Chapter Eighteen

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Chris' POV
Trey and I sat in my office and we were just catching up with each other. We talked about sports, cars, the auction, and of course women.
"Yo you hella bold Chris.",Trey leaned back in his chair.
"Why you say that?",I asked.
"You have all them women you fucked under one giant ass building with a female you tellin me you have a strong connection with. I don't see how you do it all bruh, I salute you."
"Man shut the fuck up! Aye if bitches start acting petty or try to start some shit, they asses will be gone. We ain't got no room for no bullshit these days."
"Damn bruh, what is Melanie slippin in your drink. You all mature in the week she been here. What's up?"
"Ion know man, she's just different I guess. She and I can talk for HOURS but sometime sit's like she's holding back. Like she's afraid to really open up and it surprised the hell outta me since I told her EVERYTHING."
"Ma and pop?"
"Lion King?"
"She laughed at that one."
I hesitated for a minute,"Nah, it sort of came up like, she asked if I ever been in love and I couldn't answer yes or no. She sort of new that was something big so she dropped it."
"You know if you really serious about this, you gon have to tell her right?"
"Yeah, I know. The thing I'm really surprised at is how Candace has been quiet about this whole thing. Her ass could've made a good mill off selling her story to the blogs or something but it seem like no one knows about anything that happened."
"I still say she was a keeper."Trey said.
"Yeah, just not for me though."I said lowly.
My office phone rang and I picked up,"Hello?"
My secretary Ashley said through the phone,"Mr.Brown, Dr.Jordan Neal is here for you're four o'clock."
"Aight, send him in.",I said and hung up.
"I wonder what this doctor is here for. What kind of business would he want with you?"Trey asked.
I shrugged,"What ever it is, they better hurry up because I'm supposed to take Mel out for dinner."
"How did our females become so close anyways?"
"I don't understand the way female's minds work Trey. Don't ask me no shit like that.",I chuckled.
There was a soft knock at the door and I called out,"Come in."
Ashley peeped her head into the slowly then widened up the door for this Dr.Neal person to walk in but he wasn't alone. He came in with a female. A pregnant one at that. When my eyes met hers I furrowed my eyebrows and muttered,"Fuck!"

Candace's POV
Jordan helped me get seated on a chair in front of Chris's desk. I flashed Chris a big smile,"Hey Chris!"
He looked at me with worried eyes and he seemed sort of scared like I was psychotic or something.
"Well you don't seem happy to see me.",I smirked. I actually love making him feel uncomfortable like this and this is only the beginning.
"Candace.",Trey uttered to himself in the corner with his arms crossed and a look of amazement in his eyes.
"Trey! So good to see you as well. You look so much older! Have you been working out or something?"
He didn't answer me either. Chris looked down at his desk and shook his head then looked up at me and said,"Candace, uh, what are you doing here?"
"What? I can't come to see my dearest friends anymore?" I grinned. All this sarcasm was entertaining as hell. "It's been awhile. What's been going on with you two? Update me on what's going on, come on. Don't leave me behind on all the news."
Chris scratched the back of his neck then asked,"So um Dr.Neal, you said um you have some important business to discuss?"
Jordan shook his head,"Not me, Candace does."
I grinned at him hard and he looked so uncomfortable it made me wanna burst out laughing but I stayed calm.
He sighed,"Candace foreal, why are you here?"
"Chris I'm just gonna get right to the point. You see this baby right here?",I pointed to my stomach.
"It's yours.",I crossed my arm and leaned back in my chair.
"Shit!",Trey said loudly.
"Wha-what did you just say?"
"This.Baby.Is.Yours. Understand?"
"Aye, she lyin bruh. Don't believe a got damn word she says!",Trey shouted.
"Can y'all let me talk to her for a minute please?",he asked Trey and Jordan.
They both nodded and walked out of the office.
"That's not my baby Candace.",he stated lowly.
I chuckled,"Oh yes it is."
"And how the FUCK do I know that it ain't that doctor's baby and you just tryna make a quick dolla from me."
"I have not slept with Jordan. We're not even together."
"Bullshit. The way his ass walked up in here like he knew he was gonna get a cut from this shit was written all over his face!"
"So you think I been fuckin around? Is that it?"
"Well what the fuck do you expect me to think Candace!"
"I expect you to be a fucking MAN for once! God Chris, not every one is out to get you."
"Yeah well they may as well be. I don't trust nobody! Get the fuck out my office."
"Hell no."I stated.
"What?"he asked like he hadn't heard me correctly.
"You heard me Chris. Why do you always gotta be the one to make decisions huh? You know DAMN WELL this is your seed. Remember that night you forgot to buy condoms and you promised to pull out in time but your dumb ass forgot? Yeah, well surprise mother fucker."I said lowly.
"How far along are you?"
"Five months."
"Damn. Yo this is gonna fuck up everything. Such bad timing. You know what this is gonna do to my rep?"
I looked up at his face and crinkled my face,"Your rep? DON'T YOU FUCKING TALK ABOUT RUINED REPUTATIONS CHRIS! You don't know shit about ruined reputations!"
I stood up from my chair and pointed in his face,"I was the one that had to tell all of our guests to go home on our wedding day! I was the one that was the laugh of the town. I was the one that was depressed for months because your dumb ass couldn't man the fuck up and tell me you weren't ready! So don't sit here and act like your world is crumbling down now because you found out you impregnated me when I was the one that got all the heat from all your fucked up bullshit!",I screamed as hot tears ran down from my face.
"I-I'm sorr-",he tried to say.
"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up Chris! I don't even wanna hear it because you wouldn't be saying that, matter fact you wouldn't even have given a fuck if it weren't for this baby! You are just a sad excuse of a man and people like you don't even deserve to be alive!"
He had a few tears running down his face and he put his head down and muttered,"I'm sorry."
"Got me at home all alone and scared just wondering if there was another woman or if this whole thing was my fault. I used to ask God everyday why such a terrible thing happened to me and what I did to make you wanna do that shit to me. You made a fool out of me Chris. You made me feel like I wasn't worth shit. You have caused so much pain and so much self hate that it's really hard for me to even look at you."
He looked up at me with his red eyes and streams of tears falling from his eyes.
"I've pictured what would happen the next time I saw you again for a long time now and now that I'm here I can't do anything but feel more shameful. Shameful that I could ever feel like I wasn't woman enough for you when really you weren't man enough for me."
"I know Candace, and I'm sorry. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say.",he said standing up and walking over to me.
"There's really nothing you're supposed to say to me Chris. Okay? Because you don't even know how hard this was for me. No one does!", I placed my face in my hands and cried harder.
Chris tried to put his arm around me but I snapped at him,"DON'T TOUCH ME!"
"Candace please,I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that to you, you didn't deserve it at all and I'm so so sorry."
"The only reason I came here is so that you could be apart of our son's life. That's it, no more no less."
"Son? You havin a boy?",a soft smile crept up on Chris' face.
I nodded and a light chuckle escaped my mouth,"Yes, a boy."
"That's great!"
"It is?"
"Hell yeah it is. Listen, I wanna be involved, if you'll let me. I wanna take part in this whole ordeal."
"Okay, well that's why I came here anyways." I sniffed and wiped the tears off my cheek and smiled,"I still can't believe I'm gonna have a baby."
"Me neither. Candace I just wanna apologize for all I pain I've caused you. I'm nothing but a rude and selfish bastard who didn't even think twice about anything. My biggest regret is that day and I haven't been able to think straight with that still lingering in my brain. Is there any way I can make it up to you?"
"Yeah, all I ask is that you make time for our son. I don't wanna have to feel like I'm doing this all on my own."
"That's it?"
"Yep, that's it."
"Well can I hug you or....?"
"Yeah you can hug me."
He came over to me and gave me big hug that lasted for what felt like a lifetime. He pulled back and asked,"Can I touch him?"
I nodded and grabbed his hand and guided him over to where he could feel the baby. Chris smiled and said,"Damn I'm gonna be a dad!"

A/N go check out @caligirl0198 stories ☺️

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