Fourty five

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*four months later*
i was taking an afternoon nap, when i was awoken by an outrageous amount of pain in my stomach, i began to panic. My hands trembling, my palms sweaty, my breathing unstable. Harry is at a shoot right now. This is not the right timing. I reached over for my phone and shakily typed in harrys contact, then clicking the call button.

'hey bubs everything a-' harry began to say but was cut off by mr groaning.

'no no i'm in a lot of pain, please get here now' i said trying to steady my breathing

'shit, holy fuck, okay i'll be there asap, try to keep calm. I love you' he said before hanging up and making his way back home, i'm guessing.

Harrys POV//
i tell the boys and leave without hearing their responses, i run straight to my car in a hurry and drive as fast as i could, without getting a fine. Of course i was stuck in almost every red light possible, it's always the case. Arriving at the apartment block i don't take the lift and pace up the stairs. Reaching the top i am almost breathless. I barge through the door and run straight over to her. She looks like she's in so much pain.

'hey hey i'm here now' i said in a calm voice

'get the bag, this is so painful' she said almost crying due to the pain. I do as she asked and made sure everything was ready to go. I looked over at the camera.

'are we vlogging this?' i asked unsure of her response

'yes whatever i don't care' she huffed stumbling over towards the door.

i picked up the camera, bags and out face masks. I link our arms before helping her walk towards the car.

'it's going to be fine, stay strong' i said trying to keep her calm whilst driving to the hospital.

The car journey seemed like forever. It's 3pm and the hospital is hectic.

'hi, uh labour and delivery?' i asked the receptionist awkwardly.

'names?' he responded

'uh, Charlotte hodges and Harry lewis' i said rubbing my neck trying to keep calm.

she took us straight to the room and charlotte got checked up, We waited in a room for about an hour before being taken to the delivery room.

i rub her lower back as she's sat on the bouncy ball looking thing

'i'm never doing this again' she pants out of breath from the pain.

'it'll be worth it in the end..think we'll have a baby boy' i smiled and kissed her neck for reassurance.

Hearing the little heart beat on the monitor made me smile. Our little boy is going to be here in atleast a few hours. Charlotte is laid in the bed asleep. She had her epidural which eased the pain. I take our my phone to see messages from the group chat

josh: How's it going haz
freezy: Keep us updated
JJ: let's go, harry is about to be a dad
simon: How is she holding on?
                           me: she's doing a lot better, she's had
                           an epidural and is asleep, i'll keep
                            you updated.

i put my phone down before putting my arms behind my head and resting my head against them, may aswell try and sleep before it gets hectic.

Char's POV//
i was awoken by the nurses coming in, they informed me that they needed to break my water. I didn't want them to have to do this at all. I agreed of course.

I looked over at harry who was peacefully sleeping, i didn't want to disturb him and so i let him sleep whilst they did what they had to do.

*2 hours later*
'Deep breath in 1...2...3...4' the nurses counted as i pushed.

i let out the breath i was holding and groaned in pain.

'come on bubs, you got this' harry said as he squeezed my hand. He looked as white as a ghost.

'go..sit down' i said inbetween breaths

he shook his head. I was told to push again. I did so.

'he's nearly here!' a nurse said
'the heads their' another said

i pushed as hard as i could and held my breath until i was unable to hold it any longer.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now