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it's been a few days now and i haven't seen "cals best friend" at the warehouse since the day. I'm going over cal's today to hangout and maybe talk about new designs, i might ask him who the guy at the warehouse was and why he was at there and not cal.

i get ready and it a nice day out so i put on a mini dress which was a pastel pink colour. when i had finished getting ready for the day and had eaten it was around 12:30 so i decided to message cal

To Lux<3:
hey lux, i'm just leaving my house now and i should be over in about 25 minutes!

from Lux<3:
great! i have some idea we can discuss too.

To lux<3:
okay, see you soon!

and with that i got in my car and drove to the 2 cal's' apartment. i got out of the car, got into the lift and when i arrived i knocked on the door. After a few knocks freezy answers the door.

'oh hey Lottie!' freezy says with his arms open greeting me for a hug, i hug him back and say 'hey freezy, how have you been?' 'i've been good, come in' he says releasing me from his hug and moving out of the way. we both walk over to the kitchen and talk for a few minutes until lux walks in 'hi boss!' i say and laugh, lux laughs back. 'quick question, why weren't you at work on tuesday and why was-' as i was about to finish my question the tall, dirty blonde, blue eyed guy walks into the kitchen, we both just stop and stare at eachother in confusion.

after a few moments of silence Harry walks over to me and holds out his hand 'i'm Harry and you are?' i shake his hand and reply 'Charlotte..Lottie for short' he smiles and nods 'nice to meet you Lottie'
why is he acting like he didn't meet me the other day? does he not remember?
'you to' i replied quietly in confusion. 'anyway what were you saying lottie' lux says while looking up from his phone 'oh it's have ideas then huh?' i reply with a slight smile on my face.

Harry's POV//
i walk into the kitchen and notice a brunette, green eyed girl sat on the counter facing lux and freezy. A soon as she notices me i look at her again and we just stare in silence.
why do i recognise her? and where from i don't go anywhere to meet a pretty girl like her.

^time skip still harry's POV*
it's been a few hours and me and..Lottie have been talking with lux about ideas for Notoways. She seems pretty cool. right now me, lux and lottie are sat on the sofa watching some TV. When lux notices me staring at her he gets up and walks out saying he's going to the bathroom. fucking great!

my phone buzzed, i look down to see that 'idol👟' has messaged me..that's lux, me and him have a joke that i aspire to be him one day and have my own shoe company.

'idol👟': thought i'd leave you and lottie alone, you can't stop staring at her
Me: i have no idea what you are on about, i barley know the girl nevermind like her.
idol👟: just admit it, you find her attractive.
me: no idea what you're talking about.

and with that i put my phone down.
'wanna order some food' i say looking over at lottie, she looks up at me and smiles 'yeah sure, pizza?' she says with excitement. I just nodded and with that ordered pizza.

Lottie's POV//
'so what made you come back from Guernsey' i say
'just missed the boys, you know how it is' he says while finishing off the pizza order 'wait, how do you know that i lived in Guernsey?' he looks at me with a questionable face, 'i've known the boys for 7-8 months they've told me almost everything about you' i say and chuckle. 'better be good things' he replied 'freezy told me that one time you came back drunk and threw a speaker at the girl freezy had brought back' his face went from a pale ish colour to bright red 'i promise i'm not always like that' he says with embarrassment.

we talked for hours, getting to know eachother. Harry seemed just how the boys described him, hilarious, clumsy, smart but dumb and well overall just a great person.
'it's getting quite late now, i better head home' i say getting up from the sofa. 'okay, it was nice meeting and talking to you' harry says while smiling and getting up too 'see you at the warehouse' lux says shouting from the kitchen 'i sure will' i say and laugh walking over to the door.

hey guys i don't want this to be annoying, it's taking slow to get into the story but i hope you're enjoying it, what do you think will happen in the next chapter?

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now