Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Candace's POV
Dr.Neal took me to this nice diner fairly close to the hospital that he works at. I have to admit that I was expecting to be taken somewhere a lot more fancier than this especially since he's a doctor and when I was with Chris that was the type of stuff I was used to. I hope he knows that we are are just going to eat dinner and this whole thing is over.
I just recently found out that I'm carrying Chris' child. I don't know what hurts more, the fact that we were supposed to be a family with this child or the fact that I don't even know where he even went. Wherever he went, I'm sure he took his brother with him. The two do just about everything together.
We found a booth towards the back of the diner and I sat there awkwardly looking through the menu. I don't even know why I agreed to having dinner with this man. I don't even know him that well except for the fact that he's a doctor. Even though I held a menu in my face I could just feel his eyes on me but I tried my best to ignore it. Instead my mind raced back to the dreadful week I had at work.
I walked into the lobby to the building of where I work as a Psychologist and I could just feel all the attention being placed on me. Everyone seemed to be pointing and whispering as I walked in struggling to keep my head held high at all costs.
One co-worker in particular named Rasheeda approached me with a wide smirk on her face. "Hey girl! I heard about the wedding, you must feel so devastated." She was loving every moment of my misery. Her and I almost never saw eye to eye on things and what angered her the most is that I invited just about everyone from the office except her to my HUGE wedding.
I think she was also jealous that I was going to marry such an important and good looking man like Chris Brown, the president of General Motors. I can't say that I blame her though. I used to flaunt everything that Chris did for me in for me whether it were flowers, jewelry, or even last Valentines Day he showed up to my job with a brand new white Range Rover.
I did everything in my power to stop myself from breaking down in front of her so I would give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I shrugged,"Shit happens you know. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be."I said and started walking towards my office.
"Obviously not if he left your ass at the alter. Karma's a bitch."she called out.
"Yeah, and so are you but you don't hear me complaining." I said and I closed the door to my office and let the tears fall.
The entire week people came by my office and gave me their sympathy like it actually made a difference. It didn't make anything better, it just came as a reminder that you can never really trust a man even if you think you know them after six years.
I would sit in my chair and write notes and make suggestions to help people with their problems even though I couldn't even help myself. I feel like I'm lying to my patients when I tell them everything will get better because nobody ever knows these type of things for sure.I keep hoping this is all a dream and that I'm gonna wake up any minute now and walk down the aisle as planned. There are times when I wanna cry for hours but I know it's not gonna make a difference so I try to be tough and not become a bitter woman from this. I may never know I did to deserve this from Chris especially since he's gone. After all these years, I thought we'd be able to just say what's on our mind like adults not just run away from them. I spent too many hours in my office as well as in my bedroom crying about what I might've done wrong. Now look where I am now....
Flashback Ends
"So you ready?"Dr.Neal asked interrupting my thoughts.
"To order? You ready to order?"he pointed to the waitress standing before us with an annoyed look on her face.
"Uh, yeah. Can I just get the baked chicken and a side of salad?"
"What would like to drink?"she asked.
"And for you?"she asked Dr.Neal
"I'll have the the fried chicken with a side of fries please."he said,"Oh and a glass of water please."
The waitress nodded her head as she wrote down the order and walked away. I let out a sigh and tried to wrap my head around something other than me and Chris' baby but it was hard.
As if he was reading my mind Dr.Neal cleared his throat and asked,"You wanna talk about it?"
I looked up at him and shook my head,"Not really."
"That's alright. I just want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to or a friend, I'm here. I can be a good listener."
"Dr. Ne-"
"Please, call me Jordan."
"Uh, well Jordan, I appreciate the offer but if I start talking then I'll start crying and I've already done too much of that for the day. So maybe another time."
"Sounds good."
I nodded. Who knows, if he's willing to listen, maybe having him around won't be a bad thing. I'm in desperate need of some friends right now anyway. I smiled in delight as our food was placed in front of us, time to eat!

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