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Harry's POV//
'see you are the warehouse' lux says. That's where i know her from! i knew i recognised her.

i walked to the kitchen after smiling to myself for a good 2 minutes. 'I knew i recognised her from somewhere' i say while looking at lux. 'what do you mean?, harold'
'i met her..well sort of, at the warehouse on tuesday' i reply with a slight smile on my face
'oh right, the day i didn't go into work because-' i cut him off 'lux stop thinking about her, she wasn't any good for you. you know you deserved better' i say walking over to him and tapping his shoulder for reassurance. He doesn't reply and just sighs while making himself a glass of water.

Lotties POV//

it's been a few days since i went over cal's house and all i can seem to do it think about harry, i decided to dm him on instagram

to wroetoshaw:
hey harry, are you doing anything today?

from wroetoshaw:
hey lottie, don't think so why?, do you wanna hang out?

to wroetoshaw:
sure, i'll meet you outside your apartment.

i got up, got ready and headed over to harry's place. By the time i had arrived he was already outside leaning against the wall looking at his phone.

i beep my horn and he jumps slightly, i laugh and he flips me off while walking over to my car.

'hey' he says while getting in. 'yooo, how's life been?' i say being stupid.
he looks at me and laughs 'lottie, i haven't seen you in a few days why you acting like it's been a whole year?'.
i shrug 'so where we going?'. 'i was thinking we could just drive around, talk and maybe stop by at the beach' he looks at me and smiles
i look at him and nod 'great idea!'.

Harry's POV//
we were driving in silence for a few moments and i just admired her. 'you're good at driving you know' i say breaking the silence, 'well thank you, mr Lewis' she says with confidence and giggles at what she just said.

we've been driving and talking for about 2 hours now and it's now 5:20pm.

'Let's go get some food and head to the beach' she says whilst driving. 'yeah sure, pizza?' i reply looking at my phone, 'you really do love pizza don't you' she says while quickly glancing over at me. 'who doesn't' i reply.

we get pizza and we're now at the beach and to my surprise she had a picnic blanket in the back of her car. i watch her as she places it down neatly against the soft yellow sand. Once she's done that we sit down.

lotties POV//
we're just sat down admiring the sunset and i look towards harry

'so why the beach then?' i say and turn to face him. 'no reason, it's just peaceful and since i live with 2 cal's who aren't exactly quiet, it's nice to have to leave for once' he says with passion still admiring the sun.

i giggle to myself, 'what you laughing at?' he says looking at me with an unimpressed face 'i just had a weird thought' i say placing my head on his shoulder.

'what was the "weird" thought' he says softly, 'you' i say whilst laughing 'me? why what have i done?' he says quickly with confusion 'chill out harry..i just found it funny how we met at a warehouse' i chuckle
'i think it's cute and unique' he says whilst looking down at me and our eyes meet.
We just stare into eachothers eyes. 'gosh his eyes are beautiful' i say out loud. 'thanks, yours to Lottie' he says. i just realised what i said. why did i say it out loud oh no. i blush, look towards the ocean where the waves are crashing together and just sigh in relief.
Harry's POV//
it's 12:00am and i have woken up to Lottie laying on my chest asleep. we're still at the beach and i have no idea why.
i move ever so slightly to grab my phone, to see i had 6 miss calls from freezy and one message which states

Freezy: where are you bog? are you with Lottie ;)
i sigh and reply
'yes i'm with lottie and no nothing has happened'
i yawn and stretch slightly, running my fingers through her hair.

it's been about 15 minutes and she slowly starts to opens her eyes, once she realises what she's doing she sits up and yawns 'good morning' i say, chuckling, she looks back at me whilst stretching 'what time is it' she says with a sleepy voice '12:20am' 'oh shit' she gets up quickly and nudges me to get up off of the blanket 'woah woah why the mad rush?' i say whilst getting up 'it's 12:20am harry and we're at the beach! my roomie is going to freaking out!' she says raising her tone slightly.

we get up and leave, sitting in silence the whole car ride. she takes me home first and then leaves and goes straight to her place.

this is a slightly longer chapter. i know it's taking so long to get into things and i don't know if you guys like it, let me know so i can speed up or not.

thanks for the reads it means a lot!<3

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now