Fourty two

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Today is finally the day i go to the Xrecording studios. I'm so nervous but excited. I'm not telling harry as he will get his hopes up and i don't want to disappoint him if nothing becomes of this.

getting ready i put on black ripped skinny jeans and a white crop top, with some air force ones. I put my hair up in a bun, which wasn't too messy but it also wasn't perfect.

'where you off char?' harry said whilst walking into the bathroom where i was doing my makeup

'just out with the girls for the day' i looked at him through the giant mirror and smiled..i hated lying to him.

'pretty dressed up for that, aren't you?' he looks at me confused.

'we're going for a know first time seeing each other after months of lockdown' i place my mascara on the side and turn to face him and smile.

'you doing anything today?' i ask, not wanting to leave him.

'probably go play football with the boys' he smiled

i kissed him quickly and said goodbye and went on my way to the studios. Parking up outside the studios after following the very confusing directions, i admire how amazing the building looked. Windows from floor to ceiling and possible the tallest building in london. I take a quick picture with the building behind me, for the memories and head up to the reception.

'hi, what can i help you with?' the receptionist greeted me

'hello, i'm charlotte hodges..i'm here for a session with the Xrecordingstudios team?' i smile politely

she smiled and nodded and told me to wait in the waiting room. I did as i was told and i sat in the room for a good 40 minutes.

'charlotte!' i heard a female voice say as they approached me

'i'm Mia, nice to meet you' she smiled

'nice to meet you too, i'm guessing your part of the team?' i laughed slightly. She nodded and walked to a room, me following behind. I was greeted by most of the team before i was now sat in another room with just one huge table and at least 5 other people sat around it. I was conversing with the team about what my plans were and how this offer was so unexpected. I also got to know a lot more about the team and how they work with colleagues.

'what's your thought on trying to sing a song today?' Jake said, one of the top tier team members.

'i mean sure, why not' i smiled getting up and heading over to the booth

'try singing control by zoe weez..your cover was amazing' Ellie another team member said.
she started up the backing track and i began to sing, i was so nervous.I felt sick. Knowing that professionals were watching and listening to my every word and every note. I finished off the song with a twirl and i was applauded by everyone. I'm gonna get on so well with everyone.

'that was awesome!! how about you come back every friday for a session, you could be singing, discussing and even writing another song' Mia said cheerfully

'of course i would love to, this has always been a dream of mine' i said

'thanks for having me, guys' i said finally walking out of the door and towards my car. What an amazing few hours. However, i'm going every friday and i know harry is going to get suspicious. But i don't feel like telling him just yet. They seemed to love me but that could always switch up.

whilst driving i was singing a long to 'Story of my life' by one direction and 'Better' by the one and only Talia mar of course. I was having a great time. For the first time in a long time i felt happy within myself, i felt proud of my achievements. I felt happy that i had finally found someone who i loved and trusted with all my heart. I'm finally starting my own family which was my biggest dream ever and i'm starting a deal with a professional recording studio.

'haz<3 is calling...'
i answered to see a very sweaty looking harry, i chuckle at him.

'looking good' i joked
'oh shut it, i've been playing football' he groans
'can you come and pick me up? please' he asked politely

'yes of course, i was just on my way back home anyway, see you in five' i smiled before blowing him a kiss and ending the call.

'you stink' i joked but was also kind of serious

'wait, do i really?' harry replied starting to smell himself

'i mean you do but you don't' i smile not looking at him and paying attention

'wouldn't you if you'd just played football for a good 4 hours' he laughed before getting out his phone.

i turn on the radio and shuffled through a few stations before coming to a stop at one. Harry looked at me in shock.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now