thank u<3

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i hope you all enjoyed this story!!
i haven't updated for a lil while due to having writers block😳

i honestly couldn't thank you all for the amount of love and support on this story. I truly didn't ever think it would get this many reads it's crazy. I have had way too much fun writing these chapters and i honestly don't want to end this but i kind of have to. I feel as though i have moved on from this chapter in my life, i have left school, i have started my first ever job and i start college so soon. I have grown up and matured, i still love harry as much as i did before of course who couldn't?!

but on a serious note i love you all and i hope you had as much fun reading this as i did writing this.

stay safe!
love you all <3

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Where stories live. Discover now