Chapter Twenty One

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Chris' POV
"Hey Mel," I spoke through the phone.
"Hey Chris. I miss you ", Melanie replied.
"I miss you too girl. Ain't no one around here to keep me company, I'm kinda lonely."
"Oh Chris, "she giggled "we both knew I had to leave but I'll be back as soon as I can. "
I brushed a hand over my head as I thought about the surprise trip we'd be takin to la for Christmas that Melanie has no clue about.
"Aight. Whatchu doin?"
"I'm clocking out right now. I just finished working a double and my feet and my back are killing me. I could use a bubble bath right about now.", she groaned. "What about you? "
"I'm just at home chillin. Trey wanted me to go out to some club with him and Imani but since you ain't here I dont really feel like going anywhere"
"Aww, you should go Chris. "
"I thought about it but there's just gonna be a bunch of chicken heads in there tryna holla at me and I ain't in the mood."I joked.
"Ha ha ha." She mocked "Well if you don't wanna go then I can't force you, I just want you to think i only want you to have a a good time with me around "
"But I do!"
"Oh whatever! "She laughed" Chris ill call you later I'm about to start heading home. It was nice hearing your voice."
"Same. Have a good night babe."
"You too. Bye.", she hung up.

Jordan's POV
I walked into Ms.King's room to check her IV as I do everyday but today I didn't have as much concentration. I've just had so much on my mind lately and its really weighing me down. I tried to shake off my thoughts but they stayed put.
"Hey Dr.Neal, how're you?",her smiling face asked.
"I'm doing just fine Ms. King, thanks.",I answered. "How are you?"
"Okay. This new medication is really wearing me down though."
"Things are going to feel a bit strange at first but your body will adjust in no time."
I looked down at my clipboard and charted down some of the progress being made with Ms.King. My phone vibrated with a text message and I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was from Candace. I sighed and shoved the phone back in my pocket.
"What's on your mind Jordan? C'mon you can talk to me.",Margret insisted.
"Ms.King I'm fine."
She shrugged,"I believe you, just try convincing yourself."
I groaned,"Is it really that obvious?"
"Yes. Whats going on with you?"
"I'm having woman problems."
"I knew it! It's that girl you knocked up isn't it?"
"What? No, I didn't get Candace pregnant. Wait how do you know about her?"
She shrugged and smirked,"People talk."
"Yeah, well she's kind of a handful.",I mumbled.
"All women are handfuls, tell me about her."
"She's been one of my patients for awhile and a few months ago she came in for a check up and ended up telling her that she's pregnant. Her ex fiancé left her at the altar on their wedding day and moved out of town ."
"Oh my god."
"I was nice and decided to become friends with her. She seemed like she needed a friend and I wanted to be there for her. So we've been getting closer to each other and then I don't know... I guess I sort of became attracted to her. She's beautiful, funny, and just full of life."
"No let me finish, I just wish that....I don't know. This whole thing is so complicated."
"Jordan, you're falling for her."Margret suggested.
I sighed,"It's more than that I-"
"Oh my god! You love her!",she smiled.
I chuckled and shrugged,"I mean, yeah I do. A few days ago, we went out to Detroit and met up with her ex so she could tell him about the baby and now he wants to be apart of her life again. That's good news for her, but, it's like where does that leave me?"
"What if he decides he wants to get back together with her and she lets him?"
"No woman is that stupid Jordan. If he didn't wanna marry her when they were at the altar he'll never want her. But you" Margret smiled "I can see it in your eyes how deeply you care for this girl. You need to let her know how you feel."
"When?"I asked.
"Soon boy! Soon."
"Alright thanks for the advice Ms.King but you do know I still have to inject you with your medicine."
She sighed and closed her eyes,"Okay baby. I'm ready."
I nodded and brought out her medicine and injected it into her right arm. As I disposed of my gloves into the trash, I thought about what Ms.King said. I just need to figure out how to tell Candice my feelings.

Imani's POV
Two Weeks Later
"Did you remember to pack everything?",Trey asked for the tenth time.
I rolled my eyes and growled," Yes!"
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me and said,"Hey I don't really need your sass Imani. I'm just making sure you don't forget anything."
"Well we're just going to L.A for five days chill the fuck out."
"Keep talking to me like that and your ass is staying at home."
"The only reason I'm going is to see Melanie. You think I'd wanna spend Christmas under the same roof as your obnoxious older brother?"
He huffed his breath and ignored my comment then continued loading up the car with our bags. Exactly what I thought. He knows Chris and I don't get along well and that I'm gonna have to bite my tongue if he wants to get slick and say some shit.
I took one last look around the house before walking out and locking the door behind me. I hopped into the passenger side beside Trey as he drove off in the direction of the airport terminal.
The drive was quiet and kind of depressing. It was dark and cloudy outside with a light snowfall and inside the car the only sound was coming from the heater. I could feel Trey constantly looking back and forth me and the road and I purposely avoided his stares.
Trey and I are like a perfect match but the only thing that messes up our chemistry is the relationship I have with Chris. He doesn't respect me whatsoever. Trey tells me he's told him to lay off but clearly he hasn't done enough if Chris still insists on taking shots at me. Like for instance, the incident that happened last week at work.
When cleaning offices, Devonie and I insist on taking turns so on Monday it was my turn to clean Chris and Trey's offices. I had cleaned out Trey's first and even lit one of his favorite scented candles in there to freshen it up in there. It didn't even take me up to an hour to clean so then I went over to Chris' office to start cleaning.
Everyday at 12:30 Chris leaves for lunch and doesn't return till about 1:30. I went in there at 12:38 and used my key to get inside and was completely shocked when I walked in and saw Chris sitting at his desk receiving HEAD from the office secretary Ashley.
She was busy on her knees bobbing her head up and down on Chris' member and he looked up and saw me then glared.
"Shit!", he yelled.
I grimaced in disgust and backed out of his office without a single word. I stood outside his office deep in my thoughts.
Woah, woah, woah. What happened to him and Melanie? I thought he was serious about her? She's my friend, I wonder how I'm gonna break the news to her? Why is Chris eve-
"Hey babe, whatchu doin here?",Trey asked as her came up from behind me and planted a kiss on my neck.
"Um, uh nothing!", I answered slightly startled. "Nothing at all Trey"
"You're a horrible liar Imani. Really though, what's up?"
I sighed in defeat and motioned towards Chris' office door,"I went to go clean his office like I always do and.."
"And what?"
"Chris is u-"
I immediately stopped when Chris office door swung open and Ashley walked out with a small grin on her face and her hair slightly ruffled.
"That.",I said.
Trey walked into the office and all I did was stay out in the hallway because I knew damn well that wasn't the right time for me to be around Chris. I already know he's gonna be mad I walked in on him.
All I heard was loud yelling between the two brothers before Trey dashed out and left me standing alone in the hallway with my cleaning cart.
The door to Chris' office was still open and he when he came over to shut it he stopped and gave me one of the deadliest glares I've ever seen. "Amari, you saw nothing in here aight?"
"Its Imani."that he slammed the door in my face leaving me both confused and angry.
"Baby, mad at me? I didn't mean to raise my voice at you.", Trey said placing a hand on my thigh.
I shook my head and continued gazing at the snow covering the city. I'm not mad at Trey, I'm mad that I've been put in an awkward position by Trey's brother to remain silent about what I saw last week. When I asked Trey what he thought I should do, he told me to leave it alone because thats the type of shit Chris does all the time. I'm not concerned about Chris' feelings, I'm concerned about Melanie's and how crushed she'll feel when she realizes her whole relationship with Chris is just one giant lie.
"You're still not trippin about the whole Chris thing right? I told you not worry about it.",he said.
"Trey how can you even say that? Don't you even care that someone innocent is being dogged by your brother?"
"Of course I care, but that's just how Chris is. That's how he's always been. I'm even angry that he lied to me when he said he'd stop treating women like that. I wish he'd consider everyone he's hurting."
"What do you mean by that?"
He shook his head,"Nah, I can't say too much."
"Say too much about what?"
"Imani, just drop it please. You'll probably find out eventually."
I crossed my arms and twisted my lips and thought about what Trey could possibly be talking about. There's too many secrets with the Browns and I plan on finding them all out one way or another.

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