Thirty Nine

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hi Charlotte!
i am writing to you to say that,
me and the team at the studios have listened to your song and a few of your covers and we think you're extremely talented. We would love to have you be part of the team, maybe even get a record deal?.
Let us know whenever you're ready. Keep up the good work!


i stare at the email for a good 5 minutes in complete shock. I never expected this, especially not this soon. I have to tell harry. But first i need to tell talia, she will be so excited.

'Hey C, everything alright?' talia said through the phone with a concerned look.

'yes everything is all good, i have some news to tell you' i smile

'IS IT A GIRL?!' she yells in excitement. I laugh at her silliness

i shake my head 'no no, that's another two weeks'

'so what is the news then?' she asked

'well i may or may not have been offered a place in the xrecordingstudios team!' i exclaim and smile from ear to ear.

'omg no way! omg wait you're gonna become an official artist! you will have your own album!' she said back in excitement.

'maybe, that's if they think i'm good enough' i chuckle

'oh shut it, if they offered you a place they think you're good enough, plus we all know you're good enough' she said calming down

'i haven't told anyone else yet, please keep this between me and you?'

'of course, you're not telling harry?' she smiled

'yes, but i don't want to just yet. You know just in case nothing becomes of it' i bite my lip

she nods 'your secret is safe with me' she smiles showing her pinky through the camera

'we need to meet up soon!!' i said in excitement, remembering we can do that now.

'omg yes we do!! how about tomorrow?' she said

'sure, our favourite place?' i smile knowing she knows what i'm on about.

she nodded in response
'well i will see you tomorrow!, bye T' i smile waving at the camera. She said goodbye and ended the call.

a get up and head to the kitchen to make breakfast, just some coco pops. I look down at the little bump which is growing more and more every day.

'we can't wait to meet you, little one' i whisper whilst placing my hand on my stomach. I honestly cannot wait to see what our baby brings to this world and our lives. Sitting at the kitchen island eating i go onto instagram and see what harry had uploaded to his story.

 Sitting at the kitchen island eating i go onto instagram and see what harry had uploaded to his story

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i smile to myself before swiping up and replying with

'i love you, thank you for everything. Without you i would be nowhere'

he didn't respond straight away, he must be busy filming i'm guessing. I am going to try and wait to respond to the email..i don't wanna seem eager or anything.
*skip a few days cuz i'm lazy*

To xrecordingstudios
hi, i have took a few days to figure out what my decision was going to be. I have obviously decided to accept the offer! i would love you to be apart of your team, once again thank you for the offer

~Charlotte Hodges

Reply Xrecordingstudios
Great! we are so happy to hear that you accepted the offer, we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 9am.


well i did it and i'm going to the studios tomorrow. It's been hard keeping this from harry of course but i can't wait to surprise him with the news, i know he will be so happy for me. He knows i've always wanted this.

The gender reveal party is being held in around five days time. I let Talia, Lauren and Freya plan it, as i trust them all. Harry wanted freezy to but i knew he would mess things up and me and him still aren't on talking terms. Right now me and harry are on our way to a sidemen shoot, it's a mukbang. They're doing it as a welcome back kind of video(because of lockdown) i'm just sitting behind the cameras because harry insisted i joined him.

'Charlotte? hello?' harry said placing his hand on my thigh whilst driving

'uh yeah sorry, what's up?' i look at him and smile

'i was just saying how i think you and freezy should speak' he said focusing on the road still. I don't reply for a moment.

'i don't feel comfortable, i know he still likes me and was a fling' i shake my head

'come on char, for me?' he squeezes my thigh and i sigh in response. I want to make up with him but another part of me doesn't. I'm so torn on what to do. But whatever makes harry happy i guess.

We pull up and harry gets out of the car and walks over to the boys. I stay behind in the car for a moment. The mukbang is being filmed on Freezy's rooftop, meaning he'll be at the shoot. I haven't seen freezy that much i've tried to avoid him as much as possible, but today i have no choice.

walking over to where the boys are i'm greeted by tobi
'Charlotte! how you doing?' he asks me genuinely

'i'm doing fine, you?' i said not looking at him. He puts his hand on my chest making me stop.

'don't lie to me, what's up?' he frowns

'it's just-it's cal..i don't know whether i want to see him today' i sigh looking at him

'you didn't have to know?' he said letting his hand down to relax

'harry insisted i did, he wants me to speak with cal but i don't know if i want to'

'if i'm wants to speak to you, he has wanted to ever since that whole mess happened. He's just waited for you' he sighs

Cal waited for me. He wanted to make sure i was ready. He understood i needed time and space. I look up at tobi and give him a big hug.

'thank you, tobi' i say quietly. I notice cal looking over at me so i give him a little smile, in which he returned.

'it's all good, remember you have my number' he smiles before walking over to the boys and joining them. I take a deep breath and walk over towards cal.

'hi' is all i managed to get out.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now