemed fun. I really wasn't able to follow basketball this season as much as I'd liked to due to my lack of being able to pay my electric bills, but I hope I'll be able to watch more now that I'm living here.
I sat Indian style on the couch with a pillow in my lap as I gazed at the tv screen. I heard the sound of the front door opening and I cocked my head to the side and saw Trey walking into the living room with an angry look on his face.
"You okay?",I asked.
He looked up at me,"What? Yeah, I'm good."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really."he groaned and plopped down beside me. He looked at the tv screen and then back at me," You watch basketball?"
"Yeah. Do you?"
He chuckled,"Yeah but, I mean I never met a girl who likes watching sports. Most of you women like watching um....Real Housewives of Atlanta or some shit like that."
"Eh, I don't really pay attention to reality tv. But I like to watch all kinds of sports."
"Your weird.",he chuckled.
"No offense, but you're really different."
"Who says different is a bad thing?"
"No that's not what I meant to say. It's just that.... you know what, I'll just shut up."
I turned to him,"No go ahead."
He raised his eyebrow,"Well, you're a girl and girls don't really like to do guy things. Like watch basketball."
"Ugh, I ca not believe you think watching basketball is only for guys. I'll have you know in high school I lead my basketball team to the state championships and we won."
"Well good for you, but you have to admit that not to many women watch sports on a daily basis like guys do."he stated.
I shook my head with a smile,"Bullshit."
"I said that's pure bullshit!"I giggled,"You men are UN-believable!"
"No, you WOMEN are unbelievable."
"Your the one making it seem like women can't be interested in basketball because it's a "male sport" "
"It is!"
"So then play me."
"What the hell?"
"Yeah, play me. One on one and I BET I'll win. I'll even go easy on you."I sneered.
"Girl, don't you know I used to be THEE basketball guy?"he asked in disbelief,"I wouldn't wanna hurt your feelings."
"So then what happened?"
"My pops made me focus on the family business instead of following my dreams of being in the league."he said softly I can tell I struck a nerve.
"So then show me what you got. I'm ready to win!"
"Imani, does this LOOK like the set of Love and Basketball?"he said.
We both laughed.
"Your funny."I said putting my focus back on the game.
"Thanks, you too."
"You hungry?"
"Well I am!"I said getting up from the couch and walking towards the pantry in search for a snack. I saw a box of popcorn and I pulled out a bag from the box and took off the wrapper and placed it into the microwave. Two minutes later the microwave beeped and I pulled out the bag out hot popcorn then emptied its contents into a big blue bowl.
I walked back to the couch and sat down beside Trey and began eating the popcorn. He looked at the bowl and then he looked over at me and mumbled,"Eating up all my damn food."
"Uh, excuse me? I asked you if you wanted some."I stated.
"We ate breakfast like two hours ago."
"Yeah who cooked that big breakfast that's sitting in your stomach right now? Me, I did all that cooking."
He remained silent.
"That's what I thought Trey. That's what I thought...."
"Yeah bu-"
"Shh! I'm watching the game!"
"I swear, that's crazy as shit hearing a FEMALE say that!",he chuckled.
I looked over at him with a serious face,"Are you done? I'm tryna watch my man Paul George."
"You like George?"
I nodded.
"He aight. He ain't no Lebron though!"
"Oh please hop of the bandwagon and take note that there are many other great players out there OTHER than Lebron James."
"Like who?"
"Paul George, Kevin Durant, Blake Griffin, Dwayne Wade! Shall I continue?"
He stared at me with wide eyes,"Wow. You really do know basketball IQ."he put his hands up in defense"Well my bad then."
"Thanks, now can I watch this without anymore interruptions?"
He nodded.
We watched with pure intensity as Paul George quickly dribbled the ball down to the hoop and slammed it into the basket. I stood up from the couch and shrieked,"Woah! I know what my man is capable of!"
He smiled and shook his head. I guess I was wrong about Trey, he is definitely the opposite of his brother and is really down to earth. I like being in his company because he has a great sense of humor and that's always a nice quality to have in a friend.

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