Fourty six

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i heard the small cries from my baby. I instantly wanted to hold him. He was taken away from me by the nurses within seconds of him being in this world.

'what's happened' i looked up at harry in worry, to also see he was worried. He went over to see what the nurses were doing. Turns out they were checking his weight, height cleaning him up etc. We are so like new parents, why didn't we know that would happen.

after about 10 minutes the baby boy was placed on my bare skin and was looking up at me. His eyes were his dads.

'he has your eyes' i said quietly over to harry who was sat beside me.

'glad to know he's mine'he joked..relating to the whole freezy thing.

'i knew it was yours all along, don't be stupid' i frowned..taking what he said seriously.

'i know i was joking' he laughed a little before pulling out his phone, i'm guessing to tell the boys.

'we haven't even thought of a name' i chuckled. Harry looked up at his phone and then at the newly born baby boy.

'grayson' he smiled softly. I looked at him and then at the new baby and smiled.

'i like that..a lot' i looked at him and did his iconic lip. He chuckled at my face and kissed me softly.
I handed him grayson.

'however, we are calling him grayson..not gray' i crossed my arms whilst trying to be serious

he looked at me and burst out laughing.
'that won't last two seconds and you know it'

'try and get some know whilst he's settled' harry said to me. I nodded and kissed them both, before i rested and drifted off into a sleep almost instantly.

Harrys POV//
looking down at this adorable little human being i smiled at the thought of him being my best friend.. playing football together, drawing. I can't wait. Placing my hand on his cheek i caressed it slowly.

'you will be so loved by everyone' i whispered into his ear. The room was silent, it was peaceful. Admiring the boy in my arms i felt my eyes close. I stopped myself and picked up my phone, still holding grayson and dialling my mums number.

'hiya, how's it going?' she asked, completely unaware that i was holding my baby in my arms. I titled the camera down to reveal grayson.

'oh my god harry, he's perfect' she smiled from ear to ear

'isn't he just, i can't believe it mum' i looked at her, my eyes welling up.

'I would never have thought my 24 year old son would have a child already' she said wiping away her tears from her cheeks.

'i didn't think i was ready at all, but as soon as he was here i knew i was, it was like i just knew what to do' i said softly and quietly, looking down at grayson.

'i told you, it just comes. It's a natural instinct' she sniffled.

'have you decided on his name?'

i nodded softly

'grayson Parker Lewis' i smiled

'you put his middle name after you grandpa huh' she frowned remembering her dad. We spoke for a little while more before i decided to end the call as grayson was starting to get fussy. I looked over at Char who was peacefully sleeping, i didn't want to disturb her but he's hungry. He began to cry which startled her and she woke up almost instantly. I handed over grayson and watched her and she lifted up her top to feed him. I got out my phone and took a picture, blurring out anything and then sending it to the group chat.

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meet Grayson Parker Lewis

Josh: Man like harry aye
ethan: Congrats Lad
simon: we're coming to meet him as soon as you get home!
me: of course boys, probably in
a few days..he's all healthy

Jj: Just seen this! congrats man, can't wait to meet him

i messaged back and fourth to the boys before noticing that she had finished feeding.

'i might go and shower, he's asleep now' she said sitting up slowly and placing him down in the cot beside the bed.

'i'll help, just i case' i smiled and helped her get up.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now