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i look down at his hand and smirk, biting my lip.He smirks knowing that gets me everytime.

Harry's POV//
i place my hand on the back of her neck pulling her closer to me, our faces close enough for me to kiss her.
we make out for about 30 seconds before she allows my tongue to explore her mouth. Taking my hand away from her neck and thigh i slowly move them up to her top and pull it up and over her head, breaking the kiss but continuing straight after. I let her take the lead, as she does she takes off my sidemen joggers, nike t-shirt and hoodie. leaving me practically naked. She pulls away and admires my body.
'i got lucky' she whispers in my ear
i take off her clothes, then repeat what she said
'i got lucky' i smile at her as she giggles at my reply.

*still Harry's POV*
i open my eyes slowly to realise where i am, then looking down at Lottie who is leaning on my chest cuddling up to me. i grab my phone trying not to move too much and cause her to wake up, as i do i notice our clothes on the floor and smirk to myself.

'morning' i hear her desirable morning voice say
'good morning, beautiful' i kiss her forehead.
she reaches over me to get her phone..noticing too and smirks. I chuckle to myself.
'what you laughing at?' she says looking at me frowning.
'just how we both noticed' i look over at the clothes relating to what i'm saying. once she's grabbed her phone she kisses me before laying back down beside me.

i get up and stretch and realise the curtains are still open and snatch the covers off of her and cover myself up.
'Harry!' she squeals trying to cover herself with her hands
'shit sorry, didn't want the world to see me naked' i run over to her En-suite and throw the covers back at her once behind the door.
'what about me' i hear her yell
'don't think anyone would mind that...actually i would' i shout back

Lottie's POV//
i look at the time and realise it's 8:30 and i have to be in work in an hour. I get up quickly, put my pants and bra on and run over to the bathroom door opening it to see harry showering.

'Babe, you scared me' he says covering his naked body with the shower curtain
'sorry' i giggle coming and closing the door behind me 'i have work in one hour'
'i won't be lon-' he says but is shocked to see me getting in the shower with him.
'i don't have time and you shouldn't have to rush' i smile whilst reaching around him for my body wash.

Harry's in the kitchen, when i walk downstairs fully clothed and ready for the day i see he has made me breakfast.
taking a seat i say 'you're too cute Mr Lewis'
'you deserve it, you work so hard' he says taking a bite of the toast he had made himself

'good morning, you noisy lot' Lauren says walking into the kitchen. Me and harry look at eachother then at her with confusion.
' you two couldn't be any louder' she pauses 'waking me up' she smiles innocently
'we-uh-sorry' harry says awkwardly, his face turning red..mine too.
'you don't have to be, live life to the fullest i guess' she sighs
'what's up L?' i ask
'i hate being single sometimes' she takes a seat beside me
'i know someone who would love to get to know you!'
harry says whilst smirking at me
'cal of course!'
'no no i'm not into lux in anyway' she replies
' freezy, i meant'
Lauren's face now turning a reddish colour.

'could you take me and lauren to work, babe?' i ask whilst washing the dishes
'my pleasure' he says, picking up his car keys and walking towards the door.

I connect my phone to the Aux cord and play some throwback songs. We arrive at work, i kiss harry good bye and head inside the Warehouse.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now